In fact, the Heavenly Dao can also transform into a transcendent form by transcending the insect instrument.

However, this premise must be based on the fact that he has his own consciousness.

Now, he and Kagami are controlled by the Red Dancing Shoe System Storming Device, to be precise, he is now an emotionless combat machine.

If you don’t kill all the bugs, you won’t stop.

Until death!

Even now, all the protozoans present have been killed by Natsume, but they still haven’t returned to their original state.

Because the number of protozoa is not very small, in addition to those present, there are many who have not come.

The setup of the red dancing shoe system is itself somewhat problematic.

Natsume, who transformed into a surpassing armor, shook his head slightly.

A skill card is fed into the drive for reading.

【HyperClockUp! 】

【Beyond super high speed! 】

At this moment, Natsume entered the realm of super high speed, and it was unusual to have a divine skill that was enough to reverse time.

Even if the violent armor bucket and steel bucket involuntarily carry out ClockUp, in the eyes of Natsume at this time, it seems like a home.

In the blink of an eye, Natsume hit both of them separately.

Hit them in the same place and bump them together.

Look at the timing.

Natsume sent the killer card, jumped 130 times, and opened the breastplate in front of the armor, and a colorful and dazzling wing of light appeared behind him.

【HyperRiderKick! 】

Transcend… Knight Kick!

The strong force fell on them, and the armor on the body could not withstand this terrifying impact, and they directly lifted their transformations, and their bodies were sweating profusely, as if they had been fished out of water.

Fell into a coma.

Natsume leaned them against the wall with one in his hand, then disarmed his transformation and walked to the house below Tokyo Tower.

Inside, there are many instruments.

Misaligned wiring.

This is a signal generation device set up by Negishi, using the necklace that was distributed as a receiver, and using the Tokyo Tower to spread the signal in an effort to turn humans around the world into protozoa.

Natsume had previously acquired the talent of Kiryu War Rabbit, and as a genius physicist, he could understand these instruments, but it didn’t matter if he could understand them or not.

He likes a simpler and rougher approach.

Clench your fist with your right hand.

The power of light condenses on the right arm, as if glowing with white light, which is another way to use the power of (CCFH).

It is covered on the surface of the body, and then the diffused fluctuations are condensed and condensed into a ball.

Then it blooms an even more terrifying power.

A punch with an indifferent look was thrown.

A white light mass appeared, landed on these devices, exploded, and after doing all this, Natsume walked out.

The comatose Tendo and Kagami have woken up.

They looked at each other’s hands with complicated expressions.

“Are you awake?”

Natsume said.

He was not particularly surprised, in terms of physique, in this world, there were still not many people who could compare with the General Division of Heavenly Dao.

And Kagami, maybe not comparable to Heavenly Dao in all other aspects, but the ability to resist blows is indeed good!

It’s his talent.

“We just we…?”

Kagami scratched his head and asked with some doubt, he only felt tired and sour.

But what exactly happened? But there is no memory.

He only remembered that he was beaten out by crickets and met Tendo and Natsume.

Go to war again.

And then…

I don’t remember.

Tendo slowly stood up, he knew more things than Kagami, took a deep breath, looked at Natsume and asked, “Is it red dancing shoes?” ”

Previously, Kaga Mitsuru had approached him and inexplicably told the story of the red dancing shoes.

And he also said that the device was installed on the armor bucket and the steel bucket. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, Tiandao searched, but did not find it, originally wanted to go to the area x where the file was stored to find some information, but it exploded because of the theft of the insect instrument.

It was rebuilt, and a fire burned down a lot of the things inside.

In desperation, Heavenly Dao was no longer entangled.

Unexpectedly, it would appear at this time.

If Natsume is not there, perhaps, things will not end so simply, and Tendo actually has something to thank Natsume in his heart.

He is confident in himself, but whether he can forcibly control the rampage of the red dancing shoes is a question.

Tyrannical, tirelessly killing all bugs, whether alien or protozoa.

So, will he put Xiao Xu also…

If he had done that, he would never have forgiven himself in any way.

Perhaps he will reverse time with transcendent forms, even if he destroys himself.

“Okay, the matter is over for the time being, I’ll go back first, you two talk more.”

Natsume said with a slight smile.


Tiandao nodded.

“Thank you, Natsume-kun.” Kagami also said in a serious tone.

Natsume waved his hand.

Laughing, he opened a hole in a dark space beside him and stepped in.

Back home.

Xiao Ye had already prepared the meal and was waiting at the table.

“Xiao Ye, I’m back.”

Natsume came out of the dark space.

“Brother Natsume!” Xiao Ye showed a surprised expression on his face, and said with a smile: “I knew that Brother Natsume would definitely come back on time.” ”

At this time, the meal was still hot.

The hot rice chopping protozoa he said is not just talk, the battle over there is mostly carried out at super high speed, and the back and forth is also a space jump, and there is not much time wasted on the way.

“Let’s eat.”

He touched Xiao Ye’s head.


Xiao Ye, nodding repeatedly, squinting his eyes, enjoying this feeling very much, and ripples rippled in his heart.

After a meal.

After briefly cleaning up in the kitchen, Natsume spoke to Koyo and went back to the room.

Open the system’s panel.

Many message records prompting the acquisition of points.

[Killing protozoal larvae will reward 10 points]

[Killing protozoal larvae will reward 10 points]

[Kill cricket protozoa and reward 1,000 points]

The protozoa brought by the root bank are quite a lot, although they are not comparable to when they were killed in the first place, but the points harvested are also quite a lot.

“All in all, it’s a lot of gains…”

Natsume whispered.

Thank you Barbatos Draco Emperor for your great monthly pass support!.

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