The throne of Storm Fortress was already empty, and the king who was supposed to be sitting on it had already appeared in the palace in full armor.

"Your Majesty, the commander asked me to inform you that the city wall is about to fall and Stormwind City can no longer defend it."

"The walls of the trading area were shelled!"

"The fire in Xiacheng District spreads further!"

"Another large force is gathering at the main entrance of the city. It seems to be composed of chariots!"

One bad news after another, but Ryan did not run away. He took the queen's hand and said, "I have arranged a ship at the port. You will take our children and evacuate with the people and merchants in a while. Go Find Lothar in the Westfall, he will protect the future of the kingdom."

"What about you?" The queen held Ryan's calloused hand, which was the hand of a warrior, "What will you do if we leave?"

"Me?" Ryan took out his hand and put on his helmet, "I will not leave here. As a father, I have an obligation to protect the safety of you and your children, and as a king, I will never abandon the soldiers and run away."

"Let's go find Lothar together, and then we'll go to the north and ask for help from other kingdoms. We still have a day to come back!" Tears fell from the queen's eyes. She knew that if Ryan's arrangement was followed, no matter whether the kingdom would be able to survive in the future, exists, but he is certain to die.

“Throughout human history, have there been any kings in exile?”

Ryan smiled, although the smile was a little bitter, "My arrogance has led to the kingdom's crisis. If I die here, I can still retain the last face of the royal family, but if I run away, then the Wrynn family will be completely destroyed." It’s over.”

This is the truth. Khadgar's warning to Ryan was not said secretly in private. It was said above the court. Many nobles heard Khadgar's advice, but they did not believe it. They arrogantly thought that Storm The city is strong enough to face the crisis, and this has also become the source of disaster. It can be said that the biggest war criminal in this war is him, Ryan.

If he doesn't die and abandons his soldiers and runs away, who will believe in the name of Wrynn's family in the future? The reputation that the royal family has accumulated over the years will become stinking.

"Go, don't feel sad for me, this is the obligation that every king of Wrynn has to fulfill."

Ryan waved his hand and ordered the maid to take the queen away.

After that, watching the queen's crying figure gradually go away, the king glanced at the other nobles who were either trembling or excited.

"I believe that there are no cowards in the kingdom's nobles." Ryan said, "What do you think?"

"For the honor of the family, I hope you can be brave and at least leave a heroic image for future generations. Don't let today become our shame."

After a moment of silence, they each picked up their weapons and followed Ryan.

Until a sound broke the silence.

Outside the fortress, there was first the thud of the ground, then the somewhat inaudible roar of the orcs, and then the sound of the collision of weapons.

Then it turned into heavy footsteps again.

"Are you the commander of the orcs?" Ryan asked as he looked at the figure coming in.

The figure stared at the king silently. He was tall and powerful, with strong muscles, and looked at the humans here expressionlessly.

The long jet-black hair was tied into braids and hung on his angular face, with the tassels at the ends occasionally touching the protruding fangs on his lower jaw. The sunlight coming in from the window shone directly on his body, making his skin glow with an emerald color, and also making the medals and trophies hanging on his chest become dazzling.

His torso, shoulders and legs are covered with thick plate armor, and the main body is also black, inlaid with gold edges and heavy copper nails, highlighting his nobility.

And in his hand is a seemingly rough warhammer that is actually enchanted - the Hammer of Destruction.

Orgrim nodded. He knew a few simple words in human language, but it was obvious that he couldn't understand Ryan's words.

"He asked you if you are the commander." The shaman translator beside him said.

"Tell him that I am Orgrim, the master of Doomhammer, and the lieutenant of Chief Blackhand."

Orgrim admired Ryan very much, because he dared to raise the war hammer and face his fate. This is what a warrior should be like.

"Adjutant?" Ryan muttered silently.

Then, his eyes became sharp and he launched the attack first.

"Kill!" the king ordered, and all the guards and nobles rushed forward.

"Give them a happy death."

Orgrim's voice was very low.

Facing the war hammer swung by Ryan, he did not avoid it. Instead, he waved his arm and a blazing whirlwind hit Ryan.

Is this a spell? No, it was a slam, a swing of Orgrim's hammer.

So fast!

In Ryan's eyes, this thick hammer of destruction is as if it is blessed by wind magic. It is incredibly fast. If he is hit by this hammer, then he does not need to think too much about the consequences. In the face of this inhuman power, Ryan quickly retracted his weapon to block. He almost reached the limit of his reaction, but Orgrim's strength was beyond his ability to block.


The two war hammers collided together. Although Ryan's hammer was also forged by a master, how could it compare to the artifact, the Hammer of Destruction?

In just one collision, the Doomhammer smashed Ryan's weapon into pieces. If Ryan hadn't avoided the hammer in time, he would have been smashed to pieces.

He was surprised by Orgrim's bravery. Are all orcs like this? It turns out that the soldiers outside have always faced such terrifying enemies.

But he will not retreat or regret. He is a lion, the lion of Stormwind City. The lion will lose, but he will not surrender.

So he charged again and pulled out his accompanying sword, but this time he no longer fought Orgrim head-on, but relied on his own agility to continuously attack Orgrim.

But this battle, or rather skirmish, ended quickly.

Orgrim is big, but that doesn't mean he's stupid. How can an orc who has experienced hundreds of battles compare to Ryan in terms of combat experience?

Orgrim's fist hit him hard on the chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from Ryan's mouth. The blue shirt on his chest was soaked with blood, and the lion on the armor was beaten to a pulp.

fracture? Perhaps this was the lightest injury on Ryan's body. The huge impact caused him to fall to the ground in a pool of blood. He tried to get up many times, but was unable to recover.

He looked at the hall. The originally magnificent palace had been stained red with blood, and the orc he was fighting had already raised his sledgehammer and walked towards his position.

He closed his eyes and murmured, "Father, I'm coming."

Maybe he really wasn't a good king.

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