Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 206 Gu Yi is dead, but not completely dead!

Thor, God of Thunder, began to doubt the way his father died, and even Odin himself began to doubt himself.

This manly man will die, but he must not die carelessly, let alone become the object of other people's jokes.

Now Gu Yi has become a laughing stock. In the future, he can never become a soldier again. That is really ridiculous.

Just when he secretly swore that he would never die so carelessly, Doctor Strange in the picture had found his old sweetheart Christine and wanted to treat Ancient One.

Christine started to treat him, but she immediately realized that this was a big deal and immediately started treating Gu Yi.

Now that his hands have lost the ability to operate, Doctor Strange Stephen Strange can only leave the chance of treatment to others.

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and had an out-of-body experience on the spot.

Under the out-of-body vision, he saw the soul of the Supreme Mage floating out, and he quickly followed it out.

Soul? It's actually a soul?

In the mansion, Tony Stark saw the souls of the two people in the picture and was dumbfounded.

This is too unscientific. Although this is the magic side, you can't be illogical and unreasonable at all!

Tony Stark wants to complain, what does this mean?

This is simply outrageous, okay!

He never expected that he could actually see his soul leaving his body?

Is this what Lin Feng mentioned when his soul was knocked out by a palm? Tony Stark immediately reacted and realized something.

If there is a soul, wouldn't it mean that there really are ghosts?

Thinking of this, Tony Stark felt inexplicably like falling into an ice cave.

He had always felt that in this world, people died when they died, and there were no other forms at all. But now, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be many pairs of eyes looking at him in this space.

Although there is no substantial evidence, he feels this way.

No, I must develop an instrument that can see those souls. I don't want anyone to pry into my privacy all the time! Tony Stark murmured to himself.

His severe paranoia of being persecuted suddenly broke out.

He had a strong case of persecution paranoia, and it suddenly broke out at this time.

But at this time, everyone took it for granted and suddenly realized. Sure enough, how could such a powerful mage die without any defense at all?

It seems as if these mages can leave their bodies anytime and anywhere. In other words, for these mages, death may not necessarily be the end of life.

They also have powerful souls that can exist in the form of souls, but this is another field of knowledge.

I seem to understand a little bit why Lin Feng described the death of the Supreme Mage Ancient One as wanting to get off work. If physical death is not the end, then she may have really gotten off work. The widowed sister Natasha said.

Everyone nodded, it was indeed the case, which could explain why Lin Feng's words were full of ridicule and joking when faced with the death of such a big shot, as if he couldn't empathize with him at all.

But if you understand it from another angle, it may mean something else.

At this time, Doctor Strange in the picture caught up with the soul of the ancient wizard and said quickly: What are you doing? You are about to die!

The two souls came to a balcony in the hospital, and then stopped.

You have to get back into your body or you'll run out of time!

Doctor Strange quickly admonished.

As a top surgeon, he knew very well how critical Master Gu Yi's body was now.

Even though she is a mage, she is still the best among the mage, and she has even absorbed the energy of the dark dimension, but she has not completed the transition of life and is still just an ordinary person. Such a serious injury will not return to the body in time. will die.

But Master Gu Yi looked completely unhurried. He said calmly: Time is a relative concept. You are not used to the role of a mage yet.

Time has stopped for the people in the room, but the lightning that spreads out bit by bit in the distance seems to prove that time is still flowing slowly.

Although it is very slow, it is really flowing, but at this speed most people cannot perceive it at all, as if time has stood still.

So, the soul can get rid of the limitation of time to a certain extent. The concept of time may be different for the soul. The passage of time felt by the soul is different from that felt by the body? Tony Stark thought after seeing this statement. This idea popped up in my mind.

Another weird and useless piece of trivia has been added.

The other people's expressions were also a little solemn. Doctor Strange was not used to the role of a mage, but what about them? They are not even mages, so they cannot understand what this means.

But at least they know one thing, that is, mages seem to have their own worldview about time, life, and soul, which is different from what normal people understand.

I have spent a lot of time peeking into the future, but looking at this time, I may not be able to survive it! Master Ancient One said slowly: I have prevented countless terrible events, but bad things will always follow one after another. It will come to this point and then stop!”

She was already too tired. After countless stops and countless failures, what was destined to happen would definitely happen.

No matter how she tried to stop it, it was of no use.

This has happened countless times over the past hundreds of years.

She was used to it and had become numb.

Because if we understand her from a world view that ordinary people can understand, she may have only lived for hundreds of years. Although it is very long compared to ordinary people, it is still within the understandable range.

But with the help of the Time Stone and the ability to observe timelines, she has actually experienced much more than her age would suggest.

Every time you observe the timeline, it is a life experience!

She couldn't remember how many times this happened.

Do you think you're going to die like this?

Doctor Strange asked quickly.

He didn't understand why she would give up when Gu Yi still had a chance to survive and could be saved. Obviously, he was not yet at the stage where he could truly understand.

Do you know what future I saw in you? Master Ancient One did not answer Doctor Strange's words, but asked him instead.

No, well, I want to know! Doctor Strange admitted frankly.

No one does not want to know about the future, and no one does not want to understand it.

Even if it's just out of curiosity.

I never really saw your future, I only saw potential possibilities. Your nature is pure and kind, and you always stand out. It's not because you are eager to succeed, but because you are too afraid of failure! Master Gu Yi He explained slowly.

She has never really been sure about Doctor Strange's future, and this infinite possibility is the real reason why she really wants to entrust the future to Doctor Strange.

That's why I will become an excellent doctor! Doctor Strange nodded quickly and then said.

This is also the way most American elites behave.

But this is also the reason why you are not great enough! Master Gu Yi then said calmly. You are so arrogant and fearful that you are ignorant of the simplest yet most important things.

What is that? Doctor Strange thought for a while, but couldn't figure out what it meant.

(Isn’t this Old Den the Riddler from the next universe?)

That is, the meaning of life is not in the self! Master Gu Yi said, trying to pass on her own understanding of life to the successor of her mantle. From the first time you came to me and asked me how I cured Jonathan Pangborn, in fact I didn't cure him, but he injected the power of space on his own!

Is he walking by magic?

Doctor Strange suddenly understood that Jonathan Pangborn was still able to walk after being paralyzed, but it turned out that he had not been truly healed, just like his own hands.

In fact, his hands have never been truly healed, and now they look just like normal people, but they are actually just the result of magic.

Indeed. Master Gu Yi nodded. He once faced a choice between returning to his own life or dedicating himself to a higher goal!

So my hands can be healed again and I can return to my original life?

Doctor Strange asked.

He asked with some expectation. Although he knew that there might be no hope, the experience during this period was too ups and downs. In comparison, he still wanted to simply be a rich handsome man.

Isn't this more promising than juggling?

Of course you can! Master Gu Yi nodded, and then said: But it will not do any good to the entire world!

Of course I don't want to gain power from the dark space, but you also know that sometimes people have to break the rules and pursue what they think are higher ideals! Master Ancient One began to explain to Doctor Strange why he To absorb energy from the dark dimension.

She never tried to explain these words to Baron Mordo, nor to Casillas.

Because their vision and structure are not enough for them to discuss life from such a height and why they need to absorb the dark energy of the dark dimension to maintain immortality.

However, she has hopes for Doctor Strange.

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