Chapter 197

Xu Chuan’s work phone is not difficult to find for the staff of the day Yu.

Therefore, the contact information of Xu Chuan soon during the day.

However, looking at the string of numbers on the screen, the daytime Yu failed to pull out.

Because he found that he really didn’t know how to speak.

In other words, he really didn’t know what to say to ask Xu Chuan to ask Xu Chuan some information.

You can’t directly ask Xu Chuan to say “Qiu Yi Orange does not plan to donate”?

He and Xu Chuan had never had a talk at one time, and even there were some contradictions on the face before. Now asking like this, Xu Chuan can tell the truth to see the ghost.

It’s hard to ask even if you don’t plan to donate, let alone the more deeper things later.

In the final analysis, it is not familiar with Xu Chuan. Even if it is familiar, some things are not good to say on the phone that the heart of preventing people is indispensable. In case of saying something is recorded, the thing is big.

Thinking of this, daytime staring at the number of numbers on the mobile phone for a long time.

In the end, I just stored it in the address book.

As soon as this action was done, the Victoria’s prompt sound of the day of the day rang. He opened Victoria and took a look. It turned out to be a link from the studio staff.

The link is today’s album sales data.

This made his eyes look at the time above the phone, and it was already 8 o’clock in the evening.

Then he opened the link of the album sales again.

This view made him laugh bitterly, because Qiu Yi Orange’s sales have already reached 5.02 million in two days.

I have accumulated 3 million for three days.

This is the horses who can’t catch up.

Then he put his attention on the sales of the albums of the two people.

This view, his brows frowned immediately.

Because Fu Hanping’s current album sales are 1.72 million.

In terms of 1.72 million, compared to Qiu Yi Orange or himself, it is definitely not too much.

However, the problem is that the sales of Fu Hanping’s two days in the past two days were only 720,000.

It is equivalent to saying that after he did a large challenge today, the album sales volume directly increased by one million.

Liu Juanshu rose slightly, rose 900,000, and the current album sales were 1.63 million.

This situation makes the daytime feel more stressful.

On the other side, Xu Chuan, who had already opened the meeting, was watching the data.

Cai Meng next to him saw that the sales of Fu Hanping and Liu Juanshu increased so much.

Can’t help but speak to Xu Chuan, “Brother Sichuan, the two of them announced that the effect after donating the benefits was too good?”

When Xu Chuan heard this, he watched Cai Meng shook his head and said, “The probability of data is brushed out.”

Cai Meng couldn’t help but hearing this, and then doubted: “No, they only sold more than 700,000 copies in total. If they brushed 1 million sales, it would not be a loss to the uncle’s house.”

“It can’t be calculated that, among their new one million sales volume, some of them must have grown naturally, but most of them should be brushed out.” Xu Chuan estimated it.

“No matter most of them, why do they brush, where their base is there, brush is loss.” Cai Meng said.

“They can’t help but have to brush it. Think about it, they have done such a large challenge during the day. If they announce the sales volume, they will rise by 2.3 million. Can they sing this play?

How do those morals kidnapped our waters still kidnapped?

If they talk about environmental protection, our fans just need to refute them, ‘You are so concerned about environmental protection, why not support the new album of Fu Hanping? Can’t 20 yuan can’t afford it? ‘

You said, if our fans said that, how should they reply?

Oh, just support in the mouth, I can’t get a penny, I know let others donate money?

Therefore, they have to brush the sales volume and brush the sales to continue moral abduction.

In addition, there is also one thing that can be marketing through the rapid growth of sales, and to drive the still watching the general public to follow the trend to buy their albums. Xu Chuan analyzed Cai Meng.

Cai Meng couldn’t help frowning when she heard this. These doors were not complicated, but she didn’t think about it.

Now with Xu Chuan’s reminder, Cai Meng seems to have thought of something, and I saw that she immediately started to search for the sales of Fu Hanping and Liu Juanshu’s album sales.

This search really found what she wanted to see.

That is a lot of marketing numbers and Internet celebrities. Now they are buying screenshots of the two albums of “Awakening Flowers” and “New World”.

The content of the copywriting is also very different.

It is similar to “In order to keep myself in environmental protection and support positive energy singers, I hope everyone can support it together.” Such content.

And what’s said, “As an ordinary person, there are not many opportunities to contribute to Blue Star. Don’t miss this collective event.”

Fu Hanping and Liu Juanshu also sent Victoria’s first time in the announcement of the album, which highly praised the environmental protection spirit of some people in China. I hope that more people can participate.

This Voboard was reposted and liked by the environmental organizations that suddenly emerged in the past two days.

In these Vobo -Bo’s comment areas, the water is well received.

In contrast, Qiu Yi Orange and Dai Tianyu’s social account review areas are full of yin and yang’s weird, sprayed, found, anti -string, rhythm, and so on.

The number of these comments is surprisingly high. Some comments were published two minutes ago, but there were thousands of likes immediately.

If you want to see what normal comments, you have to go down for a while before you can see it.

In addition, the public opinion of vegetarianism has become more and more intense.

Some people have shouted that “refusing meat and egg milk is the future of protecting the blue star”, “If the Chinese people continue to consume meat and egg milk, the rainforests in the world will disappear.”

Seeing this, Cai Meng couldn’t help but cheerful: “Sichuan, when will we announce it?”

“Let’s go on the day after tomorrow, I will post it when I contact the relevant units.” Xu Chuan said after hearing this.

The announcement that the two of them said were the plan for Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi Orange team to discuss.

Isn’t it a bunch of people on the Internet that a bunch of people intend to abduct Qiu Yi’s donation?

Since so many people want to see Qiu Yi’s donation, donate it. It is a good thing to do public welfare. It is also possible to make so much money to give back to the society.

However, Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi Orange donating money may be a bit different from what they expected.

Nothing overnight.

The next day, the public opinion on the Internet became more and more enthusiastic.

Qiu Yi Orange and Dai Tianyu were silent, making those attacking people even more unscrupulous. Of course, it may also be that the waters other than Zhang Yixi added money.

Anyway, the more scolding, the more unpleasant.

In the daytime Yu Studio, watching public opinion has become like this, the staff proposed: “Tianyu, or we also donate points, it really can’t donate to domestic charity, it can also reach a part of the tax, and it is not a loss.”

Hearing this, the daytime shook his head and said, “This is not a problem of donating or donating money. I am not reluctant to be reluctant to this money. We can’t donate in this case.

You didn’t find it. Are these dogs in Fu Hanping now rhythmic rhythm? We donated money to give them a momentum. I think they want to mine, and we must not be stained. ”

“Let’s not donate environmental protection, donate unswerving.” The staff heard the proposal.

“No, whatever donation is, we will be counted on their credit now. They will say that I only donate money because of their appeal.

In other words, as long as I donate money, no matter where they are, they will be pulled by them to the platform inexplicably. I can’t stand for them.

They are crazy. I really don’t understand what they are doing. Didn’t they find that they couldn’t get through us? “The daytime Yu said complicated.

“I also think they are weird, eh, do you say Qiu Yican will donate there?”

“She is really troublesome. Anyway, she is more troublesome than me. Her album is too fierce. If this is a hairy, there will be a problem if you do n’t have a good job. You do n’t know how bright everyone is now.”

After speaking, he murmured again: “I don’t know how she will donate this money, and she will not be convinced to transfer it?”

“What?” The staff whispered to the day, and couldn’t help asking curiously.

“Nothing.” Yu Yu shook his head during the day.

At the same time, Zhang Yixi is also calling for contact with related people.

“Don’t worry, I will go to Xu Chuan to talk about tomorrow. Qiu Yi Orange will not donate anymore now. It has made too much. Everyone is jealous.

She is not the same as Xu Chuan. Xu Chuan’s debut time is short. In recent years, there are a lot of rhythm on her body. The bad things that fans have done before were counted on her head.

She donated other belongings to blood, and donated to us a win -win situation. I think they have no reason to refuse. Zhang Yixi said easily to the phone.

“I will also arrange people to talk to Qiu Yi orange. We are both princes.” The man on the other side of the phone said.

“Don’t mess around. When I finish talking with Xu Chuan first, there are some things that let Xu Chuan convey, and there are too many people who are mixed.” Zhang Yixi immediately said.

The man felt the truth when he heard it, so he said with a smile: “Xu Chuan’s temper is not very good. We are semi -coercion this time to make him softened.

You remember that when you communicate with him, you have a better attitude, and try to coax as much as possible. In this way, when we use him, he can be more obedient and higher. ”

“Don’t teach me this.” Zhang Yixi said uncomfortably when he heard this.

“Hahaha, yes, yes, I worry about it. Originally, Xu Chuan couldn’t move when he saw you. He just had a temper and would not send it towards you.” The man laughed.

As soon as he laughed, a sound suddenly came in the man’s ear.

“Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi Orange announced.”

Hearing this, the man turned his head and looked at the person and said, “What announcement do they issue?”

“Announcement of public welfare activities.”

The dialogue between the two was naturally heard by Zhang Yixi, who was called by the phone. She couldn’t help saying to the phone: “Dawn, is there any other environmental organizations who contacted them?”

“I don’t know, you wait for me to look at this announcement.” The man said that he took the phone call and looked at the announcement.

Hearing this, Zhang Yixi quickly took another mobile phone to search.

Soon, Zhang Yixi found the relevant Victoria.

There are three related Vibbo.

Among them, the main body of Viborbo is not Xu Chuan, nor Qiu Yi Orange, but the Hua Guo Poverty Alleviation Foundation.

Wi Bo wrote this way.

[#【餐#to accompany each rural child to grow up. Thanks@感 怡 感 感 for their strong support for the Ai Jiafan project. We give not only nutrition and meals, but also a kind of love and care, a kind of expectations and hope for the future.

Let’s pay attention to the charity project of Ai Jiafan and Qiu Yi Orange, Xu Chuan Qiu Yi Orange, and follow the nutrition and health of rural children …]

Below this Verbo, 9 pictures were placed. There are two posters of Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi Orange.

The poster reads the amount donated by the two. 15 million per person, a total of 30 million. This number is estimated by Xu Chuan based on the amount of donations in the entertainment industry.

At present, the highest donation of the star artists on the blue star is 10 million.

Therefore, Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi Orange donated so much that it was the highest in history, and no one could pick up the problem.

Although Fu Hanping and Liu Juanshu said they were donated by the benefits.

However, their albums were made by the record company. The sales volume was removed from the cost with others. The two could not share much money at all. Amount.

What’s more, they didn’t really plan to donate money at all.

The remaining 7 pictures are their past promotional pictures.

Among them, the copywriting in the publicity map is very interesting. That copywriting is called [a piece of meat, one egg, and a box of milk, helping the Chinese rural children to grow up healthy]

This poster Xu Chuan specifically emphasized what they wanted.

As Baytian Yu said, no matter how donated Qiu Yi Orange, Qiu Yi Orange will be counted in the results of Fu Hanping’s appeal.

But there are a few donation items that will never be counted as them.

For example, the [Love and Food Public Welfare Project] of the China Poverty Alleviation Foundation, the content provided by this project is completely the opposite of what they preach.

Because this project comes to provide a box of milk and an egg with nutritional meal for children in the underdeveloped regions.

Secondly, the standard “caring kitchen” equipment including electric stoves, steamed rice cars, disinfection cabinets, operating tables, and fan is provided for rural schools.

From 2008, to 2019, the content of the meal is not just a box of milk and an egg.

To put it a little more, Ai and meals are actually just a supplementary project. The real big head is still in the country’s nutritional improvement plan.

Both Blue Star and the Earth have provided dietary subsidies for students at the compulsory education stage of 1,552 counties in 28 provinces across the country since 2011.

About 37.95 million students benefited each year, from 2011 to 2021, a total of 196.734 billion were allocated.

How can Xu Chuan have any free lunch when they are studying? Now they are not the same. The relevant policies are quite in place. People with children at home should be clear.

Speaking of which, some people living in the city are really hard to imagine how poor they are behind the rural areas. Children in that place are two meals a day. Essence

Even in recent years, children in poor areas, the best things they usually eat are free meals in the school, because there are meat and egg milk.

In fact, for Xu Chuan, as long as it is your personal choice, what do you like to eat and who cares about you?

However, some promotion with obvious purposes like Zhang Yixi behind Zhang Yixi is true.

Still, under the banner of environmental protection, it doesn’t matter what the pushing things are pushed by environmental protection.

I haven’t done it in a real thing. I did n’t hit the mouth of the mouth, and the hat was not deducted.

Xu Chuan remembered that he had read a report in 2021 on the earth. The content of the report was very long.

But there are a few key data he remembers very clearly.

It was found after investigation of the height monitoring data of 227 million students in 71 poverty alleviation counties across the country. The 15 -year -old boy’s height compared to his peers ten years ago, an increase of 10.3 cm.

The girl’s height has also increased significantly.

This is the external manifestation of nutrition.

Prior to this, many children in poor areas, due to the lack of meat and egg milk in the long term, lead to malnutrition, slow development, and generally not high immunity, and it is easy to get sick.

The most important thing is that their intellectual development is not enough because of insufficient nutritional intake, and it is 5-15 points lower than the standard value, which has a great impact on their future life development.

In other words, Xu Chuan intends to fight with the people in Zhang Yixi. In order not to be those who are in nutrients in the big cities, what they eat can not control what Xu Chuan can control and is not willing to manage it.

He defended children who are under development, especially children in the underwriting region to take the right to “meat and egg milk”. The number of people in this group is very large.

They have the right to consume nutrients normally. They should not be stigmatized and demonized by a group of people with ulterior motives, as well as a group of people who are full of farts.

Is moral kidnapping?

Donate the public welfare, right?

Xu Chuan intends to show this group of people now.

Not only does he donate money to buy meat egg milk.

If he had the opportunity, he also intends to imitate the “Liang Liang Teacher” who taught in Yunnan on the planet to send a small pig to students in poor areas.

After the China Poverty Alleviation Foundation released this Voboin, Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi Orange reposted the first time.

The content of the two people is not the same.

Qiu Yi Orange wrote [Remember a few years ago, I watched a documentary, and there was a group of children who were going to go to school for dozens of miles mountain roads in the documentary.

This group of children is thin, but she has to carry a large bamboo basket with firewood and rice in the bamboo basket. Because the school is too far away from home, they need to cook in the school.

And the rice they eat may be two potatoes, or maybe a bowl of white rice. As for the dish? Sometimes there are boiled cabbage.

This documentary touched me very much. I feel hard that they are not easy to live in the past. At the same time, I am proud of the development of the country’s years, bringing these children a better new life.

As a public figure, I am honored to get the support and love of many people. I deeply feel that I shoulder the responsibility of giving back to the society. In the future, I hope I can continue to participate in public welfare.

Finally, I want to say that this donation has nothing to do with the release of my new album. You don’t have to spend my new album because of my donation.

I hope that the purpose of buying albums is because they like the songs instead of the song instead of other factors.

At the same time, I believe that many friends also want to do their best for public welfare. If you have the idea of doing public welfare, you don’t have to pass me.

There are many public welfare organizations in our country, and you can donate to these organizations directly.

thank you all! .

Compared to Qiu Yi’s long copy, Xu Chuan’s copywriting is much simpler.

[I hope that our donations will make children eat more nutritional, and also wish the children to grow up healthily. In the future, we will be an independent and autonomous material, which is beneficial to the family and the society.

What is the big face.

This is called a big face.

After reading the copy of Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi Orange, Zhang Yixi was almost stupid.

Although the two people’s copywriting, any normal person does not seem to feel any problems.

But Zhang Yixi is not normal.

She now only thinks that Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi’s Orange Pass are ridiculed and weird people are on the yin and yang.

May wish to say that Qiu Yi Orange’s phrase “there are many public welfare organizations in China.”

This is particularly dazzling to Zhang Yixi.

There is a way that lies are not knives, and the truth hurts people.

Zhang Yixi felt that this sentence was dazzling, because she knew that the public welfare organization behind her really did not do practical things.

In the field of environmental protection alone, the light ant forests do not know where to go.

Not to mention the various national projects like the “Three North Projects”.

Zhang Yixi couldn’t know these things, she just didn’t see it.

Not only did she not see it, her similar kinds had to discredit one from time to time and made some rumors.

As for Xu Chuan’s phrase “independence, the material of the family, and the pillar that is beneficial to the society.”

It also made Zhang Yixi feel that Xu Chuan was scolding.

She now wants to point to Xu Chuan’s nose and ask: The surname Xu, who do you say is not conducive to society?

Isn’t the international community society? It is good for China to be beneficial to the society? You are narrow! Intersection You are short! Intersection You are a populist! Intersection

“Zhang Yixi, this is what you said, you have done Xu Chuan? This guy now shows that he is singing against us. We are telling the public that the meat and egg milk will destroy the environment. Head, a man was furious.

“Who knows this? He is an actor. The acting skills are well -known. What can I see before I have been lied to me before?” How could Zhang Yixi admit that he had been bragging before, and could only say that Xu Chuan was lying to her.

“Fuck, I said that this surname Xu was not in line with our characters, and still purified water. He hadn’t saved it. He was washed and washed by brainwashing. The interception plan was more suitable for him!” The man sprayed wildly.

He is now more defensive than Zhang Yixi.

Still, people with ghosts in their hearts will break the copy of Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi Orange.

Where do normal people look at the things that two people write?

The same ghosts in the same heart are not only Zhang Yixi and this man.

Fu Hanping and Liu Juanshu scolded even more.

“What does Qiu Yi Orange mean? What does it mean to pass her without passing her, just donate to the relevant agencies directly? What does it mean to buy her album because she donates.

Who is she in a sand shot? Who is she scolding? This bitch! Intersection “Liu Juanshu yelled.

“Xu Chuan is also a bitch, a pair of adulterers and prostitutes, and the sluts who are embarrassed!” Fu Hanping also scolded.

The two of them are drinking every day, and everyone buys their albums to support public welfare.

It was even arranged that the water army said that they did not buy their albums insufficient awareness and did not support environmental protection.

Now Qiu Yi Orange is coming to this. Isn’t this pressing the face of his two?

“I said it long ago, they are not a good thing. Now they have made it clear to sing with us. Why are they not dead? How good is the death, and the world is clean.” Liu Juanshu was still scolding.

Not only them, but also those artists who shouted the flag of Zhang Yixi’s public welfare activities.

Seeing the donation information of Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi’s orange, how to look dazzling.

Relatively speaking, Bettan Yu saw the news when he saw this news.

As soon as he clapped, “Oh, I know that Xu Chuan has a way. This method is good. Why didn’t I think, wouldn’t it be good to donate to love to add meals?”

“This Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi Orange donated to Ai Jiafei at this time. Isn’t this right with mainstream public opinion?” The staff frowned.

“What mainstream public opinion? Is the Chinese people who shouting that Chinese people should not eat meat and egg milk on the Internet? The personnel said.

“No, let’s not blend, don’t care about igniting the fire.” As soon as the staff heard this, he said immediately.

“Burning the ignition? I’m going to ignite the heat.” Yu Yu said excitedly during the day.

Immediately afterwards, he continued: “Why don’t you understand, the group of talents in Fu Hanping really ignite the fire. They are about to be finished. Really, let’s donate it quickly.

“How much do we donate?”

“10 million, give Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi orange strong.” B once said directly without thinking.

He was really excited, because he recently looked at the public opinion on the Internet recently, and he felt more and more that the group of peers who shouted environmental protection was the grasshopper after the autumn, and it could not be a few days.

Now standing on their opposite side, it is equivalent to standing on the side of justice.

Now the artists of the justice are Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi Orange. After the past, it is the third. In other words, the traffic is enough.

The people behind come again, don’t even want to drink soup.

The day of the day is fast.

It didn’t take long for the official blog of the Huaxia Poverty Alleviation Foundation to release the information of the donation of the day.

Once he issued the news of the donation to Ai Gan, many people were stunned.

Dynamic and Xu Chuan stood to the united front?

Did the two of them still conflict due to the New Year’s Eve concert?

Is his mother’s sun coming out of the west?

Not only that, this guy also learned the copywriting style of Xu Chuan and Qiu Yi Orange, and also came for a while.

There are two layers of expression of expression. One is that he donates purely for public welfare and has nothing to do with selling albums. If everyone is interested, go directly to relevant institutions to donate.

Second, he supports children to take enough meat egg milk so that they can maintain a nutritional balance.

At this time, the Internet is really boiling. Qiu Yi Orange and Bettown are the two hottest artists in April. The sales volume of the albums of the two people can’t catch up with others.

Now these two plus Xu Chuan, the three can be said to be the most popular young artist, and they jumped out with the so -called “mainstream public opinion”.

Everyone feels happy to watch.

Thank you [Wind Sand] [Class Rice Worm] reward.

(This chapter is finished)

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