Wortenia Senki

Chapter 4, Episode 6 [Messengers from Neighboring Countries] Part 4

Nov. 6, 2813 noon Western Continental Calendar

The city of Ceilios was full of life.

The recently newly transported children of slaves were desperately waving their swords to let go of the good fortune they had grabbed, and after more than five months of training, all the children who had been freed from the status of slaves and held free were sweating to build their new homeland.

Everyone uses all the power they can and grows the city steadily.

All of the children were taken away when they were dropped into slavery status, with dignity in their hearts as those regained by the true hands of your son Ryo Shiba.

As I sat down in my chair, reading out Elena's letter, which Liangzhen sent over to Pireus, the king's capital, the air in the room changed.

Looking at the date of the letter, it belonged to yesterday.

Considering the distance between Wang Du and Waltenia Peninsula is pretty quick.

It would be an achievement that, with the most important confidential treatment, the messenger ran through while switching horses everywhere.

"I'm not more surprised now because I heard it beforehand from the boy, but it's too much to laugh at, as you'd expect."

That's what Rione says, he laughs bitterly.

Everyone in this room was in the same mood, and there was a colour of fright on their faces.

The only person who maintains a calm grin is Ryo Mitsuya.

"Because the expansion of the city has also come on track, and I'm going to have to say... it's troublesome"

Jin-wong squeaks as he narrows his eyes to the hustle and bustle that jumps into the room from outside the window.

"Well. But either way, we have to go. That's just what you called me. It's still better. I stuck to their boring face, Ments, and I lost my sentence to reinforcements without calling us. So I guess I'll have to eat the roll this way."

Liang Zhen said so and smiled.

Everyone indoors nods at the words.

Declining the request for a reason is easy, but not so easy given the consequences that follow.

The Kingdom of Roselia is about to sink.

That is an undeniable fact.

Lupis' ambitious power structure can only be negative for her lack of decisiveness.

Indeed, if we try to make real power into a royal human being who has long been deprived of it by Hodrum and Gerhardt, it is natural to consider an operation centered around the King.

However, the character of a human being who says Lupis Roselianus becomes a major problem.

(Not a bad guy. No, I can tell you're a good man. I'm not retarded, either. Knowledge is quite good. You can also take care of the people, so you should be able to get the point as a ruler)

It's not that bad of a rating for Ryo Tru Lupis.

Knights like Mertina and Mikhail, who are nearby, can also say that the drawbacks are quite a few of the things.

Loyalty to the royal family, as well as force, should be a first-class talent in this country.

At least they shouldn't be incompetent.

(In the end, not knowing yourself is the biggest problem...)

I have these words in Sun Tzu's law of arms.

If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be in danger after a hundred battles.

This word is so famous that even people who do not know Sun Tzu's military laws have heard it once, but this has the following continuation:

If you know yourself without knowing your enemies, you win and lose.

If you don't know your enemies and you don't know yourself, you will be in danger every time you fight.

When it comes to what you're trying to say, don't gather information before you fight.

And tell them to understand themselves.

If you know yourself, know who you're dealing with, and then fight, you'll know if there's a chance.

And if you can decide whether you have a chance or not, it's easy to win the fight.

If you don't have a chance to win, you can avoid a fight if you know you won or lost beforehand.

But on the contrary, there is no way to fight without knowing the power of the enemy or his own power.

As a result, every time we fight, we lose.

What matters is who you are.

What is the excellence?

Where are the shortcomings?

Understand them.

If Lupis understood his shortcomings, he wouldn't have made it into a political system centered around him.

The king's job is to make decisions, but she is a person whose heart is gentle and affectionate, on the other hand, a character lacking in decisiveness.

Reijin himself thinks that introducing a council system after strengthening the powers of the Prime Minister and ministers, Lupis would have had a good political form to follow the decisions of the ministers.

Of course, the possibility of being sidelined remains, as it did in Gerhardt's time, but it will not be that big a problem if we secure the military rights of the Kingsguard, the direct knights of the SS.

In fact, if Lupis had talked to Liangzhen after passing the suzi without committing an extra plot, he would have answered that.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but do I have to go? I honestly don't feel very comfortable with Atashi."

It was the same light mouthfeel as usual, but Rione's eyes were serious.

Because if you try it on her, she won't have any other personnel.

She and Bolts are in charge of the training of the children who have been followed as slaves.

They are the ones who will be driven out if it is a battle, and they are the ones who are most at risk for their lives.

If it is to protect the city of Sailios, Rione commands them to die.

But I'm not convinced they're going to die for this nasty Kingdom of Roselia.

"It's bad for Mr. Rione, but you can't give in there. This guy is not going for the Kingdom of Roselia or Lupis. We'll never be able to survive and grow stronger than we are now."

"To counter the invasion of the Altomere Empire."

Liang Zhen nods at Jong Ong's words.

"Zaluda will attack Roselia next time she dies. Given the land and power of the country, the three eastern countries can finally fight the invading armies of Ortomere in a coalition. Mist, it's not just the two countries of Roselia..."

"First of all, I can't."

Answer as Rione waves his head.

She doesn't understand the status quo herself.

I'm just not convinced that I'm going to help Lupis as a result.

"Well, that's what I said. Besides, this should be an opportunity to get quite out of Lupis."

Liang Zhen shrugged her shoulders and answered.


You couldn't grasp the meaning of the words, and Rione turned his suspicious eyes to Ryo Tru.

"For the most part, the shape of the city has come, so we really want to develop the peninsula here. Specifically, the migration of peasants and specially skilled artisans. After that, I think we're going to have a couple of civilians sent."

"You're making it a condition for me to join the reinforcements?

"Oh, slaves aren't enough to increase the population at all. No matter how big the receptacle is, there's nothing in it, right?

"It is true... it is easy to complete the construction of the walls and roads, and the house is easy to build, so it is easy to accept at any time..."

Confusion mixes with Bolts' voice.

In fact, there are only other children or mercenaries in Sailios today who have been followed as slaves besides the Igazaki people.

Mercenaries to soldiers, plus ninjas and their families.

Some of the ninjas have skilled blacksmiths, so it's a heterogeneous city only for soldiers who don't have any merchants or peasants to repair their weapons.

The only exception is about a few maids sent by the Earl of Salzberg family?

Of course, the Bolts themselves don't think they can stay like this for long.

None of them can be taxed unless they open up farmland and are interested in industry.

But why now?

The question arose in the back of Bolts' brain.

"Now, even if I can't do it, I'll swallow our terms. Even if you're wary of our forces expanding."

Regardless of farmers, there are no rulers who easily allow the emigration of technicians.

Technology cannot be mastered overnight, and some things are kept secret.

That's because it takes time and expense to make them wear it.

Until you undermine your rights, no one tries to benefit others.

However, in the current situation of stuck feathers, I can also swallow the conditions that I don't normally drink.

No, Lupis would accept it easier than asking for money or territory poorly.

"I see… this is an opportunity to develop the peninsula at once."

For Ryo Trun, Lupis was already just a prey.

food for him to leap.

"It's an invitation. Precisely I have to do it."

Liang Zhen laughs with a cold grin at Rione's words.

And he turned his gaze to one man with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Nersios. Any questions?

To Ryo True's inquiry, the man steps forward with a confusing color on his face.

He's skinny, but a big, muscular guy.

Golden eyes on bluish black skin.

Silver hair shines in the light of day.

The deep face of the sculpture will compliment whoever sees him as a beautiful man of the world.

"Why did you call me here?

A low, calm voice.

His appearance is something like around thirty, but makes him feel more like an older person in the feel of his voice.

"Was it inconvenient?

Nersios shook his head quietly beside Liang Zhen's question.

"No...... but I'm sure I wondered. I wondered why you called me to this place, a subhuman."

It was also natural for Nersios to be confused.

All I'm here for is a human being at the core of Baron Goshiba's house.

Only one heterogeneous being in it is him.

He is someone else who has absolutely nothing to do with your Baron Chai family.

At least that's what he thought.

"Ah. Don't worry too much about it. For now, the goal is to get Mr. Nersios to come out."

"Huh? What the hell is that?"

Nersios tilts his neck at Ryo True Word.

I wasn't even asked for my opinion.

I wasn't even asked for assistance with any supplies.

I was just called on this occasion to listen to them.

It's an unexpected development for Nersios, who was wondering if he could convey any demands.

Ryo Jin grinned as he took Nersios gaze head-on, suspecting there might be a back.

"Well, what..."

Last but not least of these words of Liang Zhen, the meeting is over.

(A strange man. There is no such thing as "Sobu", a vegetarian vibration that fears us. Besides, why did that guy call me)

Nersios had recalled earlier meetings as he headed to the house he had been using to wake up.

(No, isn't that the only strange guy...)

Everyone in that room never turned their aversion to Nersios.

He is a subhuman.

That's what I've been feeling throughout the last few months of dating, but there's no prejudice against subhumans in them.

We talked together and felt it by eating and drinking.

But somewhere in my heart, I guess I still didn't believe it.

I am sure that when my user told me to come out to the meeting this morning, my dismay spread to Nersios' heart.

I thought this guy was still human, too.

But he just smiled again today.

Knowledge of granting spells held by elves and black "dark" elves.

A treasure that tells us it was lost a long time ago.

Also, they elves just have the power to be born and not make lined knights a problem.

Their power is mighty.

But the day I first met her, none of them wanted Ryo Shiba True.

He won't tell you to provide the technology, or let the soldiers out.

Liang Zhen asked Nersios to retrieve the daughters of the tribe captured by the pirates only to visit the city of Ceilios once every six months.

At first I just came.

Even if they talk, they just answer mechanically.

But as we grew in numbers, we made jokes, exchanged things, and dined together.

The first half-monthly visit I had with him is now only in form.

Recently, several people have been given a lodging home to stay in the city at all times.

Those under the age of two hundred, called young among the tribes, have no actual experience, even if they know of history persecuted by man.

It was nearly four hundred years ago now that the Submen exchanged spears with men by betting their own dignity and existence.

Of course, there are people in the tribe who are hostile to and hate humans.

The resentment that killed my family and chased me home that was beautiful doesn't go away so easily.

There are also cowards and scolders who curse Nersios against humans.

(Well... did you call me there to show me?)

Nersios groaned unexpectedly when he came to that.

(We're not going to hide anything. Is that what you're saying)

It was a statement that a human being named Ryo Shiba believed in his subpeople.

He showed it not in words, but in attitude.

Nersios began to go back the way he had originally come.

I couldn't let that man do what he wanted me to do.

If resentment makes sense to return it with resentment, then trust makes sense to return it with trust.

Because he is one of the proud black elf tribal chiefs.

You can't forget your resentment of people.

I can tell him that himself.

But I couldn't ignore the future that spreads in front of me.

Maybe we can go back to the days of the ancient "Shame", when we can tell people and subhumans lived together.

The thought pushed Nersios' back.

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