
Chapter 83 - Incendiary

A force knocked the air out of Jian Yu's breath and his already aching head throbbed even more as the back of his head once again banged against the rough walls. 

In the next moment he said those words, Zeke had lunged forward. The Alpha turned his head and held Jian Yu's shoulder down. Before Jian Yu could admire the beauty of it, lips had already descended on his. 

The touch was soft and warm, but with an irresistible strength. 

The tip of Zeke's tongue slid over the seam of Jian Yu's lips, before prying them open and slipped inside. The Alpha's tongue swept across his, ŀɨċkɨnġ up any saliva that Jian Yu couldn't swallow as the Beta kept his mouth open for the Alpha to ravage his cavern. 

With every movement of his lips against Jian Yu's, Zeke was getting hungrier and needier. 

After his tongue was being tortured relentlessly, Zeke finally pulled out. The silver-haired man gasped for air, he didn't even know how he had become so light-headed. 

He couldn't respond at all. All the blood in his body seemed to rush to the place where Zeke had licked with his tongue. His thoughts were gone under the primal dėsɨrė to touch. 

Zeke watched Jian Yu closely with half-lidded eyes, but they glowed brightly under those long curve of eyelashes. His eyes followed Jian Yu's tongue that subconsciously flicked out to lick over his own lips, as if still trying to feel the ghostly touch of Zeke's. 

The Alpha mimicked Jian Yu's action, his skin tingling with every breath he took and his feelings were slowly changing, dėsɨrė morphing into something else, something dangerous. 

"You smell so good," Zeke murmured, his normally baritone had deepened an octave lower. "You're so pretty, I can't resist you, Jian Yu, I want you…" 

His words were heavy with dėsɨrė. They sounded almost like a declaration, tinted of obsessiveness, threading so close to the depths of insanity. 

And Jian Yu's shaky breaths ended up fueling the beast inside Zeke that had been kept hidden for ages. The Beta couldn't help but mȯȧn. How could he, when being scrutinized under that gaze; those words, he had been yearning for throughout his life. 

Being loved, being wanted. He had wanted nothing but that the entire time. 

Their mouth crashed again this time and none of them wanted to stay passive. Zeke's body pressed closer against Jian Yu's even harder, pushing him against the wall. 

The silverette felt a force and his head knocked against the wall for the third time as Zeke's tongue stirred vigorously in his mouth, trailing from his tongue to his upper palate.

Jian Yu moved his lips as well, he felt his tongue tingle when Zeke invaded his mouth. Dancing around each other, they entwined with the purpose to convey all of their emotions towards each other. 

Zeke moved like he was trying to swallow him up. He took every gasps and mȯȧns that leaked from Jian Yu's mouth. The Beta soon found it was getting harder to breathe with how his ċhėst moved rapidly up and down. 

He wanted to part for a while, to take a breath from all the sloppy kisses they did, but Zeke had no intention to do so. When he put a hand on the Alpha's shoulder to push him away, Zeke growled warningly and Jian Yu shuddered when he felt fangs scraping his lips. 

The next thing he knew, the Alpha had changed his angle again, adjusting so that he could wantonly ravage between the Beta's lips and teeth. 

'Something's not right,' Jian Yu thought as he let his mouth open, unable to resist what the Alpha was doing to him. 

The Alpha was not acting normal. 

Jian Yu tried to turn his face but Zeke followed relentlessly. The Beta's heart pounded, not because of excitement, but uneasiness bubbling up inside him. 

Until finally, they parted their lips. 

The black-haired Alpha's tongue licked his lips, as if reluctant to leave. Both of their breaths were harsh and heavy. Questions were on the tips of Jian Yu's mouth but the Alpha beat him to it. 

Zeke's hands were on the Beta's face, ċȧrėssing the skin under Jian Yu's eyes and every cell in Jian Yu's body quaked. 

The tip of his nose touched Jian Yu's as he breathed out. "As… As much as I want to continue doing this, I think we need to stop or I don't know what I might do to you." 

His words shook as Zeke tried to contain the animalistic growls from seeping out. 

"You… You do know of a spontaneous rut, right?" 

"What…?" Jian Yu abruptly woke up from his daze and loudly questioned with wide eyes. 

"Congratulations, you just triggered it." Zeke wanted to joke about it, but his tone wasn't supporting his sense of humor. 

He released Jian Yu's face and backed away. His movements were sluggish but he needed to, he had to get away fast. 

The Beta was frozen in place as he processed the whole thing. It was no wonder… But-- 

"Why couldn't I detect any signs of pre-rut?" 

"Oh? That? I just took stronger suppressant pills," Zeke was already pushing himself up, trying to go for the door, only then did he hissed in pain when he accidentally put pressure on his injured ankle. 


Jian Yu struggled to get up as well, he was still light-headed from the lack of oxygen. But Zeke couldn't go anywhere far with his ankle like that. Before Zeke could even stand straight and walk, Jian Yu pulled the Alpha by the hem of his shirt, making Zeke stumbled slightly before he yelped as he plopped back down on the ground. 

'Rut, he is going through a rut…!' Jian Yu felt like whimpering. He clenched his trembling hands into fists, his nails dug into his palm until they created dents on the skin. 'What the hell…? After all this, you want to find some Omega to relieve your rut?' 

Just thinking about it made Jian Yu didn't want to live anymore.

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