The overhaul card appeared this time, and the movement was quite large.

Previously, the shadow moon was relatively stable.

There has been no invasion.

But if you don’t act, you have.

He continued to hibernate.

One action…

That’s amazing!

If they quietly appeared and hid the base of the overhaul card in a deep mountain similar to Mount Kuro through the dimensional wall, it is estimated that few people would find out, but like now, the fanfare descended, and the sky made a loud noise.

It’s like thunder!

So words.

Even if you don’t notice it, it is difficult to estimate.

But this is also the style of the overhaul card.

Since it was decided to invade.

Then there is no need to think too much.

Get straight to it.

Before, it was only promised, there was a reason, but now that it has been decided, then there is no need to think too much, and it is extremely open, in fact, this is also the style of the overhaul card organization.

Be open when it’s time to be open, and hide when it’s time to hide yourself.

At what time, what to do.

This is necessary!


Monya Koya took the vintage camera that Natsume had given her in front of her, pressed the shutter, clicked a picture, and then looked in the direction of the overhaul card base, and appeared not far from Tokyo.

And on the highest mountain in the suburbs.

It’s impressive!

She fixed her eyes and gently pursed her lips, for the base of the overhaul card, Menya Xiaoye will definitely not be unfamiliar, because in the past, she was a member of the overhaul card, and after her brother disappeared inexplicably, Menya Xiaoye even immersed himself in the laboratory of the overhaul card most of his time.

“Here it is…”

Take a deep breath.

Monya muttered softly.

Hold the Earth Stone.

She had long known that this day would come, but what she didn’t expect was that this day would come so quickly, and she was still a little unprepared, she had to go and see.

Brother Natsume… Don’t get into an accident!

This is the ultimate bottom line of Monya Koya.


In the base of the overhaul card, the leader’s throne symbolizes the glory of the overhaul card organization, although the overhaul card is a villain organization spanning the old decade, and it can even be said that it runs through the entire Heisei era, but in this base, especially where the leader sits, it is really a little chilly.

However, this is not unavoidable.

After all, the purpose of the overhaul card is to conquer many parallel worlds and put all the energy on this matter, so in this case, of course, there is no such concern for other things.

Think differently.

Mokikage Nobuhiko sat calmly on the leader’s throne, his right hand supporting his chin, and below stood the cadres who were now overhauling cards, none other than Colonel Zor, Apollo Geist, and others.

This is clearly a meeting!

In the overhaul card organization, there are not many people who can participate in this meeting, only cadre-level eccentrics can participate, and the rest of the squad leaders and so on do not have this opportunity at all.

Those ordinary weirdos, plus the combatants of the overhaul card, had all gathered at this time, as if they were ready to attack.

“Then, action! In addition to cleaning up and recycling the Emperor Rider and the Final Rider Drive, bring back the Earth Stone~. ”

Moon Kage Nobuhiko said indifferently.


Below, a group of strange people answered in unison, and then walked out one after another.

Colonel Zor, that is, Nautaki, who temporarily joined the overhaul card. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A beautiful and quirky smile appeared on his face.

“Hey, hey, hey! Finally ready to act, Emperor Ride… And the abominable Dark Emperor Ride, this world is the end of the journey, and your end is coming! Narutaki laughed inwardly!

When he thought that he could finally end the Emperor Rider and the Dark Emperor Rider, his mood became more and more good.

In order to achieve this goal, Narutaki, who prides himself on blocking the journey of the Emperor Rider and saving the world, even did not hesitate to join the notorious villain organization Overhaul Card, for a better future and for the true peace of other parallel worlds, it is necessary to truly kill the Emperor Rider and the Dark Emperor Rider, and for this purpose, the necessary sacrifices are also feasible.

I don’t know how, but Narutaki thinks exactly like this.

In fact, he is like this, and he is a little deserving and standing!

In the end, all this is Nautaki’s own opinion.

He chased the taxi from the beginning.

I have never asked what the current taxi thinks in his heart.

Overhaul Card immediately took action.

Moon Shadow Nobuhiko is a shadow moon, has an imperial stone, and is very strong, so compared to when he was a puppet in office, the major weirdos under the overhaul card still have different minds, secretly all have their own little nine nine, but on the surface, they are still much more united than before.

The combatants, in particular, have reached the point of prohibition.

As artificial humans, they do not have a mind of their own.

Soon came the city to rage.

Let people run away.

They did not kill wantonly, after all, the main task is to find people, by the way to enslave this world, occasionally necessary destruction, but it is very necessary, alien insects hibernate, overhaul cards to replace them.

In order to maintain the peace of the city.

From the beginning of its establishment, the Zect ant troops, which were to fight against the xenomorphs, were also dispatched.

Somewhere on an open street.

A command vehicle with several armored vehicles carrying ant soldiers squads hurriedly arrived, waiting for the battle, while the other party, wearing a black skull tights printed with a white skull pattern, was confronting strange-looking strange people.

“. The three squads A.B and C were all loaded and on alert. ”

Shuichi Tasho ordered based on the video footage inside the command car. The ant soldiers lined up in formation, raised the saber and machine gun in their hands, and aimed it at many weirdos.

“Kagami, you always pay attention to support.”

He continued.

“I see.”

Kagami nodded seriously, his belt had already been tied around his waist, ready to summon the steel bucket insect instrument at any time, thus transforming into a Kamen Rider steel bucket and fighting as the god of war.

“Lianhua, you should also pay attention to safety.”

Tian Shuichi instructed again.

Yuzuki Misaki assisted him in his command vehicle and gave his orders, as well as observation instruments, but Renka Takatori and Kagami were people who fought outside, and although Kagami was mostly deflated, she was also a knight, and Renka Takatori was not.

“Captain, I know.”

Gao Tori Lianhua pulled the steel wire in her hand, her tone was serious, and now this situation seems to be completely different from when she faced the alien swarm…


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