The shop Wang Daxin looked for, Wu Liang had seen on the tip of his tongue, Xingji claypot rice on Temple Street.

Wu Liang and Yani once yelled for an authentic claypot meal, but unexpectedly they ate it in Xiangjiang, hundreds of kilometers away from Yangcheng.

Wu Liang ordered two servings, Lamei pork ribs and nest egg beef claypot rice. The ingredients are very fresh and the taste is very fresh. After the fresh beef is boiled with sticky rice, open the lid and beat a raw egg. The egg liquid penetrates through the residual heat. The rice gradually solidified, and the whole pot of rice showed a faint beef egg fragrance.

Wu Liang gave a thumbs up to the restaurant Wang Daxin chose. It is not a big meal, but it definitely meets Wu Liang's taste.

He is the kind of glutton who always looks for local specialties as a delicacy on business trips. It's like not eating a bowl of rice noodles in Guilin or a bowl of long fish noodles in northern Jiangsu. When he goes back, he will definitely regret his intestines.

On the tip of the tongue, the fact that claypot rice can be selected as the delicacy of Xiangjiang is enough to prove how popular the claypot rice is among ordinary Xiangjiang citizens.

The only regret is that the waiting time for claypot rice is a little bit longer, but this does not damage the expectation of a foodie's heart for good food.

And two whole claypot rice is enough to make Wu Liang feel comfortable, feeling that this day has not been in vain.

After eating lunch, Wang Daxin felt sleepy again, and he muttered, "Should I go back to catch up?"

Wu Liang raised his hands in agreement. He was trying to find any excuse to dismiss him, and they gave such a powerful reason.

Wang Daxin saw Wu Liang's idea of ​​flying alone, and muttered to him in confusion, "Be careful, if you get caught, remember to contact me!"

Wu Liang snorted him angrily, "You're going, that's enough, I just go to Central."

Wang Daxin was worried, and exhorted, "You can choose to block the city, there is no illegality!"

Wu Liang stopped talking, stopped a taxi, and ran away at the address given by Yan Yisheng.


IDG Xiangjiang Branch, after Wu Liang reported his name at the front desk, he was led up by the young lady.

The service is very good, but Wu Liang only gave 60 points.

Forty points deducted,


This is actually not to blame Wu Liang.

He is young and rich.

After finally seeing Yan Yisheng, Wu Liang breathed a sigh of relief as the young lady turned and left depressed.

"Yan Dong, is the front desk of your company like this?" Wu Liang asked with a smile.

Yan Yisheng ignored him and just threw him a beautiful sanitary ball.

Seeing Yan Yisheng's busy work, he felt bored and started to visit the IDG office.

A talisman was hung at the main entrance. In 1998, IDG signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Tianchao Ministry of Science and Technology to invest 1 billion yuan in the Tianchao's small and medium-sized high-tech industries in the next seven years.

This is also where IDG's confidence in the heavens lies.

Wu Liang glanced at it and felt that the momentum of the big company was unique. The entire floor was rented by IDG. Every year just maintaining such a rent is a sky-high price. This is indeed a very expensive Xiangjiang.

Wu Liang's dream of his own company should also be like this.

Unfortunately, this is just a dream.

Yan Yisheng didn't let Wu Liang wait too long. She found a previous agreement and asked an office clerk to modify it and apply it directly. It was very simple.

The real trouble is in the latter process.

When Wu Liang was on Dapingyang Computer Network, he allocated five points of shares. He first signed a written agreement, notarized it, and then went to industry and commerce for change registration based on the equity transfer agreement and company-related information.

Then submit a bunch of information to complete the equity change.

This is different from Warwick's equity structure.

Only Mr. Ren and the labor union of Warwick are registered in the industrial and commercial register of Warwick. The holdings of the remaining owners are equivalent to simulated equity. Warwick will calculate the net assets without shares every year, and the personnel will obtain their own part according to the shares after they leave.

The rumors of Warwick’s non-listing on the Internet have something to do with the composition of this equity structure. The most important point is that the purpose of listing is also to raise funds. There are too many listed financing.

Among them, there are banks that provide loans specifically to individuals who want to subscribe for equity, so listing really doesn't mean much.

To be honest, Wu Liang’s equity in Dapingyang Computer Network is a little bit more. In fact, the greater autonomy is in the hands of Lin Huairen. He has the right to take precedence. But, isn't IDG involved in this?

Wu Liang only had to spit out and sell it. With Lin Huairen's posture, he asked him to pay 60 million and then buy it back. Hehe, why did he sell it to IDG?

Wu Liang and Yan Yisheng signed an agreement on the content of the morning talks between the two parties. Only after signing, the equity transfer procedures with Fujixun can be carried out.

Wu Liang also probably knows a little about this process.

As IDG partner Yan Yisheng does not have the right to sign this agreement, Xiong Xiaoge only has, and the three people signed it in Xiong Xiaoge's office!

Xiong Xiaoge invited people to work on site for notarization, which also saved the needless travel.

After the notarization was completed, Wu Liang and Xiong Xiaoge were relieved. Both felt that they had made a profit. They scolded each other for nothing. They held hands and laughed to express their happy cooperation. Yan Yisheng also took a bottle of red wine and opened it to celebrate the success. Sign up.

Several people just drank and talked.

Wu Liang smiled and asked a new question, "Dong Xiong, if, I mean, if I want to build a company that gets kicked out, will Dong Xiong make an investment?"

Dong Xiong was too interested in this part-time job that Wu Liang said, and he smiled and promised, "If consultant Wu really has this plan, he must tell me that IDG will always be your solid backing!"

That's what Wu Liang asked. With so many companies waiting to be kicked out, acquiring one is the best way.

However, Wu Liang really has no interest in playing with such a company. What's more important is not to say that he is delaying his career.

The most important thing is whether to live comfortably as a person like Ma Huateng or to be a major shareholder, the answer is self-evident.

Ever since Wu Liang took up an idle position as a consultant, he has become more and more fond of this feeling, just like idle clouds and wild cranes, and he has a certain right to speak. In Wu Liang's mind, this is a small version of the chairman.

After signing the agreement, Xiong Xiaoge arranged for Wu Liang to meet with Ma Huateng as soon as possible to complete the equity change.

Wu Liang promised, "I will contact him as soon as possible after returning from Xiangjiang!"

The equity agreement was signed, and according to the terms of the agreement, the 25 million yuan prepared for Wu Liang had also been completed, and the account number provided by Wu Liang was received.

The Migu account provided by Yan Yisheng was also given to Wu Liang, who borrowed the computer from Xiong Xiaoge's office, and Wu Liang quickly changed the password!

After the reform, Wu Liang took Yan Yisheng straight to HSBC Securities, where he wanted to obtain the qualification of a major client and directly enter the rice stock market.

The most effective mode of operation is the so-called trader mode, which means that investors hand over funds to a professional third party for trading, and the two parties realize the agreed retracement rate, profit sharing ratio, etc., which is equivalent to giving the money to others to help. What do you mean by frying.

But Wu Liang is obviously unwilling to hand over the funds to the trader for operation. All he needs is an account, which is similar to that of a major client, nothing more.

In the face of Wu Liang’s request, the securities manager Yan Yisheng introduced to Wu Liang also gave up. They also have performance indicators every year, and they don’t even have a basic salary. They rely on commissions to honor their wages and promise to find a trader. Account to operate.

The manager's surname is Yan, and Wu Liang blurted out and asked, "My brother-in-law?"

Manager Yan was speechless, and Wu Liangxin said that this was still a shy brother-in-law.

After several confrontations with Wu Liang, Yan Yisheng had enough immunity to face Wu Liang's broken mouth. He just asked his brother, "Are there any risks?"

After talking about it for a long time in Manager Yan’s room, Wu Liang probably understood, that is to say, using the company’s self-operated account to give it to major customers for use is expressly prohibited by the relevant securities laws.

However, when anyone hasn't played a side ball, there are so many empty accounts in the hands of the trader, just find a few.

Wu Liang has seen countless scenes like this. With a wave of his hand, a bunch of traders crackled and started to operate frantically. This is actually a trader account.

After everything was ready, Wu Liang was ready to enter.

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