Wortenia Senki

Chapter 3, Episode 31 [Ruthless Fire] Part 5

Noon, 25 April 2813, Western Continental Calendar

A pillar of flame blown up from the town centre that spreads beneath your eyes.

Flames of signals awaited by all who are on the chopped cliffs surrounding the bay.

A man with a black mask covering his face advances silently behind a blooming night.

You felt the sign of it, and Blossom Night turned back.

"I know. Are you guys ready?

When the black shadow nodded silently at the words of Blossom Night, he grabbed his first vase sandwiched in a belt of skin that he had hung.

It is not the kind of thing that catches my eyes when I put it away.

The torso area is slightly rounded and the neck area is thinner, a very ordinary ceramic vase that seems to be everywhere.

However, there were some things that were different from normal.

One is that the vase is filled with borough cloth, not flowers.

And the other is the number of vases.

The number of vases fastened with strings to Ninja's belt is approximately 10.

Their number is about 200, so there are about 200 vases of unknown use on this occasion.

It would be used for something if I saw that it was designed not to interfere with the movement from time to time, but if someone else only saw this appearance, I would laugh out of the blue.

But there is no such thing as being shy of your own outfit as anyone who is here.

No, on the contrary, they have a cold blade-like sharpness in their eyes.

They knew exactly what they would do and why they would do it.

(I didn't know why I would explain that to every Shinobi at first...)

Explaining the purpose to the end executives is a very time-consuming and laborious task.

In fact, when Saki was ordered to work by her clan, she had never been given such an explanation.

If the elders and their neighbors order me to do my job, I will only do it.

There was no need to ask why or why, and there was no right to do so.

But not this time.

Liangzhen clearly explained his purpose and necessity to the soldiers at the end via blossom night, Jinrong, Rione, etc.

The sneakers will not be dissatisfied with anything else even in their previous state.

(But obviously the will to fight is different...)

The way the signs are erased and the calm is not the same as usual.

While they are, a clear sense of purpose is elevating the psychology of each of them and driving them to the battlefield.

(Naturally, too... I can't go and let others interfere with our city, which is finally taking shape... even Queen Lupis, who is the ruler of this country...)

Behind Blossom Night's brain, the sight of a meeting that took place the other day passed.

On that day, seven men and women sit on their hips surrounding a large round table in a room jumping in from outside with a hammer sound or something.

Many of them had a bewildered look on their face when they heard Ryo True's explanation.

"That's why I asked everyone to get together... sorry about the busy place. Especially blooming nights."

"Ah, no. If that's the case... I've got a couple of guards on it."

Blossom night shakes his neck beside Liang Zhen's words.

The other day, Blossom Night, when the pirates were ordered to perish, had identified their location by tracking their reconnaissance teams in reverse.

She carried out a thorough reconnaissance, examining in detail the number of their ships, their personnel, the topography of the town, etc., after which she was only in a position to carry out her true orders.

The order to return from Liang Zhen came to her just when everything was about to be ready.

"So... what is Liang Zhen going to do? Are you here to acknowledge the Pirates' compliments?

It was Lyone who answered the inquiry of Blossom Night.

"Isn't that... difficult? Those kids are obedient at the moment, but if you do that, you're not going to be dissatisfied, are you?

"Of course he did... because after the pirate plunder burned his hometown village, he killed his parents and brothers and sold himself out to slaves. No matter how freed you are from the status of a slave, your resentment can disappear."

Everyone nodded silently at Bolts' words.

All slaves are freed by Liang Zhen in exchange for soldier status.

But it's not like the past that says you've become a slave disappears with it.

No, because the present is full, the tragic life of the slave age should be more clearly engraved into their brains.

"But it's a shame to cut off the pirate's power of war. It was premised on annihilation because they couldn't expect to follow us. Now that we've been complimenting them, isn't that force useless?

Everyone pushed silently to ask Jong-hoon.

There is no element to deny his words.

Nothing. It's not just worth it as a maritime force.

Beginning with securing control of the sea area, the value in use is innumerable, such as the implementation of the transaction itself.

Regardless of the future outlook, there is no more farmland or fishing grounds on the Waltenia Peninsula today, because all we can think of as a financial resource is whether to sell the material obtained from the monster Monster or sell the subhuman to slaves.

"That's right... so you're going to cut off the soldier's grievances?

Accepting the compliments of the pirates is not a bad thing if you think only of the immediate interests.

But if you think about it in the long run, there will probably be an outburst between the soldiers and the pirates.

You don't have to erupt immediately, but be sure in the near future...

Under overwhelmingly unfavourable circumstances, one of Liang Zhen's few strengths is the quality and high loyalty of each and every soldier.

Mastery of magic and not the finest but quite high quality martial arts. These days, I even go to education where I said reading, writing and calculating.

Openness from slavery status and these treatments had planted strong loyalty in each and every soldier.

The problem is acknowledging the compliments of the pirates and saying that their loyalty may be cracked.

It is of paramount concern to Rione and the Bolts, the binders of the soldiers.

"I'm not going to admit their compliments."

A low, cold voice echoes into the room.

"Do you mind?

Jeong gazes at the fearful bright true complexion.

Nothing. Zhongwong wasn't adamant about his opinion.

Because everyone in this room understood that it was Liang Zhen's job to make the final decision, and that they were going to make considerations and assist him in his thinking.

"Oh, whatever their thoughts are, it's impossible to accept them. They're vicious criminals, anyway."

It was a previous issue when I told you how my mood was.

Though there is no law in this earth Earth world, where the lives of many people are light.

Whether it is appropriate or not, utter lawlessness does not make a nation.

The Waltenia Peninsula is formally the territory of the Kingdom of Roselia.

Naturally, the pirates will be brought to justice under the laws of the Kingdom of Roselia.

And piracy is the death penalty.

That also includes not only individual pirates, but also their families.

The sentence is heavier than normal murder, because pirates routinely say they harm others for their own benefit.

In addition, without such a show, the public is not convinced above all by the difficulty of maintaining law and order.

What I said about mercy and ethics depends to a great extent on the times, education and living environment.

In modern Japan, obviously, it will be called the savage law, but in this world, it is natural, and if mercy is poorly exercised, the merciful person will be blamed.

Whether or not the pirates have corrected it is pointless and worthless to the people of this earth Earth world.

And his family, who lived with his bloody money, is only guilty of the same crime.

Of course, it is possible for Liang Zhen to ignore the law by shielding the autonomy he gained over Lupis, but that would create a useless indulgence with the surrounding nobles and their inhabitants.

Whatever Liang Zhen is an absolute strong man, in the present situation, where he is only an emerging nobleman in the Kingdom of Roselia, that is an overly great risk.

"I have more responsibility for policing than I have given this peninsula as a territory. I'm not from anywhere right now, but if I admit to their compliments, I may be held accountable back in time."

It is a land that has been abandoned for years, and no one just says anything because they know it is difficult to govern, and if we leave it like this, all of its responsibilities will be borne bright and clear.

That's natural in a way.

It was abandoned because no one was in charge, and Liangzhen must be held responsible for it more than Liangzhen Gozai was able to say.

"Well, I gave a lot of reasons, but clearly, I don't like them"

Ryo Jin said so.

I understand the situation of the pirates.

Maybe I didn't become a pirate hoping.

Maybe they are the victims.

I'm not saying there's no room for sympathy.

But only against the perpetrators who hurt them can they claim their rights as victims.

Never let the unrelated public bear the brunt of it.

Psychologically and profitably, the pirates' eulogy was unacceptable.

"So I ask them to disappear. Any objections?

A cold, sharp gaze pierces all the humans surrounding the round table.

At this moment, the fate of the pirates has been decided.

"Blossom Night, give me your orders."

Saki was hung up by a man and returned to me.

(No... I have to concentrate...)

In chess terms, it's already packed.

There is no escape for the pirates.

But that's not to say it's a good idea to stay alert.

Blossom night nods silently, waving his hands up high.

"Spread out. We don't have much time. Half of them rendezvous with Grandpa and quickly secure their intended audience! The rest will ignite with me. Never refuse Ryo Shin's exit until we have the next signal!

As arrows were released from the narrowed bow, Shinobu rushed out quietly to the life of the bloom night.

I have a thoughtful meeting in advance, so I don't need to be told by Saki Night now.

They remained silent and flew out of the cliff into space with a line firmly tied to a thick tree in their hands.

This unnamed town created by Henry and the others is truly a natural element.

Surrounded by cliffs a dozen meters high that cut off the three sides, it is the Great Sea Plains that extend to the north.

There are only two road-width stairs on the cliff that people say are finally different.

Originally it would be ready for the monsters "monsters wandering through the woods, but they will remain a barrier when fighting as they are.

There is no other way to attack the town with a positive attack from the forest side down a thin staircase made of rocky skin.

However, it is only a matter of sticking to positive methods.

The monster Monster can't do it, but there are many ways to do it if you're human.

Yes, there are ways to get down while grabbing onto the strings...

You see it in modern society. There is no such thing as a carabiner, but there is no place for them to live in the Earth Earth world.

They entrust everything to just one lifeline and slide lightly down the cliff.

"After you, Mr. Bolts, please"

So he shrugged, and Blossom Night threw himself into the void with a rope in his hand.

"Young...... thank you for waiting"

Under Liang Zhen and his men, who had finished Andre, Zheng Weng appeared quietly.

Black headscarf on black dyed clothes.

There was no way to ascertain the face of the other man who had solidified himself in his sneak outfit.

However, there is only a sharp glance spilling from the gap in the cloth and a voice pushed low to kill him.

"Did you find him?

Liang Zhenzhen nods quietly at the inquiry.

"Whatever… we have already secured them and escorted them to the dock."

The role of Zhongong is to secure the captured sub-people.

In the course of last night, they swam from the western cape into the bay.

Sneak is called a general position, but they do combine dexterity to do anything.

It is not impossible for them to swim in the shade of the night and enter from the sea.

And Zhongwong and his men, who found the prison where the Submen were being captured, waited quietly for Liangzhen's signal.

"You're a boulder. So, do you want to move on to the next stage towards the docking yard? Seems like the blossoms are starting."

Outside the window, firehands rise from here and there, and the town is turned into a crucible of confusion.

"The stairs on the cliffside have been sealed off by Lord Bolts... there will be no escape for the people of this town as long as we hold down the dock"

"Oh, you mean as planned."

There is a cold grin on Ryo's true face.

Liang Zhen never liked killing people.

But I wouldn't hesitate to do that if I had to.

(Sinful town... burn it! Nothing good or bad. Until you ash everything......)

A town where the weak developed by stepping on the weak.

People who could only survive by doing so.

Will there be a distorted structure without salvation in the future?

This town is not supposed to be.

The inhabitants of this town must not live.

Everything is food for Liang Zhen to move forward.

(I'll be strong... never!

It's hatred that boils up.

It was this irrational, insane earth Earth's limitless anger at the world.

Liang Zhen takes Zhongong and the Malfist sisters and walks out to a town where black smoke and screams swirl.

To end it all.

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