
The Kamen Riders of the Zect series, including the kicking locust and fist locust that were abandoned by Zect, all turned on the super high speed and entered another realm at this moment, at the same time.

The combatants of the overhaul card are basically weirdos of the miscellaneous level like this.

The level of strength, comparable to the larvae of the alien worm.

It may even be inferior.

Their defense is not very strong, belonging to one of the weakest group of weirdos, so after entering the super high-speed state, with their own attack power, they can easily kill these miscellaneous soldiers.

Natsume raised an eyebrow.

He can get the corresponding points for killing the weirdo, and the overhaul card combatant seems to be among them, but the points that can be obtained are only slightly smaller.

Everyone is involved in the holster war.

If it’s usual, that’s it.

Just like before.

Everyone is in harmony.

Fight together as normal.

How many weirdos everyone has killed depends on their skills, and I am worried that now, the armor fight and the sword scorpion have used super speed, and strive to be able to kill the weirdos very easily.

But this made Natsume a little unhappy.

These points are determined by him.

Solved by someone else, what is the matter?

Snapped his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, with a click, all around Natsume, time stopped, and the only thing that could act was the Dark Emperor Rider itself, and in the state of time stop, the super high speed and normal speed entered the same field for the first time.

As long as Natsume’s movements are fast enough.

Then, even if it is beyond the super high-speed, it is not too difficult, and it will still be stopped by Natsume.

Now there is the power obtained from Nogi Reiji.

Natsume hardly used Odin’s cards anymore.

This is the card that Natsume used to use before…

Now, except for some special times, Natsume will still use it, and the rest of the time will not be, after all, they have already been lighter, and the final result is the same.

Why bother?

When everything comes together.

His own detachment, with the energy of the flesh, he can do everything, and with one punch, even if it is a transformed knight, he may not be able to withstand it, but until then, Natsume will still choose to transform into battle.

As a knight… After the transformation, he is still very handsome.

You don’t see, even if the orange god after eating the golden fruit and becoming a god, he will still wear his own limiter every time, so there will be rumors that the god wears his limiter again.

Pause everything.

Natsume took out another card.

【KamenRideFaiz! 】

【FromRideFaizAxe1! 】

In an instant, the form of the Dark Emperor Rider changed, turning into Faiz’s accelerated form, and silver photon blood flowed all over the body, blooming with terrifying power.

【StartUp! 】

The ten-second countdown begins.

This is not a challenge for Natsume, Faiz acceleration form and zect knight’s ClockUp are actually similar, the principle of acceleration is different, but they can completely keep up with each other, and they all have corresponding restrictions.

The acceleration of Faiz’s accelerated form is only ten seconds, and ClockUp cannot break through the limit, the xenomorphs are okay, their physiques are naturally superior to humans.

And human beings use the knight system, it is impossible to be in the special field of super high speed all the time, of course, like the general division of the parallel world of the armored dou, directly because the super high-speed system is trapped in it, that is the exception, at least this matter in the world of the armored dou, that is unheard of.

Natsume turned into a phantom and began to shuttle.

The countdown continues.

Ten seconds, say fast and fast!

Speaking slowly… Also slow.

If it is in the outside world, of course, it is only a momentary thing, maybe just a few blinks of the eyes, everything will pass, but if it is placed at this almost ultra-high-speed speed, it is different. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The templates for reference comparison are all different.

The result is different!

The ability to stop time makes everything fall into a static state, so when you compare it, Natsume’s speed looks very fast.

One punch, one kick.


Countless red spirals locked the weirdo, and while the acceleration was not over, Natsume shuttled by.


Accelerate the countdown of the watch, which also happens to be zeroed.

A TimeOut beep sounded.

If in the past.

Natsume will definitely adhere to the good habit of playing monsters for 3 seconds and loading b7 seconds, but this time, it is mainly because the number of weirdos who overhaul the card is relatively large, and when they gather, they are also scattered.

Moreover, in addition, it is necessary to avoid some knights interspersed among them, and after stopping, accidentally injuring teammates, Natsume still will not do it, there is no need for that.

That’s why it took a little effort.

At this moment, all the remaining overhaul card combatants who did not self-detonate, as well as some ordinary weirdos with mediocre strength, all died under Crimson N, and only a few cadre-level weirdos remained.

Natsume habitually shook his hand.

Subsequently, the photon blood on his body was dyed red, and the accelerated form disappeared, turning into the ordinary form of Faiz, followed by the appearance of the Dark Emperor Rider, and returned to the same place.

In my ears, the prompt sound of getting (good) points reward keeps ringing.

Points are constantly growing.

The number itself is small.

But once combined…

That’s just too much.

Sometimes, when the quality is not good, the number of heaps is also a good choice.

Natsume lifted the time stop.

Explosions rang out one after another.

Everyone looked confused.

Just now, what happened?

But I don’t have to think about it much.

Victory is at hand.

All the knights stood together, moved in unexpected unison, jumped up, and even the knights who were not kicked by the knights, such as the sword scorpion and the thunderfly, were also forcibly kicked by the knights.

All the knights present cast flying kicks.

The remaining overhaul card cadre weirdos also announced that they had entered the finale.

Instant explosion!

Gee, the death is miserable.

….. Number..

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