"Be safe, orcs." Sylvanas in the form of a banshee flew into the air and let out a piercing scream. The sound waves made the ogre army miserable. Their minds were filled with the pain of the banshee. Can't cast spells at all.

"Where is Grommash?" she asked.

"It's over there." Tazage pointed in a direction. There were the most ogres there just now, but now the ogres there have been washed away. Tazage knew without thinking that it was Grommash's fault.

Amidst the noise of the battle, Sylvanas's voice reached Grommash's ears, "Nergo asked me to inform you that Valrego is dead. The strongest ogres among them are fighting in the tower. They struggle."

Along with the cry of extreme pain, a spirit suddenly penetrated into the body of an ogre who was about to rush towards Grommash.

The ogre's bulky appearance issued Sylvanas' soft voice: "The overall situation has been decided."

"Madam, thank you for Nelgo and Lantreso." Grommash knew that if they hadn't destroyed the ogre's headquarters, their attack would not have been so smooth. If it hadn't been for Nelgo's Ascension spells, even the orc shaman may not be able to suppress the ogre magician.

In short, Grommash looked at the thunderclouds in the sky that were still raining down thunder on the ogres, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Kill them! Leave no one alive!" His voice spread throughout the battlefield, and the ogres ran towards Highmaul or the wilderness in fear.

The ogres have many armies, but most of them are strong men temporarily recruited in Highmaul. These recruits are just like the 100-dollar brothers, they are cannon fodder units.

Since they are cannon fodder units, their combat effectiveness goes without saying. Most of the ogres that fled on the battlefield and were massacred by orcs were these recruits.

But the ogre army is not only composed of these recruits. After the headquarters was raided by the orcs, those relatively elite warriors spontaneously followed the centurions, who were usually prestigious in the army, and formed small groups. Combat.

In this chaotic situation, shouts of death, screams, fires, and explosions were everywhere.

But it is obvious that the balance of victory has begun to tilt towards the orcs. These ogres, who are like a plate of loose sand, will soon lose all resistance.

Not many ogres will fight to the end because they know they can't run away, and even if they do, it won't have any impact on the overall situation.

Sylvanas faced a strong wind and came to the sky. Looking down from the sky, she saw that most of the ogres had fled. Looking at the ogre soldiers regrouping together, Sylvanas Si found the shock cavalry belonging to Groblerburg.

These cavalry are easy to identify. They are currently charging back and forth among the enemy formations with Tazhaq.

They picked up sharp spears that were more than four meters long. Rows of new mail armor and wolf-head-like helmets made them look like wolves that chose people to eat, and they couldn't wait to pounce on these fat animals.

More than three hundred cavalrymen galloped along the wind, using the momentum to break through the defeated troops that an ogre officer had struggled to gather in a few breaths.

After drilling through it, these cavalrymen returned to their original formation, received new spears from their slave attendants, and rushed towards the new target without losing momentum.

Sylvanas found an ogre and rushed towards him quickly. After controlling the ogre and successfully occupying his body, he said to the shock cavalry: "Kill their mages first."

Tazage was stunned. What did this ogre mean? What made him even more stunned was that after the ogre said this, he actually picked up his stone hammer and hit him on the head.

Immediately performed a suicide drama.

After his death, Sylvanas emerged from his body and flew away.


"Ha." Nergo breathed out and looked at the sword master beside him with a smile, "I kind of regret it now."

"What are you regretting?" Lantrexo slashed at an ogre with his knife. These stupid things seemed to be endless. Even if the ogres they killed were enough to pile up a hill, it was enough to blow out Nergo's magic. The big hole was filled, but there was still a steady stream of ogres rushing over.

"I regret not going to Havalo to watch your battle." Nergo threw out the lightning condensed in his hand. For a moment, the lightning struck straight along the ground. There were no ogres on this path. One could survive, and they all tasted lightning.

"It's not too late to take a look."

Among the ogres who were screamed by lightning, Lantrexo jumped into the crowd with a swift wind step and stabbed all the ogres who were lucky enough to survive.

Until an ogre swung his war hammer at him.

This ogre Nergo has been paying attention to him for a long time. He is a spellbreaker. Any lightning or storm that hits him will suddenly disappear.

The armor on this huge ogre had become torn in the battle, but he didn't care at all and rushed towards Nergo with a yell.

At this time, Lantrexo snorted coldly and prepared to intercept the lawbreaker again.

He is a wind slayer. If he and Nergo were to fight one on one, Nergo would inevitably be at a disadvantage.

Lantrexo held the long knife and rushed towards the brave ogre with a wave. Nelgo smiled. Was he being treated as a soft persimmon?

He once again summoned lightning to clear the surrounding enemies to ensure that they would not interfere. Then he picked up the great sword and charged faster than the ogre.

The ogre turned around, leaving Lantreso's fire blade behind, and let the flaming weapon hit his shoulder. He endured the pain, raised the hammer and hit Nergo's head. I am sure that as long as this hits, the orc's head will make a sound like wood breaking.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Nergo was certainly not stupid. Of course he would not take this powerful and heavy blow. After using his speed to dodge the blow, Nergo looked at the pool of blood on the ground and his tone could not help but be full of appreciation. .

"You're so brave. What's your name?" Nergo admired the ogre's courage. This method of exchanging injuries for injuries suited him very well.

This ogre spellbreaker with shaved hair, strong muscles, and a large tattoo on his arm is undoubtedly a handsome ogre with excellent taste in the aesthetics of their tribe.

His voice was deep, "I am Krago, shaman."

Krago is very simple, or very stupid. He can be stupid enough to voluntarily join Varrego's army for the honor of Highmaul, which is tantamount to death.

He could also be stupid enough to trade injury for injury just to crack Nergo's skull.

All he had to do was say: If you don't send me to the Shadow Realm, it won't be over.


Nergo went through the memories in his mind and suddenly realized who he was. This was the "Anti-Magic Pioneer" he had been looking for, a spell-breaker who could accept multiple types of magic immunity at the same time.

Nergo nodded slightly, signaling Lantrexo to stop attacking.

Lantriso was a little confused but still chose to believe Nergo.

Nergo talks to Krago as he fights him.

"You should be aware of the fact that the army was defeated, right?"

It's not surprising that Krago's fat figure seems a bit flexible. He is also an ogre who has excelled in combat training and has a high status in Highmaul.

He said nothing, but Nergo did not shut up.

"I will give you a chance to live now." He said: "Let you go back alive and tell your leader that the orcs won."

Crago opened his mouth to retort, but Nergo's next words made his open mouth close again.

"You may not be afraid of death, but you have to think about your people and your country." Nergo parried Crago's hammer and said, "You have to think of a way out for them."

"Perhaps your head of state also wants to negotiate peace?"

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