Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 251 Hulk: No one can change the past, absolutely

Chapter 251 Hulk: No one can change the past, absolutely impossible!

That was this car accident. There was nothing wrong with Dr. Strange himself. The others were not dead and his hands were not disabled. But it was no one else who paid the price for him. It was Christine. Christine died here. In a car accident.

And everyone probably understood a little bit why Doctor Strange's obsession with Christine could reach such a deep level even though it was nothing.

No, no, no, Christine, wake up, Christine! Stephen Strange said, hugging Christine helplessly.

Stephen Strange, who was outside the screen, was stunned when he saw this scene.

How could this happen? In this car accident, it was not him or his hands who paid the price, but Christine.

He couldn't accept this, and he couldn't accept this hopeless future.

how so.

I won't accept it, I will never accept it! Stephen Strange couldn't help but growl in a low voice.

Although they are not boyfriend and girlfriend in this world, their relationship is very good, so he cannot accept this.

If he has to pay a price, if he must pay a price, then let his hands become useless and never take Christine away. This is something he absolutely cannot accept.

At this time, he seemed to have a little understanding of why his obsession in that timeline was so deep.

But this video does not depend on Stephen Strange's will, so even if he doesn't want to, what should happen still happens.

Soon, Christine's funeral appeared on the screen.

In this world, Stephen Strange's hands are intact, but his heart was not spared. He was so distraught that he searched all over the world, trying to find a way in the secret arts to change the outcome!

Along with the observer's explanation, the picture continued to change, and Stephen Strange began to embark on the path of finding magic and became a magician.

The only difference was that his hands were still sound at this time. He wanted to use magic to change everything, so he embarked on a journey to find magic.

Like other Doctor Strange, this Stephen Strange also possesses amazing talents, especially when he began to learn magic, this talent was fully displayed, and he soon became the best among them.

The Eye of Agamotto gave birth to the singularity of time and space. It was discovered by Camustro. It can be used to control and change the timeline!

Doctor Strange read various ancient books, and he soon discovered the existence of the Eye of Agamotto, and he finally found hope that he could reverse reality.

Like other Doctor Strange, he also became the owner of the Eye of Agamotto, and he began to practice time magic.

Everyone saw him using time magic to turn the apple from full of life to being eaten away. The mystery of time magic was fully revealed.

Time travel! Doctor Strange finally knew what he should do to bring his girlfriend back.

Change the past.

At this time, when everyone outside the screen saw this, they still didn't understand what he planned to do. He planned to modify the past timeline and change the fact that his girlfriend would die in front of him.

But everyone knows that this is a wrong idea, because if it succeeds, it will not be recorded in Lin Feng's diary.

I just want to ask, can't time really be changed? For example, like in many Hollywood movies, go back to the past, change the past, and create a new future? Hawkeye Barton couldn't help but ask. road. Logically, it works, right? Especially the existence of different timelines, does it leave the possibility of modifying time? Or is it just that we are not capable of time travel yet, and there is no such thing as a time machine Something like that?”

Of course it won't work Clint! Bruce Banner stood up and explained. I don't know what physical laws other multiverses may be based on, but at least in our universe, this doesn't work. Have you ever heard of the grandfather paradox?

That is, if you go back and kill your grandfather now, you will not be born. If you were not born, naturally there will be no such behavior as your going back and killing your grandfather.

The same is true for time travel. Everything that happened in the past led to him creating this kind of you, and if you change this past time, then your future becomes your past, and your past , it becomes an unknown future.

At most, when you modify the past, you will form a timeline that is completely different from the original timeline, but it is impossible to change what has already happened.

Everything that happened in the past, including the movement of an atom, has contributed to who you are now. It is not advisable to change any of it!

Do you remember the Flash video? Lin Feng teased the night his mother died. How many Flashes were there to see his mother? And when he tries to change the past, there will even be future Flashes from other futures who will come out to stop him. This is because the timeline cannot be modified, especially some major events and key nodes. If modified, it may lead to I don’t know what the specific outcome will be in the unpredictable future, but the most likely thing is that the entire timeline will be destroyed, similar to what Lin Feng said. This is much more evil than Thanos, and the number of lives lost may be greater than that of Thanos. Millions of times more people will be wiped out by Thanos!

Bruce Banner tried to explain the principle clearly, and Hawkeye Barton was also dizzy after listening to it. Anyway, he understood one thing. From a scientific point of view, it is absolutely impossible to change the past, and that's right. Not allowed by the laws of physics.

But what if it’s not the science side?

Is it the magic side?

Especially after learning about the existence of TVA and knowing that they could appear at any moment on the timeline, in Hawkeye's heart, the sanctity of the timeline no longer existed.

There must be something he doesn't know yet.

Everyone else may not really think that Bruce Banner's statement is correct. Indeed, scientifically speaking, it should be so, but this is obviously not a particularly scientific world.

There is another magical world within it.

Especially for Diana who grew up in the magical world, what is not scientific is not very scientific. Her identity as the daughter of the God King is not very scientific.

Everyone continued to watch with a somewhat heavy heart. Doctor Strange, who had used the Eye of Agamotto without authorization, was immediately discovered by the Wizard King.

What are you doing? Tampering with time will destroy the space-time structure of the universe! Wang walked in angrily, and beside him was the Supreme Mage Ancient One.

Our duty is to protect reality, not to threaten it!

The Supreme Mage Ancient One spoke.

What happened after that was similar to their story in this time and space. The ancient mage died in the hands of a traitor, and then the dark dimension lord Dormammu came. In the end, it was Doctor Strange who stood up and stopped Dormammu. Mam.

When danger came, the Ancient One had passed away, and Stephen Strange took on the heavy responsibility!

This doctor became the Sorcerer Supreme!

Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate!

Doctor Strange has said that famous line countless times.

Despite the great gains, Stephen Strange still can't let go of the past!

And everyone seemed to have watched again how Doctor Strange fought against the dark dimension lord Dormammu.

He led everyone to defeat Dormammu naturally, and then became the Supreme Mage as everyone expected. However, Christine's death had always been something that bothered him.

Unlike the Holy Timeline where Christine is not dead and is still alive and well, so Doctor Strange’s obsession is not that profound, in this timeline, Christine is already dead, so every time she smiles, she is not dead. Every thought of it would deepen his obsession.

For Doctor Strange, Strange cannot let go of the past. His girlfriend is the softest part of his heart that he cannot touch at all.

Countless times, his girlfriend's voice and appearance appeared in his mind.

Finally, Dr. Strange decided to take action. He ignored the warning from his friend King and prepared to save his girlfriend. He used the Eye of Agamotto and cast a spell to reverse time and return to the original time. that day.

When he saw his girlfriend appearing in front of him, he even started to get nervous like a young boy.

As long as you want it, Christine, I'll give you the world!

At this time, Doctor Strange is like a complete love brain. As long as his girlfriend wants, he will give it to her.

He had completely forgotten the warnings from his teachers and close friends.

He just wanted to change this future. He couldn't accept his girlfriend leaving him like this.

When he faced the same situation, he did not make the decision to overtake, but the car accident still happened, and he was rear-ended again. Again, he survived, but Christine died.

Seeing this scene, Doctor Strange began to roar hysterically and said: No, no, no, no, why do you do this again, Christine!

He couldn't accept that he had spent so much money to finally return to the present from the future. He wanted to change this damn result, but he couldn't do it.

In extreme sadness, he cast the time spell again, and he wanted to start over.

It seems that everyone can already see the scene after Doctor Strange's deepening obsession and darkening.

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