"What's wrong with you?" Grommash felt a little irritated, "You just need to wait for them here."

"When they come, this big chief won't necessarily be who he is." Nergo coughed twice, "I don't know if Gul'dan has mixed up with other clans. Maybe he is thinking of the same plan as us. Now he I can’t say that I’m recruiting some clansmen as servants.”

"Those chiefs, like Blackhand, have always been ambitious. If they come to Washugu and learn about the tribe, and that the Warsong clan has not received the allegiance of several clans, it is inevitable that he will have other ideas, such as coming on his own Win over those clans that failed to be loyal to the tribe and make yourself the warchief."

"I must use this information gap to gain the support of the chiefs of the other clans first, so that most of the clans will side with us. Then I will promise him benefits and force him to make a blood oath." Nergo said seriously: "In this way we The plan is already more than half successful."

"But I still don't think this is a good idea. It's just a messenger. Why let you go to other places at risk?"

"If we rely on messengers, we can't even win over the Burning Blade Clan."

Nergo knew very well that no matter how good a diplomat was, he could not convince the orc chief more easily than a shaman with legendary experience like him.

"Besides, if even I can be in danger, wouldn't sending an ordinary messenger be the same as risking one's life?"

"There can't be any mistakes in the establishment of the tribe, especially the Blackstone clan. They have the best craftsmen, the most warriors and the strictest discipline. Chief, we must ensure that Black Hand's joining is foolproof..."

Nergo stared at Grommash seriously, "Aren't we trying our best just to wait for the coming moment? I have broken through the ogre's military formation, and I have faced Gul'dan's curse. I have even endured the infusion of divine power, and now I am just going to meet a few chiefs, so where is the danger?"

"Hmm..." Grommash pondered for a moment, and what Nelgo said did make sense. As the strongest shaman in the clan, he must not be in danger of death in the entire Draenor.

"Okay, so what are you going to promise them?"

Grommash knew Nelgo's plan. He always liked to use things he didn't have as bargaining chips to promise other clans.

But Blackhand, the chief of the Blackstone clan they were just talking about, might not be willing to do this.

What he wants, he usually takes with his own hands.

If Nelgo said that the tribe would help him eliminate the ogre forces in Gorgrond or open up territory, he would only be laughed at and dismissed by Black Hand.

Nergo wants to pry the Blackstone clan into working for his plan and convince Black Hand, so he must first find something that Black Hand will be interested in. If he can't find it or doesn't have it, then even if he kneels on the ground humbly, he won't be able to win the loyalty of any Blackstone orc.

Fortunately, Nergo happened to know what Blackhand would be interested in.

"Chief, do you remember the orc named Urban?"

"Urban?" Grommash certainly remembered, "You mean the orc who developed Urban's catapult? I heard that he is currently learning how to make artillery with Draenei technicians, and has made significant progress. .”

Grommash was really impressed by the powerful weapons that could level mountains with just one attack.

But I don’t know why. It was obviously taught by a teacher, but the artillery made by the orc blacksmith seems much bulkier than the draenei’s artillery. It also has almost meaningless decorations such as spikes on it, which is full of orc style.

"No, these days, orcs often see him holding scrolls and writing something." Grommash shook his head, "And there are many...shamans who will try to enchant cannons. Some shamans will try to enchant cannons for this purpose." I also developed a set of rituals.”

It's as if those cannons have souls.

"Very good." Nergo suddenly felt confident, "This time when I go to the Blackstone Clan, I will not give them the promised land, and secondly, I will not give them food and weapons."

Then are you waiting for the gangster to become crazy and be fooled by you? Grommash looked at Nergo in surprise.

Nelgo knew what Grommash was thinking just by looking at his face. He thought he was crazy, but he didn't know who Blackhand was.

He is a chief, a warrior and a blacksmith.

If you come up with some weapon drawings and more advanced technologies that are enough to make Black Hand addicted.

Neither as a chief nor as a blacksmith could he resist his desire.

For the chief, advanced technology will bring the Blackstone Clan to a higher level.

For the blacksmith, being able to create more destructive weapons is his lifelong dream.

The draenei technology from Argus will definitely open the eyes of Black Hand.

"I only need a few drawings from Urban." Nergo said, "Then a map and enough food rations."

"As for other clans, I have my own way of persuading them."

Obviously, Blackhand's level cannot be won by deception. It is difficult to get him to join the tribe without something real, but other clans don't matter.

Some of them cannot live a stable life in the area where they are. As long as he tells them about the "tribal dream" and promises some benefits, they can basically win it.

"Without further delay, I'll set off as soon as I'm ready." Thanks to him being an Ascendant, he could use spells to quickly travel to and from each clan's territory, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to say that he was running back and forth across the entire world.

"That's all?" Grommash was a little surprised, but he also understood Nergo's thoughts, "Okay, I will arrange for someone to prepare your luggage now."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Before leaving, Nergo did not forget to remind Grommash.

"Many orcs are too warlike, and our clan also loves duels. Chief, you still have to handle the relationship between them well during this period." When Nergo said this, he happened to look at the two war flags. Orcs are dueling.

"We can't let the soldiers die in vain at the hands of their own race." Nergo sighed. At this moment, one of the two orcs dueling had his neck cut open by the orc's sharp knife, and blood spurted out from it.

"Go and call that priest boy!" Grommash just glanced at him, and an orc priest ran over as he called loudly.

Wait, Orc Priest?

Perhaps seeing his confusion, Grommash explained: "Perhaps you have forgotten that some of the orcs who went to Shattrath chose to understand their faith in the Holy Light."

Grommash watched the priest cast a spell, and a radiance of holy light magic shone on his wound.

Under the power of magic, the blood flowing out of the Warsong Orc's neck flows back to the body, the broken blood vessels rejoin, and even the torn flesh grows again.

It’s so outrageous.

"These orcs feel that these holy lights allow them to understand their ancestors in ways other than shamanism." Grommash pointed at the orcs who cast spells and said: "For example, he said that he heard his grandmother while sleeping a few days ago. Give him a dream."

"I have to say that these spells are really useful, so before the tribe fights against the enemy, no orcs will die from fighting among themselves." Grommash added: "Unless there are traitors who surrender to the devil."

Well, it seems that Qian Deshi has really learned their core skills.

But as long as they don't say that the peons of Grommash'er are better off than the Archbishop of Shattrath, then he can believe in the Holy Light.

In short, Nelgo took the bag prepared for him by Grommash, rode a warg and left the Warsong Clan's station.

He embarks on an unknown journey again.

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