World of Warcraft: When Alliance and Horde Characters Swap Roles

Chapter 148 Every chief must make difficult choices for the sake of the clan

I changed part of the plot of this chapter from the plot of the Lord of War short film. That short film recorded what happened to the fate that Kilrogg saw. In this chapter, the fate that Kilrogg saw and what happened are recorded. The main universe is completely different.

Although Draenor is far away, there is little contact between the various clans except for annual gatherings and communication between shamans.

But this is a magical world after all. Under the full publicity of the shamans of the Warsong clan, the legendary deeds of Grommash and the Warsong clan have begun to pass through the mouths of elemental spirits and messengers, along the breeze of Nagrand and Xi. Spread throughout the world.

Among the Bleeding Circle clans in Tanaan Jungle, stories about Grommash, the conqueror of Nagrand, and his legendary shaman lieutenant began to spread.

"Hey, have you heard? That Grommash Hellscream rules the entire Nagrand grassland at such a young age!"

"Of course I remember. I remember that the Warsong clan was dominated by the ogres a few years ago. I didn't expect that he had conquered the ogres' capital just a few years after he became chief."

"Yes, no wonder the Warsong clan has great respect for this young chief. If this is our chief..."

Halfway through his words, the orc suddenly fell silent and turned to talk about Nergo.

"But speaking of legend, his adjutant is not bad. It is said that he is even younger than Grommash, and he has already ruled a city and became a king. He also assisted the gods in defeating demons from other worlds at the Throne of Elements."

"Shh... why are you talking about this again?"

The orc hurriedly covered his mouth. What time was it? Why didn't he open any pot? The chief was confused by those demons. You said the former chief nb of the Warsong clan, and the second sentence their shaman. Also nb, even the demons were defeated, aren't you implying that the chief is incompetent and the shaman is useless?

You must know that although the Bloodring Clan does not have a literary prison and there is no such thing as being punished for words, its chief Kilrogg has never been a good man or woman.

This can be seen from the fact that he has killed his two sons and three grandchildren.

The reason for this is precisely because they all feel that Kilrogg is too old, so old that he is no longer suitable to be a chief.

"But he is indeed a bit old." The orc muttered softly.

Once, under the leadership of the strong Kilrogg, they drove away foreign enemies and ruled the jungle. But now, the old Kilrogg seems to have led the clan into a nightmare like his father in his old age. , but there is no suitable successor to kill Kilrogg like he once did to end this nightmare.

Yes, it was a nightmare, as Kilrogg saw it now.


Kilrogg's clan once dominated the jungle. In the primitive jungle of Tanaan, the Bleeding Ring Clan was the well-deserved overlord. Neither the beasts nor the vegetation in the jungle could put the Bleeding Ring Clan into trouble. They were just prey.

Until the arakkoa came.

There was a sound, and Kilrogg squinted his eyes to look at the place where the sound came from.

"Something's wrong."

He clearly felt that his body was a bit young, so young that his eyes were still intact.

In the darkness, the sounds grew louder and louder.

Kilrogg also realized that he should be in a dream, or perhaps an illusion. This is very common.

Shamans always say this represents what the ancestors and elements are revealing to you.

"Something... looks familiar?" Kilrogg always felt that he had seen this scene before. If so, then the next step should be...

"Quack, quack, quack." A crow flew out from it, causing Kilrogg to roar.

He understood that this was the night when his life's destiny changed. During this period, the Bloodring Clan was on the verge of extinction under the attack of the Crow People, and the entire clan was hiding in order to survive.

"The clan will only decline in fear." Kilrogg's head slowly raised. He knew what was going to happen next, and he would not change it. Facts had proved that his choice was not wrong.

Kilrogg walked towards the big tent where his father was. A chief who made his people unable to even step out of the jungle was undoubtedly incompetent.

The leader of a clan can be tyrannical and cruel, but he must not be... incompetent.

He opened the tent and looked at the old chief slumped on the seat.

His father was once a powerful warrior with steel and iron bones, but unfortunately, the passage of time and the torture of illness have turned him into this.

Dog-like appearance.

Beside him, several spellcasters wearing black hoods stood silently.

Kilrogg didn't like these black hooded guys. They looked too stale, just like today's clans.

As in the past, the chief knew Kilrogg's thoughts, and he persuaded Kilrogg to be patient and the clan would get through it.

However, Kilrogg knows, endure? The fate of the clan is not that of a tortoise. It cannot rise by surviving the arakkoa to death.

"We've had enough of this."

Kilrogg straightened his body. Although it was in a dream, he couldn't help but feel a little angry when he looked at the old orc in front of him. If he had listened to his father's words and hid in the jungle to survive, how could there be the Bleeding Ring Clan later?

Old old thing...

Wait, Kilrogg suddenly realized a question, did his people view him in the same way?

Similarly, when you are young, you are talented and wise, but when you are old, you are foolish and ignorant. (Kilrogg will not admit that he is like this)

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Similarly, when you are young, your clan dominates one place, and when you are old, your clan hides in Tibet.

Kilrogg's face looks a little unsightly now, but it is obvious that his father regards this as dissatisfaction with him.

"Each chief has to make difficult choices for the good of the clan."

The old chief closed his eyes. He knew his future and had been waiting for this day.

A tough choice.

"That's enough!" Kilrogg asked: "Is the difficult choice you are talking about just to die on this rotten throne?"

He knew how his father died, no one was more familiar with that moment than he was, not even his father who already knew the ending.

The old chief stood up and handed Kilrogg a dagger. "The death I saw was not like this, and it's your turn to know now."

Kilrogg didn't respond. He knew everything about how things were going and he was going to face his fate.

He looked at the dagger in his hand and held it tightly.

Before leaving the tent, he said, "Don't you have a little fear?"

No one but the old chief knew why he was afraid.

But the old chief knew that there was a trace of relief on his face, as if the heavy shackles were finally being released.

Both of them knew that when Kilrogg returned, the old chief would die.

"This is my destiny."

"Hmph." Kilrogg turned around and walked out of the tent. He also believed in fate, and the entire clan believed in it. But in this case, why not pass the position to him earlier, so that maybe the clan would be spared a few days of suffering.

Kilrogg followed ancient tradition and came to a cave full of bones.

The cave was dark, and it was only thanks to the torch in his hand that it was illuminated.

This is the most sacred ceremony.

Kilrogg walked to the deepest point.

You have to do this if you want to be a chief.

The elders in the clan always say that the chiefs of the Blood Ring Clan are different from other clans. They must see themselves clearly. Only the most sober person can face the cruelest environment.

He picked up the dagger.


He did not hesitate to dig out his eyes with a sharp blade to perform this ritual, a ritual that could see death clearly.

Like his ancestors, he also saw himself clearly.

He also saw clearly the future of the clan. The Bleeding Circle clans were fighting against the orcs in an allied army with orcs, ogres, draenei, arakkoa and more like upright bison and thin and tall creatures. Let’s talk about the greatest war ever fought.

The wild Blood Ring Clan crushed all enemies, the huge stone men burning with green flames, the huge demons burning with flames, and the short monsters with sharp mouths and monkey cheeks.

Kilrogg recognized them as the demons now ravaging the jungles of Tanaan.

In this war, he also saw himself. He held a weapon in his hand, and his will remained strong even when the huge devil finger pointed at him.

Even when death came, it only made him laugh.

Finally, he returned to the clan, and the old chief also waited for the news of Kilrogg's return. He calmly accepted the ending that he had known decades ago.

Go into the big tent.

Kilrogg smiled and said: "The future I see is so brilliant."

"Then why are you so upset?"

Kilrogg stabbed the sharp blade into the belly of the white-haired old chief, "Because it's a pity, it's a pity that you couldn't share this glory."

"You are right, every chief has to make difficult choices for the benefit of the clan." Kilrogg looked directly into his father's eyes, but only heard, "Finally, this is... the ending I saw. .”

The dream ends here.

Chief Bleeding Ring woke up from his sleep, his eyes widened. How similar, how could they be so similar?

The old chief, a powerful enemy approaching day by day.

But at least there is something different.

Kilrogg murmured: "My end has not yet come."

He got off the bed and opened the tent, hearing the tribesmen talking about him and the scouts' reports.

"Chief, Gul'dan's army is almost here." The scout said eagerly: "Those demons are so powerful that we can't stop them."

Kilrogg closed his eyes. His death was not here. He had always believed this. His death was obviously to face the huge demon in a war involving many racial alliances.

Wait, coalition forces?

Kilrogg opened his eyes and realized where the future of his people would be.

Is this what the illusion is telling him?

He grabbed the orc who had been talking about him earlier.


Before he finished speaking, Kilrogg heard him ask him eagerly: "What did you say happened to the Warsong clan just now?"

"The Warsong Clan, the Draenei and the Burning Blade Clan... captured the ogre capital."

This was what Kilrogg was waiting for. He pushed the orcs away and called the scouts with serious expressions on their faces, "Notify all the tribesmen, pack your things, let's go to Nagrand."

"Chief, do we still want to go to the Keshhag Festival now?" the scout asked cautiously.

"Many tribesmen have been infected by the Red Scourge, and they simply cannot hold on to Nagrand."

Kilrogg was startled, this was indeed a problem.

Could it be that he wanted to leave them in the jungle to die?

The village is burning. The tribesmen were wailing, and the terrifying spells were tearing apart the orcs.

Kilrogg could completely imagine all this. What kind of chief would he be in their hearts? Are you looking at me the way you look at your elderly father?

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he does not know.

Until some time passed, another orc came in front of him.

"Chief." He said: "Those sick tribesmen are unwilling to leave. They say that they can no longer hold on to Nagrand. They know their fate. Now they just want you to leave some weapons, Chief. They are willing Hold off the devil for the chief’s time.”

"What do you mean?" Kilrogg yelled, "What do they think I am? Do they think I will abandon my people and live in the world?"

The tribesman's words completely broke him down. He always thought that he was a good chief, but in his later years, he ended up needing his tribesmen to sacrifice their lives in exchange for his stolen life.

Abandoning his people in exchange for their lives would be a great disgrace to him and his clan.

For a moment, this thought did flash through Kilrogg's mind. He wanted to take away his warriors and abandon the sick men here to buy himself time to escape.

They can completely ignore the life and death of the remaining orcs. From the moment they are infected by the red natural disaster, even if they never appear again, no orcs will be surprised. They can completely move the clan to a safer place and live peacefully there.

But what honor is there in doing so? Kilrogg blamed himself.

He once swore an oath to fight for the prosperity of the clan throughout his life. How could he live alone, or watch any one of his people being abandoned by him?

"Get out of my sight! Get away, get away! You all get out! I, Kilrogg, Deadeye, am not a coward. I will not abandon my people to save my own life!"

With that, he staggered and collapsed on his throne.

"Chief, this is fate." One of the orcs persuaded him. It was a shaman wearing a hood. He was so similar to the shaman who surrounded his father before he died.

"Everything must be for the benefit of the clan." The shaman said: "They are already dead. Since they are willing to make sacrifices for the clan, we cannot let them die in vain."

"It is not honorable at all to leave a sick man to die." Kilrogg gritted his teeth.

"For the chief, it is the greatest honor for the clan to survive the crisis and become stronger." The shaman said: "You are much nobler than them. This is not due to your bloodline, but due to your responsibility. "

"You cannot die before the Blood Ring Clan becomes stronger again. That is not your destiny." He said: "Every chief has to make difficult choices for the benefit of the clan."

"Does every chief have to make difficult choices for the benefit of the clan?" Kilrogg whispered to himself.

"Get up, chief. Your fate will not end here. We still have to avenge our people. Their sacrifices will not be in vain."

The shaman reached out his hand and tried to pull Kilrogg up from his seat.

They can't waste any more time.

Kilrogg reached out his hand in despair and held the shaman's arm.

Kilrogg is no longer the cunning, ferocious and glorious Bloodring Orc. Today he abandoned his people and became a coward.

Kilrogg got up and walked out of the tent, looked at the jungle behind him, and swore secretly in his heart.

Just wait, Gul'dan.

The spirits of Tanaan Jungle will seek your life.

The glory and shame that I, Kilrogg, lost in this jungle today will be regained and washed away in the future.

He took out the dagger that had gouged out his eyeballs and pierced his father's flesh, and would one day end Gul'dan's life.

Thinking of this, he cut open his palm with a dagger and let the blood spill out.

"Chief, you..." The orc beside him hurriedly stepped forward, not knowing why Kilrogg was so crazy.

Kilrogg was seen kneeling on the ground. Facing his tribe, he smeared his blood on his face and swore: "The death I saw is not now, and the clan will not die just like this. Although we are forced to I left my home and abandoned my people. But I, Kilrogg, swear a blood oath here. I will seek reinforcements from other clans. I will make the villains who destroyed my home pay the price. In my lifetime, the Tanaan Jungle will still be there. Raise the flag of the Bloodring Clan again."

He then said to the messenger: "Tell those people who are still in the clan that I thank them for allowing me to live in this world. One day we will all meet in the sacred place, and then I will tell them personally. , your sacrifice was not wasted, our enemies will shed their blood on the jungle."

Orcs attach great importance to oaths. For an orc, blood is the most important constraint. It proves oaths, establishes alliances, and reveals true warriors on the battlefield.

Tailing a blood oath is the worst crime known to the orcs, let alone a blood oath sworn by a chieftain.

If Kilrogg fails to fulfill his oath, the Dead Eye family he founded will soon end with him.

No orc would believe a coward who broke his oath and abandoned his people.

Under the oath of the chief, no matter it is an old man or a young child, a strong warrior or a frail hard worker.

They chanted the name of Kilrogg Deadeye one by one, saying their final farewells to their homeland and the people who dared to stay and sacrifice.

Everyone imitated Kilrogg and used his dagger to draw blood, and swore a blood oath together.

They will not forget today's shame. From today on, before taking back their homeland, they are not only the Blood Ring Clan, but also the souls of the Blood Oath.

The soul of Tanaan who swore a blood oath.

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