Wuliang Advertiser

Chapter 692 - Unexpected Results

Wu Liang sat in Cheng Yuming's chairman's office for half an hour, which was enough to send a clear signal to the outside world - Houlang Advertising is not as weak as you think.

When he returned to the conference room for another break, many people's faces changed several times, and Wu Liang's expression became more and more serious as he looked at them.

After all the companies had finished their presentations, and it was nearly 12 o'clock, Mr. Xin came over and announced, "The scores are still being tallied, so I won't keep you at noon and will announce the final bid results at 2 pm.

Usually, the bids are scored while the bids are being sung, and when the last company finishes its presentation, the total score is basically calculated, and after a simple calculation, the winning bids are basically announced.

Mr. Xin announced that the results would not be released until 2:00 p.m. This was clearly a case of force majeure, and the panel of experts had to reconsider.

This was obviously a case of force majeure, and the panel of experts had to reconsider. This was not far from what Wu Liang had estimated.

In fact, when Mr. Xin returned to the bidding conference room, it was so noisy that it was a headache.

An old expert with white hair was pounding on the table, "Except for JCDecaux and Houlang, the other four committed to no less than 5% of the PSAs, why can't we get full marks for this one? Who ordered it?"

"JCDecaux writes 8% and one is 10%, which is obviously more sincere, and he's a perfect score, so why give a perfect score to 5%?"

This belongs to the loopholes in the bidding documents, the first kind of opinion must be for the province of Canton, these several complained, let 5% to Pengcheng City, we did not resist, and 5 points is originally the highest proportion of the industry, in strict accordance with the bidding documents to fill in, take a full score is not too much.

Then, the second opinion of these, the reason is also justified, people have made a 10% profit, take a point or two more is not too much, right?

The two sides of the quarrel, Xin was a headache, slapped the table, "Everyone quiet, this item first wait a minute, first two statistics."

On the projection in the conference room were the collated quotes, arranged in order of presentation.

Mordor Shenton JCDecaux offers 380 million, 15% down payment, 10% charitable advertising ratio.

The Pengrowth Newspaper Group offered $350 million, with 10 percent down and at least 5 percent charitable advertising.

Back-wave advertising offer $400 million, 25% down, 10% charitable advertising percentage.

Mordor's Askew offer of $300 million with 10% down and 5% charitable advertising.

Guangdong Province offered $420 million, with 10% down payment and at least 5% charitable advertising.

The Beijing Metro offers 400 million yuan, with 15% down payment and 10% charitable advertising.

The total price is basically around 300-400 million yuan, and the down payment also maintains the 10% ratio that is common in the industry, but the change is the proportion of charitable advertising, either 10% or no less than 5%, all in strict accordance with the tender documents.

However, precisely because the quotes were close, the scoring was much more difficult, and from the first scoring alone, Guangdong Province was the highest with 420 million RMB, which should have been the winner, but in fact, the final scoring was not.

In the end, the first place was taken by a narrow margin of 0.2 points, followed by Houlang, and the third place was taken by Guangdong Province.

Beijing Metro Tongcheng won the second item in the presentation, while Guangdong Province suffered from the proportion of charity ads.

After the scoring results came out, Zhang Xiaoli's head was a bit big, the highest offer Guangdong Province only ranked third, and his down payment ratio of 15% was also kept second highest, only the proportion of charitable advertising 5% kept in the passing line.

Of course, converting 5% of the advertising ratio into costs, the offer of Beijing Metro and Houlang advertising is also equivalent to 420 million yuan, which can be justified for them to win the bid.

Zhang Xiaoli rubbed her skull, and her thoughts drifted back to two years ago.

The former general manager of Pengcheng Metro, Shou Bui, was sentenced to sixteen years for seeking the interests of others in the course of subway construction, which is very similar to today's scene.

The reason is that the former general manager of the subway company was sentenced to sixteen years of imprisonment for seeking the interests of others during the construction of the subway, which is similar to the scene today.

But when she saw this ranking, Zhang Xiaoli got tired of it - which turtle made a 5% charity percentage?

The top three, Beijing Metro Tongcheng is the capital's largest subway advertising company, Guangdong Province is the first provincial, back wave advertising company, did not see the chairman of the board will call each other into the office to catch up, there is no one to mess with.

"I have to save myself!" This was Zhang Xiaoli's first thought, but how to save herself?

When he was about to dial the number on the phone, he felt that it was not appropriate. Cardinal Barker had put him in this position because he naturally thought that he was capable of controlling the Pengcheng subway, so it was not appropriate for him to ask for advice so rashly.

He sat down in his large backed chair with his eyes closed and pondered, as if he had missed something vaguely.

"That's right, Chairman!"

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, who is usually not obvious.

Two years ago, the storm, the old leader of the station is also rumored to be old enough to work in a field, however, the eye-opening thing is, this actually rock-solid, hard to sit for two more years, and also survived to the day of the subway line 1 is about to open, with such an aura of retirement, life is also complete.

The original could have been my help to take another step forward, but two years ago, the fight was too powerful ah - in a, went down a, I had no chance, hard to pick up the leak to sit in the current position.

Thinking, thinking, Zhang Xiaoli pulled out two boxes of tea leaves from under her desk, found a plastic bag to put them in, stuffed it into her bag, and went out the door.

The chairman's office was at the southernmost end of the corridor on the fifth floor, small in size and next to a meeting room where Cheng Yuming would take his lunch break on the sofa at noon.

When Zhang Xiaoli knocked on the office door, the sitting room next to it opened. Come, sit in the office."

Zhang Xiaoli face heh, followed into the house, pull out the bag of tea, laughingly explained, "two days ago, came to an old countryman, brought me some tea, know Cheng Dong good this mouth, this is not, give you a taste, if good, I then let him send."

Cheng Yuming smiled, "Mr. Zhang's family is from Lu Province, you are kind enough to try the tea from my hometown."

He turned to pour water for Zhang Xiaoli, Zhang Xiaoli saw the situation even busy polite, "Cheng Dong, not busy work, just tender, drank a belly water!"

Zhang Xiaoli intended to bring the topic to the tender, but Cheng Yuming didn't pick up her conversation at all, just a faint "oh", looking at his own cup, hesitating whether to refill his own water.

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