At Nergo's request, a total of more than 100 tribe members who had shown their courage in the war and had a certain belief in the Holy Light were promoted to paladins.

As for Shattrath, Velen and Maraad personally came to the Crusader camp to provide enlightenment for these Holy Light professions that were about to be born.

There was golden light in Velen's hand, and he stretched out his hand amidst chants. Nergo and the other chiefs who were watching saw a holy power coming from Velen.

Beside him, Maraad opened a holy book, and the holy seals shining with pale golden light made the onlookers feel a sense of peace and calm at the same time, as if they were in heaven.

"Is this the Paladin?" An orc wearing an iron mask whispered to himself.

"Gaga, they call this the garrison. Our strength is the paladin." The arakkoa next to him replied.

Whether they are Paladins or Vindicators, it doesn't matter. Even if they are called Sun Walkers or Raizan Paladins, it will not affect their essence.

In a cleared space, Nergo canonized these paladins and divided this new order of paladins into the Crusader clans.

After all, in his mind, the role of this clan is to remove demonic corruption, so who else is better at it than these Holy Light users?

This is called professional dialogue.

Velen smiled: "They are very talented in the path of the Holy Light, but what surprised me was the Crow People. Their sun worship belief also provided us with a lot of guidance."

Looking at these paladins with a faint golden light on their bodies, although the arakkoa, orcs and even the ogre paladins are a bit inconsistent, who can say that they are not?

Think about it, if there is an ogre anti-rider standing in front of you, it is not a sense of security.

With the Orc Paladins, who still cares about those Lightforged Draenei?

Legion of Light? The one who's tall and gauzy with a troll voodoo mask? I'm not familiar with it.

"The meaning of the tribe is to help each other and learn from each other." Nergo said: "The tribe is a big family."

It's just that the orc must be the parent.

This is also the difference between Nergo and Garrosh in the 5th version. Garrosh seems too rough in diplomatic methods other than war, while Nergo is willing to influence them in a subtle way.

"You are right." Velen agreed with Nergo's statement. He chuckled. "Seeing so many races united really gave me hope to fight against the Legion."

"Hope also depends on people's struggle." Nergo said: "But this also shows that your choice at that time was not wrong, doesn't it?"

Nergo breathed out, "In order to welcome your arrival, I have specially prepared a banquet. How about chatting while eating?"

Velen nodded and said nothing more.

Much conversation ensued at the feast between the leaders of the various tribes.

Blackhand and draenei technicians talked about draenei technology, arakkoa and draenei talked about the similarities between Rukhma's faith and the holy light and where they could learn from each other, while Kargath talked with the ogre Very topical, after all, they are "familiar".

It can be seen that everyone enjoyed this banquet.

During the banquet, after someone mentioned the devil, the atmosphere of the entire banquet began to transform into a military meeting.

"The current situation is that Gul'dan hopes to stop us through the Bladewind clan, and he is taking this opportunity to rule Tanaan Jungle and use Tanaan Jungle as his base camp."

"King Nergo means that we don't need to pay attention to them. We first clear out the plants in the Evergreen Jungle, and then build a defense line in Gorgrond to stop the demons. As long as the Tanaan Jungle is delayed by the warlocks, it will soon be destroyed." They will be in a dilemma of lack of food, and Gul'dan will be defeated by then." Blackhand replied.

Speaking of this, everyone in the room looked at Kilrogg, wanting to see what he was thinking.

Kilrogg felt the eyes of the people around him and said calmly: "I want to regain the land, but that doesn't mean I don't know what the optimal solution is."

Although he felt a bit shameful by delaying victory, he also knew that too many people in the Bloodring Clan had died, and winning with the least casualties was what he, the chief, should do.

"Then our next goal is determined." Nergo said: "First we will clean up the Yongmao Forest and eliminate future troubles for the tribe."

No one contradicted Nergo.

"Then let the army rest for a day. After the rest, the whole army will go north." Nergo looked solemn. "When clearing the Yongmao forest, you must be careful. These plants are not harmless green plants. They can eat people."

"The blacksmith has made a flamethrower." Blackhand said, "I will instruct the soldiers to spit fire when they see plants."

"It's more than that." Nergo added: "People have to go through the knife, grass has to go through the fire, and even the dead are at risk of being parasitized by plants, so we can't be without precautions."

Moreover, there are not only ordinary plants in Evermore Forest. As their holy land, there is also the eternal rival of Magolon - the original thorn beast.

This four-legged creature's skin is covered with thick leaves. Despite its huge size, it has incredible speed and agility, and can use the power of nature like a druid.

It can basically be regarded as the plant version of Magolon.

It has to be said that he can be considered a trouble for the current tribe.

"Trouble?" After hearing Nergo's words, Kargas looked disdainful, but how can some plants stop my tribe's army?

"I will personally take action, cut off his head and give it to you." He leaned forward slightly and said in a deep voice: "I heard from the Thunder God Beastmen that Magalon is indeed a powerful creature. These primitive thorns Since the beast can become their old enemy, it must also be a powerful creature.”

Nergo's voice was a little low, "You don't understand magic, and you don't have any artifacts..."

"But I am Kargas, and whoever I want to die must die!" Kargas' eyes are full of fighting spirit. He is the most famous gladiator in Draenor and a proven fighting master.

"I will take the lead for the tribe." Kargas said with an irrefutable attitude. He respected Nergo. He was a strong-willed warrior, but he also had to prove himself.

Unlike Ner'zhul, he doesn't understand magic.

He is also different from Blackhand in that he does not have an artifact.

But he also wants others to know that even then he can do the same thing as them with his own skill and will.

Takagas will not be the Horde's shortcoming.

As soon as he finished speaking, Kargas left the banquet. He wanted to order the soldiers to prepare for a raid on Evergreen Woodland.

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