World of Warcraft: When Alliance and Horde Characters Swap Roles

Chapter 172 They have Maronos! It's okay, we have Grommash

"It seems that our plan must make some changes." After defeating the evil orcs' attack, Nelgo returned to the conference room and said to the other chiefs: "According to our original plan, we built a defensive line to block the attack. The demons made them run out of ammunition and food. Obviously, our plan was successful. In the past year, there was not much food for them in Tanaan Jungle."

"But we can't continue like this. Artillery and tanks have begun to appear in their army, indicating that the portal has been opened. The Burning Legion has sent engineers to teach them how to make these weapons. If they continue to delay, their weapons will also become more and more sophisticated. There are more and more, even if the orcs are dead, there will be demons to replace them." Nergo glanced at them: "In the Tanaan Jungle, Gul'dan's rebels have many strongholds, but there are only two most important ones."

He took out the map and pointed it out to the others, "One is Hellfire Citadel, their core fortress, which contains portals that can replenish Gul'dan's army with soldiers, and the other is the Fel Forge, their weapons. It’s all forged here.”

"Do you want my army to raid here?" Kilrogg has been hoping to prove himself since he returned to his homeland.

"No, what I leave you is another mission." Nergo said: "The mission of Chief Bloodring is to regain his homeland first."

"In Zethgaard and Karnak, these former Blood Ring territories have been occupied by Gul'dan's Crow People." Nergo said softly: "I have been thinking, if you are not allowed to regain the old land in person, , it would be a pity for you to wash away the shame."

Kilrogg was startled, then performed a standard orc military salute. He placed one hand on his chest and said word by word: "As you command."

With that, he left the conference room.

"I will not fail," he thought to himself. "Those furry beasts will be speared to death and hung from the tall trees in Zeth."

Watching Kilrogg leave, Nelgo gave orders to Blackhand and Maraad, telling them to go to the Fel Forge and the other to the Temple of Shannar.

If the offensive goes well, Gul'dan will be in an embarrassing situation. Except for Farela's Sabertooth Khajiit, Gul'dan has no troops available and will be completely blocked in Hellfire Citadel. By then , that is when the tribe completely wiped them out.

"Chief Kargas." Nergo looked at Kargas, "I heard that you are very good at taming saber-tooth tigers."

After all, those saber-tooth tigers in the Arak Peaks who were conquered by Kargas' "personality charm" are still serving the tribe.

"You mean to let me go to Farela?" Kargas seemed doubtful, but in fact he was very sure. After receiving Nergo's confirmation, he immediately followed the first few people out.

By the end, all the chieftains had their own tasks, and only Nelgo and Grommash were left in the room.

"Have you forgotten me?" Grommash rarely gave orders after he became warchief. In the eyes of outsiders, he is more like Warchief Thunder than Warchief Hellscream. Nergo's authority is in the eyes of many people. It's already bigger than Grommash.

But this is also Grommash's acquiescence. He doesn't like fighting for power, especially when a large part of this power comes from Nergo's help.

"Chief." Nergo did not call him the great chief. Instead, he called him the chief as before, just like the young shaman and the young orc who had just experienced a great defeat many years ago.

Grommash looked at him, listening to what he was about to say.

"I felt a powerful evil force in Hellfire Fortress. This force is full of violence and destruction. It is a force that ordinary people cannot resist."

Since Nergo became an evil destroyer and gained evil power, he also had some guesses about the source of that powerful power.

"That is a demon more powerful than Gul'dan, a demon that we can hardly fight against." Nergo was talking about Maronos, although Nergo did not know anything about the Lord of the Abyss. He doesn't like them, he thinks they are stupid, irritable, brainless, and useless except for fighting.

Many achievements are also used as a background board to brush up.

But this does not mean that they are easy to deal with, especially Maronos, the leader of the Abyss Lord.

Fortunately, Nergo looked at Grommash and said sternly: "Chief, in the future I see, you are the only one who can kill him, so I need you to strive to be in the best possible condition in the past few days. .”

Fortunately, I have Grommash.

As an orc who was involved in Gossamer Maronoth twice or even more in the original plot, Grommash is now a trump card he uses to deal with Maronos.

Of course, perhaps due to the changes in the world, Grommash does not have the strength of Maronos, and he cannot put the tribe's hope on the illusory Explosive Seed.

So, Nergo clapped his hands, and several Blackstone Orcs walked in.

"Chief, the Blackstone orcs have developed several special weapons based on the technology of the Draenei." Nergo took the small box in their hands.

"This thing is called a portable nuclear bomb by the draenei."

Don’t get me wrong, this thing really exists in the Warcraft universe. Although nuclear bombs don’t have a very strong effect in Warcraft and are basically just props for completing tasks, these ten suitcases, even if they can’t kill Maronos, It’s not difficult to play the role of a steel star, right?

ps: In version 6, Grommash was killed by Grommash with an ax after Maronos was blown up by the Iron Star.

"This thing can deal with the demons you mentioned?" Grommash expressed doubts. He looked at Nergo and the orcs uncertainly. If you picked it up by mistake, what use would this box have? ?

As a typical orc, Grommash believes in the orc violence that big is good and more is beautiful, and this is also true for technology.

"According to the xx formula and xx..." Nergo talked about a bunch of things that he didn't understand the specific meaning of, making Grommash confused. "In short, according to the technicians, although these things are considered antiques, and The effects of these replicas may not be ideal, but they are just an insurance policy prepared by me, at least..."

Nergo hesitated for a while, "He is much more powerful than a grenade."

"But this is just the first insurance." Nergo handed Grommash another ring.

Grommash looked at the ring that glowed with magic, "What kind of magic is attached to this thing?"

"It's hard to say." Nergo replied: "This was made by an ogre magic blacksmith named Alexander Gandhi. According to the test of Master Delaney, this ring can withstand the impact of most explosions."

ps: In the original plot, Grommash died in the explosion caused by the death of Maronos.

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