Wortenia Senki

Chapter 5, Episode 30 [Forced Castle] Part 5

There is a limit to patience in people's minds.

No matter how tough and good a person is, there are necessarily more limitations than people being people.

And the problem is that he is not aware of the limits of his patience.

Unfortunately, it is not as quantifiable and objective as the status of the game.

By analogy, would the water filled to the edge of the glass be the same as falling out of zero with a little something?

Whether you take your eyes off a bit when you are pouring, or bump into someone, or fall alone, the water will easily fall zero more than in the glass.

In the same way, the limits of a person's mind also easily exceed its boiling point. It's really a little timing.

That's a state of vulgar cleanliness. Unconsciously comes out with actions and words that you would never normally do.

And anger and dissatisfaction can be easily transmitted to people at times.

It invades people's minds as if it were a plague.

The flames of malice and hatred that are spreading throughout the Kingdom of Roselia.

That was now about to happen again in this fortified city of Ipilos.

By a certain man's word.

Inside the walls. The tavern sits secluded in the corner of the lower town on its outer edge.

This neighborhood is not as rough as a slum, but it is close to the needy, who are never rich.

This tavern was just a temporary dream for the days of such poor people.

But now it's just a swirling cave of malice and dissatisfaction.

Yes, since many refugees appeared outside the castle gate...

"Ugh, fuck you."

The groans of the men heard from there in the store.

It's usually time to heal your daily fatigue and show the bustle with a drunk caught in a cup, but what you hear today is a voice of curse that doesn't even resemble the lively cheerfulness of a liquor store.

Guys lying there in the shop with glaring eyes full of dangerous colors.

Nearly a dozen women are running around busily between them.

"Anna, I'm sorry, but look for something to replace the bandage. And hot water. My shop isn't enough. Speak to the neighbors and bring them to a boil. You should read the teacher. Hurry up!

A well-widened middle-aged woman calls out to a young woman sitting flauntingly next to her as she cleaves a man's shirt that groans on the floor.

Although it is a somewhat obscure gesture compared to an incumbent doctor, you must be familiar with the working pattern of a damsel in a liquor store treating these injured people.

The shirt fell to the floor, along with a sound containing water called chatter.

From the man's two arms, blood is erupting in response to a heartbeat.

"He's gone all the way to the artery... a little painful but patient"

The general holds the base of the man's arm at full strength with both hands stained in bright red.

I stopped the blood flow. But now I guess I've decided I should keep the bleeding down.

Nevertheless, if you can stop the bleeding from happening, you can't possibly need a doctor or anything.

(barely responding......)

Despite all the pressure on the wound, the man's reaction is weak.

My consciousness is cloudy and my eyes are powerless.

"Madam General...... what about him?

Both hands of a woman assembled to pray in front of her chest are trembling in small pieces.

Are you aware that the cause of the disturbance is on you, it is regret and guilt that comes to the woman's face.

Blood was drawn from his face, and there were large tears in his eyes.

"It's good, you hold on. I'm not messing with anything here that you repeat your mess. If you want to help this kid, you gotta move fast!

When she yells at a woman who still stands shyly, the general tries to stop the blood from flowing out of the man's arms in necessity. (No... my body is getting cold... then I need to use some secret medicine.)

His heartbeat weakens, and with that, he loses momentum in the blood that blows out of his wound.

That is a sign that Reaper is sneaking under the man.


Suddenly, when the door to the tavern opened up vigorously, one young man jumped inside the store.

The surrounding eyes pour on the man simultaneously.

His face was very similar to that of a man lying on the floor.

"Hey! Where's my brother?

A woman cries out in horror at a man who looks around her.

"Alan...... sorry......"


The moment he saw the woman's expression, Alan guessed all the circumstances.

It was only the other day that Janice, Alan's lover, began to help cook out and distribute supplies to the refugees.

The Earl of Salzberg, who is said to be intolerant of the civilian population, also had to raise the heavy hips in front of the ten northern houses in the protracted fighting and this refugee uprising.

It will also be in that context that the momentum of Baron Goshiba's army has weakened.

It can't be enough care for all humans, but it's time to distribute food and bedding twice a day.

As a manpower, Janice worked in exchange for a small fee. Shake off the perimeter to stop.

Alan held his fist tight and stood up on the spot.

(Sucks... I was worried this would happen... anything should have stopped Janice)

There is naturally a good reason why the surroundings stopped Janis.

Segregation towards refugees.

dissatisfaction regarding food and water allocation.

I don't know why, but the biggest problem is the deterioration of security in Ipilos.

A crowd of people pushing from the northern part of Roselia. It is difficult to accommodate all of that, even in Ipilos, which is famous as a fortified city.

Most humans are fleeing wearing clothes, making it difficult to stay in an inn or rent a house. Inevitably, many refugees cannot even have a roof that blocks the wind and rain.

Inevitably, they will find themselves in the darkness of the alley. Concentrate on the hard-to-see ghetto of the knights, too.

It would be extremely natural for a clash to have arisen between the inhabitants of the ghetto and the refugees.

Lack of vision for my future.

Endless hunger and thirst.

Human wrath that doesn't get society to help.

Such negative emotions turn them into ghosts who were ordinary peasants if they lived locally.

I honestly don't even know what my first problem was, Alan. No, I didn't think even the general of this tavern, known for her informational correspondence, was holding onto definitive information, and no one was going to look into it.

However, the hostility between the two sides became visible in a clear way when both sides bumped into each other over the use of a certain water field.

Which one to use first.

At first, it was nothing more than a bickering between women who came to draw water. The rivalry burned during the aftermath and eventually developed into a noise that sent out dozens of injured people on both sides and the Knights suppressed.

From the side, it's such a boring reason to look at it.

An event in which you are a child and there is no other love that could have been done if both sides had given in one step at a time.

But once we bump into each other, the overflowing hostility spreads malice, ignoring such natural reason and so forth.

And when you can no longer recognize the other person as the same person, the end you follow is always the same.


A refugee young man spoke to Janis on his way home from work.

We can't be sure now if we simply wanted to thank Janice for working for us, or if there was something bothering us.

The problem is that the refugee young man stopped Janice from passing through the alley.

And the youths in the Glades who happen to distract the vigilante from the sight have witnessed it.

It was also unpleasant that Janis was beautiful enough to make the young people of the town hold their praise.

At first it should have been just a warning, but it escalates into a selling word, quickly developing into a brawl involving people and refugees in the town who were watching what was going on around them.

And now Alan's brother, who was stabbed in the abdomen by someone confused by the brawl, was about to come to his last hour.

"Brother, it's me. Can you hear me? Hey!

Power falls out of the hand of the man Alan grips.

I rub my shoulders desperately, screaming in my ears, but I have no answer.

"Hey, brother! Brother!"

Alan's desperate wishes are also vain, disappearing as the breath of a man lying on the floor plunders.

Everyone stared silently at Alan, who nodded and shook his shoulders beside his brother.

How much silence would have lasted?

"I can't stand this any longer! I'll definitely kick your ass! Those guys, all the time, this guy's in our face! Your lord is also your lord. Why do we have to be patient?"

One man's blood-soaking screams echo inside the tavern.

It is the cry of the people who live in Ipilos.

And it was a horn whistle that tells the final phase of this series of wars.

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