Kaga Mitsuku was arrested, and he was removed from his position as commander-in-chief of Zect.

What awaits him will be an endless abyss!

However, the expression on Kagamilu’s face was not as angry as expected, just the opposite of that.

He even has a bit of freedom and calmness.

That’s it, right?

When he saw Masato Mishima, he was shocked, but in fact, Kaga Mitsuru had already guessed what was going to happen.

For a long time, working with protozoa has been a dance on the tip of a knife.

Therefore, since a long time ago, Kaga Mitsuru has been prepared for this day.

And in that instant.

Kaga Milu edited the stored text message on his mobile phone SMS page and sent it.

The addressee is: Kaga Mishin “097”.

His son.

In the text message, he explained the cause of the matter, of course, this is only one of his means.

If it doesn’t work, Kaga Mitsuru has other methods, but it will take a little time.

Today, his hand speed and reaction are relatively fast, so the first time, it is completed.

For now, the thunder flies roaming the city, let’s not mention it for the time being.

The royal bee and the sword scorpion have disappeared.

This… Nor to mention it.


Their humans, the hole cards held in their hands, should be the Sun God Armor Fight, the God of War Gang Fight, and the Dark Emperor Ride.

According to the past, in fact, human beings are also very likely to win.

At least…

The unplanned Dark Emperor Ride is the most important link in Kaga Miriku’s heart.

It was like a lost confidence.

It’s like, as long as he’s there.

Then, there is nothing that cannot be done in this world, as the former commander-in-chief of Zect, Kaga Miriku, unlike Shuichi Tasho, who goes to the battlefield every time, is at the forefront of the battle against the xenomorphs, witnessing the strength of knights such as the Dark Emperor Rider.

But the achievements of those knights, as well as some videos left through the command car, can also glimpse the strength of the Dark Emperor Rider.

Kaga believes that if everything goes according to expectations, then humanity is not without chance.

At this last moment, he chose to believe.

Believe… Human beings will also have a future!

Kaga Mitsuku was taken away directly.

Masato Mishima and Negishi did not follow, but just let the people under him take him to Area X

He is about to be taken to the laboratory where Masato Mishima is being transformed.

As another lucky one who was transformed into a protozoa.

Only the weakest larvae, of course.

In his heart, Negishi was very happy.

He is a smiling tiger with a knife hidden in his smile.

On the surface, it seems that he does not care about Kaga Miriku’s previous series of treatment, but in fact, he has the most revenge, and he has always remembered, waiting to vent now.

Directly killing Kagami Miru, of course, is also possible, but the cost performance is not so high in comparison.

Or in other words, Negishi’s mind that compares Bt definitely doesn’t want Kaga Mitsuru to be relieved so easily.

That would undoubtedly be too cheap for him.

Let his mind and body face pain and torment, and it will continue forever.

In Negishi’s view, this is the most correct way to open.

And how to do it?

For the protozoa, from beginning to end, Kaga Miriku hated it, so it was very simple.

Directly transform Kaga Milu into a protozoa. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He became the creature he hated the most, and then let him die in remorse, self-blame and pain.

Wouldn’t it be happy?

Negishi thought well.

After temporarily disposing of Kaga Mitsuru, Masato Mishima and Negishi began to deal with matters about what to do next.

The distribution of that necklace has all been entrusted to the people below.

All they have to do is wait.

This chain, when distributed free of charge, said that it could detect the frequency resonance of alien insects.

So that as long as the alien worm appears within a certain range of the area, it can be found and let them appear in their original form.

In this way, it is very convenient to run away or inform Zect’s ant soldier troops.

Someone met by chance and experimented, and found that this was indeed the case, and after the alien worm transformed into its original form, it was quickly easily destroyed by the ant soldier troops who rushed in….

Then, the news spread ten, ten, and hundred.

Many places are lined up to pick it up.

If there is a monster like a foreign insect lurking around you, you will definitely be worried.

But now with this high-tech product, you don’t have to worry too much.

What they didn’t know, however, was.

This so-called role is just one of them.

That is, the subordinate ability that they exert on the necklace in order to carry out smoothly in their final plan of transforming all humans into protozoa.

In fact, the real capabilities of this chain are… Signal receiving devices, once they finally use Tokyo Tower as a base point to spread that signal fluctuation to the entire planet, then most people will be transformed into protozoa.

The benefits are numerous.

Not only can they occupy the planet and wantonly plunder the resources on this planet, but also can increase the number of their originally small races a lot.

It’s a multi-pronged thing.

At least, for the protozoan side.

And why not?

The plan was implemented slowly.

For Natsume, these days, he also didn’t go out, because there was no need for that, and now he just had to wait for the real final battle to come.

At that time, it is possible to solve most of the problems of 0.0 in a short time.

As for what to go out and say now, this chain is useless, but will be disliked.

Just like the current Heavenly Dao.

has become a wanted criminal.

He didn’t bother to do something like that.

As members of Zect, Renka Takashima and Yuzuki Ko are assigned to the team that distributes necklaces.

However, before that, Natsume had already told them that they should never wear the necklace on their bodies.

Natsume did not explain why.

They didn’t ask.

Just keep things in mind.

No matter what.

Natsume wouldn’t lie to them!

Just remember that.

Thanks to the old driver for driving fast and the name blank for the support of the monthly pass!.

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