World of Warcraft: When Alliance and Horde Characters Swap Roles

Chapter 123 I thought the Ogre King was a man from heaven

Krago realized it. He realized that not only the Spellbreaker army was at a disadvantage, but he was also at a disadvantage. Even without the use of magic, he was still no match for the shaman.

"Smash the orcs!" An ogre joined the battle with a very long hammer. Krago's soldiers noticed that his situation was not good. The ogre rushed towards Nergo, leaving Nergo only Draw your sword to block his attack.

Nergo kicked Krago in the fat belly and drew his weapon from his flesh, then cut off his hammer with his greatsword.

"Ah?" The ogre was a little stunned, but he quickly reacted. He raised the shield in his hand, but Nergo blew it away with the wind.


Nergo's sword was deeply inserted into his body. When he wanted to attack Crago, he found that the ogre had been carried away by his soldiers.

Looking at the melee soldiers in front of him, Nergo beat the war drum loudly. The sound of the drum was still loud even in the noisy battlefield. With the blessing of bloodthirsty, all the orc warriors including Nergo were transformed. He was breathing heavily and was no longer calm, as if the soldiers were completely rejuvenated and had swept away the fatigue of the battle.

"Destroy them!"

With an order, the battle horn sounded again, and the soldiers gradually reorganized their formation and continued to attack the ogre's attack force.

But Kelago, who was being held up by the soldiers, was still roaring angrily: "What are you doing? The order we received is to support, not to escape! Let me down quickly."

"Be careful!" The ogre waved his weapon to block the attack of a crazed orc. He kicked it away and then said: "Take the centurion and get out of here!"

"Let me go, you damn cowards! I'll kill him! I want that sword!"

"We have been defeated!" His soldiers said boldly: "The front can no longer be maintained. More and more Gorians have chosen to escape. If we don't leave, everyone will die here. We must defeat them before they are completely defeated. leave!"

"Shut up!" Crago scolded: "If we run away, the right wing and even the entire battle will be defeated. At that time, the head of state will chop off my head!"

"At that time, I will definitely kill you first!" Kelago's roar did not frighten the soldiers. They loudly persuaded Kelago that the collapse of the situation was irreversible.

The soldier who was the first to be reprimanded said bluntly: "Only if all the lawbreakers are wiped out will your head be chopped off by the head of state!"

The other people also agreed, "The orc army is not far from here. They may come at any time to assist the soldiers here and kill us all. Our goal was to quickly kill their shaman in a surprise attack. Now we have failed. !”

"The most important thing we should do now is to go back and persuade the commander to withdraw our troops to ensure that we will not be surrounded by the orc army!"

These words were not lies. Krago was silent. At this time, he also believed that the soldiers' words were reasonable. They were the elite lawbreakers of Highmaul and could not waste their lives in this meat grinder meaninglessly.

At the very least, he wanted to inform the Führer.

"We...withdraw our troops." He gave the order with difficulty. The ogre's army on the right wing was surprised to find that their hard-won reinforcements had actually escaped.

This behavior also caused a chain reaction. The orcs became more popular and the ogre army was demoralized. The orcs' banners continued to approach, and their bright red banners penetrated deeper and deeper, while the purple battle banner of Highmaul could not be seen at all. If you were to look for them, you would probably only be able to see these flags that were trampled like rags on the ground.


Margok looked anxiously at the many councilors in the Temple of Carthenon. These dignitaries who usually quarreled with each other no longer had the intention of attacking each other at this moment. They were all waiting for the good news brought by the law breakers.

As long as their shaman troops are suppressed, the pressure on their city defense will be much easier.

But reality is often bitter and unsatisfactory.

When the defeated Spellbreakers fled to the city one by one, they understood.

They lost this battle.

"A spellbreaker who is immune to magic." Margok's soft words became the prelude before the storm.

Everyone knew he was going to get angry, an emotion rarely seen in the King of Witchcraft.

"But they can't even kill the shaman!" Margok stood up and shouted angrily.

His two heads vented their anger together, and the voices in the two mouths were louder than the other.

He shook off the frightened guards around him and the stupid councilors who could do nothing but criticize, but to the relief of the councilors, the King of Witchcraft had no intention of killing anyone. On the terrace, Margok looked beyond the houses and towers and looked ahead at the battlefield of the city wall where the battle was still going on.

He suppressed his anger and asked, "What else do you think now?"

Before they could reply, Margok knew that they couldn't come up with any useful ideas. It was already a great strategy for them to come up with a plan that would hurt both sides.

Who said they were idiots and trash that he single-handedly promoted?

He had already begun to secretly consider the possibility of negotiating peace. As long as Highmaul could be saved and Highmaul could continue to stand for a hundred years, what if it had to succumb to the orcs?

It should be noted that when a king is in despair, it is not unreasonable for him to disguise himself as a farmer in order to protect himself.

Sure enough, the words of these councilors did not surprise him at all. They said: "Crush all the mountains near Highmaul and kill the orcs."

But Mal'gok was thinking that the landslide would swallow the orcs and Highmaul together.

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If the orcs never took prisoners and it was impossible for him to join the orcs, Margok might have thought that the ogre who said this had collected 50 wolf skins from the Warsong clan.

What kind of fool could say this?

Highmaul's glory, which had taken centuries since it was founded by his ancestors, should have returned to the earth along with several broken mountains?

Not to mention how many orcs will die, is there any hope for Highmaul after this plan succeeds?

Countless wealth and subjects will inevitably perish together with the great city. Without people and wealth, whose king will he be then?

From a wild boar? ?

What's the use of killing the orcs? They're just like bugs. A few years have passed and a bunch of them will pop up again. Maybe they haven't even built the new Highmaul and a new orc army will come again.

The person who said this should be thrown into the arena to duel with slaves. Don't even think about coming back until you kill 100 opponents!

Margok continued to look into the distance, his face expressionless, without fear, sorrow, or shame.

"Maybe we have an easier way," he said.

The congressmen were a little surprised, "You want to... participate in the battle in person?"

Everyone knows that the King of Sorcery is the most powerful mage in Highmaul, and the King of Sorcery of this generation can be said to be the strongest leader.

If he takes part in the battle, he must really be able to repel the orc army outside the city.

Thinking too much.

Margok looked at them with a somewhat downcast look. These bastards, you don't want me to go to the battlefield? If I die, you will eat my inheritance, right?

"The chief of the orcs has sent an envoy to negotiate peace. Maybe we should listen to what Hellscream has to say."

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