Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 244 Thor gives Wanda a husband with one hammer blow!

Ultron seemed to be playing some kind of difficult game. After devouring Jarvis, he was inevitably affected by Jarvis's code. While he had his own self-awareness and judgment, he was also influenced by Tony Stark. The impact of setting the underlying code.

Ultron? Bruce Banner unexpectedly called his name.

Although I don’t know why, the feeling of Bruce Banner is still instant

Faced with this question, Ultron answered honestly: Yes, it's me!

Oh, no, not yet, it hasn't taken shape yet!

But are you ready? Ready to carry out the mission!

Ultron answered intermittently, somewhat inconsistently with his words. There is no doubt that his personality has not yet been fully formed.

What mission? the widowed sister Natasha asked.

Our peace! Ultron said lightly.

As soon as Ultron finished speaking, a group of newly manufactured robot soldiers broke through the wall and rushed in. They fought with everyone and even the spiritual scepter placed in the hall was snatched away.

There is no doubt that the battle was very fierce. Everyone was caught off guard at first, and at such a small distance, everyone could not fully display their strength, especially Thor and the Hulk.

But slowly, everyone suppressed these robots and solved them one by one. After all, there were only two ordinary people present, Helen Zhao and Bruce Banner.

Even the remaining Agent Hill has good skills.

But everyone also saw that the Mind Scepter was also taken away by one of the robots.

The fight continued until there was only a broken robot left. He said: It's very dramatic. I'm sorry. I know you have good intentions. You just don't understand. You want to protect the world and you don't let it change. How can mankind be saved? ?”

If you don't allow it to develop, rely on them? Rely on these puppets? Ultron picked up a broken robot on the ground, crushed its head in an instant, and said. There is only one way to achieve peace, let you become extinct!

As soon as he finished speaking, he was directly blasted to pieces by Thor, the God of Thunder, with Mjolnir.

But he left a final sentence: Break free from the wire, I am free!

In the picture, in the castle in Sokovia in Eastern Europe that was once attacked by the Avengers, lights lit up one by one, and a machine factory began to operate.

Everyone in the Avengers gradually realized what Ultron wanted to do, and also realized that Ultron had killed Jarvis.

Thor rushed back angrily, almost falling out with Tony Stark.

The Avengers were so hyped that they almost split apart.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the real appearance of Ultron, a super robot full of power. He appeared in front of Wanda and Pietro and successfully subdued the two as his subordinates.

With this ability of the two of them, he quickly made everyone fall into their most fearful fantasy.

Everyone saw the picture that they were most afraid of, the picture that scared them the most.

Apparently this is Wanda’s ability!

And then everyone finally knew why the Hulk vs. Hulkbuster took place. It was precisely because Bruce Banner accidentally appeared in front of the two brothers and sisters.

With Wanda's ability, she directly controlled Bruce Banner's mind and released Hulk, causing Hulk to completely go berserk and rush into the human city.

Tony Stark finally arrived at this time, cleaned up the mess, and began to fight the Hulk.

As everyone has seen before, Tony used the Hulkbuster suit to successfully subdue the Hulk.

Seeing that Tony Stark finally controlled the Hulk after a battle, the Avengers returned tiredly.

But the place they returned to this time was not anywhere they thought it was, but to the home of Hawkeye Barton.

Clint, we didn't even know you had a wife and children!

Hill looked at his old colleague in surprise.

Hawkeye Barton shrugged, obviously not wanting to explain too much, because his family was the softest part of his heart, and he didn't want his family to be exposed in front of everyone.

One of the people who knew this was the widowed sister Natasha, a true good friend who could be entrusted with life and death, and the other was the old boss Nick Fury. No one else knew this, even his friends who had been with him for many years.

Here, everyone even saw the reappearance of Nick Fury. Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief. Although he looked very downcast and changed from the heroic director of S.H.I.E.L.D. to a pure old man, he was not here at all. The future dies.

But it can also be seen that all rights have been lost.

Then the screen turned again, and everyone saw that Ultron had approached Dr. Zhao Helen and wanted her regenerative cradle. This regenerative cradle could print body tissue, which was exactly what Ultron needed.

The current body is not the body he wants most. What he wants is a human-like body. He changes his body into a new body and calls it a new human being.

He wants to destroy the old human race and then rebuild a race to replace the current human race.

And the material used was none other than vibranium material. Ultron even used Loki's method to directly control Dr. Zhao Hailun with the mind scepter.

Seeing this scene, Hawkeye Barton's eyelids jumped because he had been controlled so simply and directly before.

As the scene turned, Ultron had prepared his body, using Dr. Helen Zhao's regeneration cradle. Ultron was preparing to upload his consciousness. By that time, he would become the first Xinxin of the new earth. Humanity.

In that world, human beings will have beautiful qualities such as compassion, kindness, and innocence, and will not become as dirty as they are now.

During this process, Wanda was unintentionally curious, checked Ultron's thoughts, and immediately saw an extremely terrifying scene, that is, Ultron actually planned to use a meteorite to hit the earth and completely destroy the earth, not to say completely destroy mankind. .

Although the picture flashed by, everyone saw it, and the expressions of everyone reading the diary outside the picture changed greatly.

It doesn’t even have to be a meteorite, as long as something big enough hits the earth at a high enough altitude, it will cause devastating damage.

This is how the dinosaurs were exterminated.

Such a collision would be nothing more than a splash of water to the earth itself, but it would be devastating to the entire human race, and it would be impossible to survive.

During this process, Wanda and Pietro learned that Ultron was not planning to destroy the Avengers at all, but to destroy all mankind.

When everyone saw this, they understood why Wanda and Pietro, who clearly appeared as villains at the beginning, later joined the Avengers.

The two of them are not bad at heart, they just took the wrong path! said Captain America Rogers.

What followed was a series of battles. In the end, the Avengers successfully took away the body that Ultron had prepared for themselves, but in the process, the widowed sister was also captured by Ultron.

After getting the body prepared by Ultron for himself, Tony Stark is ready to completely activate it and recreate a robot that can compete with Ultron. He wants to upload Jarvis's consciousness into the body of this new robot.

But this plan obviously caused dissatisfaction with the American team. For the American team, there are already enough crises based on Ultron, and there cannot be one more.

The two sides almost came to blows and turned into the Avengers' first civil war.

Although this did not eventually evolve into the first battle of the Avengers, it was almost a microcosm of the first battle of the Avengers.

However, no one expected that when Tony Stark's plan was about to fail, Thor called lightning and directly activated the robot, completing the last step, and a silver-red figure was born.

It's Vision!

At this time, everyone outside the screen recognized him. Although he looked like he was without clothes at this time, there was no doubt that he was the Vision that had appeared before.

[Brother Zhui gave Aomei a husband with his hammer. Do you think Omei should give Brother Zhui a big matchmaker red envelope? 】

Seeing this barrage, Wanda was a little dumbfounded, because she already knew that Lin Feng would call her Aomei. Although she didn't know where this nickname came from, it was obvious that Aomei was talking about her. That's right.

But the question is what does this mean? What do you mean this is her husband? What does it mean to send a big red envelope from a matchmaker?

Her husband should at least be a human.

Although Wanda is not very conservative in her thinking, no matter how conservative she is, she is still not a foreign object fetishist. She is still just a normal human being, and she can only like a normal human being.

Why do I still like a robot now?

But as Vision's clothes and cloak changed, she recognized that this was her husband in the zombie world.

Sister, you are really hungry, you can eat anything! Quicksilver Pietro said jokingly.

Shut up! Wanda was furious and shouted directly.

Her future husband turned out to be a robot, which she couldn't accept.

And Quicksilver Pietro's words made her even more angry.

Maybe it's because I'm too lonely, but don't worry, it won't be like this this time! Quicksilver Pietro said. If that robot dares to approach you, I'll help you kill him!

Although Pietro was still teasing just now, his attitude immediately changed.

The feeling is similar to that of most fathers and brothers who know that their daughter or sister is in love. They feel that the cabbage they have raised for so many years has been taken over by a pig. How can I bear this?

What's more, Wanda is still very young now, only a teenager, and she is going to get married?

No, he can't accept it!

At least it needs to be bigger.

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