After breakfast, Natsume went straight out.

He had a hunch.

What happened today…

It’s going to be a little different!

The breeze blows in the city, unlike the wind, there is a refreshing wind all the time, not enough occasionally such a wind blowing, it feels very good.

The Shindai Sword had disappeared since the wee hours of the morning.

Fall into the shade!

As if for a moment, no one knew where he went, Nogi Reiji stayed in the base camp of the alien insect, and he did not know the movement of the Shindai sword, but he was not in a hurry, the Shindai sword, or the poisonous scorpion adult, the reason why he had such a performance now was entirely because of his actions in the early morning.

Now it can only be said that it is normal.

Wait until he figured it out.

Sooner or later it will be recovered.

Now, let the bullets fly a little longer!

Nogi is very confident.


After being reborn, he also had new plans, and he had a new idea of destroying humans and protozoa, but it still took a while and 21 preparations, so he set out to make the alien worms below hibernate again.

Enter a state similar to previous years.

But this time the concealment will not last long.

It’s all about preparation.

He will restrain most of the xenomorphs, of course, only most of them, because even as the leader of the xenomorph side, his control over this group is not absolute.

There will always be some guys who can’t see the form underneath.

This is normal.

In fact.

Such things, placed in any ethnic group, will occur, where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, there will be fights, not a special case of the alien race, even if the number of protozoa is small, there will be differences and fights.

After the Heavenly Dao General sent his sister to school.

Same location again.

He encountered the weirdos again.

Not an overhaul card.

It’s a xenomorph!

As mentioned earlier, not everyone in the Xenozo group obeys Nogi’s words, and it was good when Rina Mamiya was there before, she is very intelligent, and she is a good hand in controlling internal affairs.

The internal management of the alien insects is in an orderly manner, unlike now, although Nogi Reiji has started himself, but in general, it is still a plate of scattered sand, and ordinary alien insects are just obey

The orders of adults are extremely normal for them, but the stronger ones, or some mutants that have long been hidden, are different.

Listen to your… By what?

They are the thorns.

And exactly.

Nogi Reiji doesn’t want them to do anything, he just wants to do it!

It’s just that wayward.

Now appearing in front of Heavenly Dao, it happens to be one of the mutants, indestructible defense strengthening, no other special ability, that is, to resist beating, stronger than the tide crab insect.

And unlike the adult worm that Natsume had encountered before, which had strong defense after molting, but lost even super speed, this mutant adult worm is obviously fundamentally different.

More powerful than that!

“This place is poisonous.”

The corners of Tiandao’s mouth twitched slightly.

Can’t help but complain!

It doesn’t work either.

He hadn’t sent his sister to school before, so he rarely came here in the morning, and after Shuhua was attacked by alien insects several times in a row, Tiandao would come to pick up Shuhua every day as long as he was free.


Natsume has saved the tree flower twice in a row, and the age of the tree flower is obviously when the mood is first blooming, and Tiandao is very clear that heroes saving beauty is the easiest way to make a girl feel good.

Especially the tree flowers.


In order to avoid this situation continuing to happen, and to avoid letting Natsume focus on the tree flowers, Tendo resolutely chose to pick up and drop, anyway, he has nothing else, he is the same as Natsume, his job is to kill alien insects.

The position of the job is… Kamen Rider!

And since picking up my sister. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the morning, there will always be something happening here, and the overhaul card troops brought by the porcupine weirdo last time came out of the dimensional wall, which is still fresh in the memory of Heavenly Dao, but I didn’t expect to encounter it again today.

What else can be said about this luck?

The appearance of the xenomorph with great fanfare.

This is a blue tide crab insect, which is basically the same as the state of Mamiya Reina’s transformation, as if carved out of a mold, which is somewhat similar to… Rebirth of dirt?

It’s just a pity that the colors are different.

Rina Mamiya is close to white, and this one is blue, and most of the variants will have a special color, even if they look exactly the same, they can be distinguished by this.

This insect was one of those who rebelled against Nogi’s orders.

She is a loner.

As a mutant, she molts and has great power, but she obviously does not want to participate in the power struggle, so she did not fight for the position of the leader of the twelve constellations and the leader of the xenozo set by Rina Mamiya earlier.

It’s my own way!

But now, just if Nogi Reiji alone gives orders, she has to listen? This is a joke, she is not like Yuto Maeda, coveting the beauty of Rina Maemiya, and finally put herself in.

She was alone.

Take a shot, change the ground.

The probability of encountering a knight is low.

But now it’s encountered… 443 Tiandao grabbed the flying armor insect instrument and drank lightly:



On the belt, a voice came at the same time.

After completing the transformation.

Tendo shoots from a distance with a Kumu Gun-Axe form, and the Kamen Form casts a kill, and no other action is required, because as long as it attacks with the Kumu Gun, it is a must-kill power.

Bang bang!

Gunshots rang out.

It was like an avalanche shot, with special bullets landing on the sturdy armor of the adult tide crab, splashing sparks, but causing no damage to the insect itself.

The adult tide crab even raised his big pincers defiantly.

As if to say with arrogance: That’s it?

Tiandao didn’t care.

It is unwise to get angry in battle.

Calm analysis and observation.

In order to find a way to break the enemy.


After bursting armor.

The dexterous armor bucket rushed towards the adult tide crab, and at the top of the nearby building, a strangely dressed man was watching the battle below.

At this time, Natsume was still on his way to arrive on horseback…

Thanks to Lonely Wind Language, Wang1098 for their generous monthly pass support!.

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