After the transformation, of course, it was in the form of a masquerade at first.

However, for the Shindai Sword, the masquerade form is just an excessive form, and after the transformation, it does not stay in this form for more, but quickly molts.

【CastOff! 】

【ChangeScorpion.~.. 】

The armor is lifted and the scorpion is deformed.

In a split second.

The armor on the sword scorpion’s body bounced off like this, revealing a normal combat posture against alien insects, combat power, reflexes, and speed, all of which were greatly improved.

With both hands holding a sharp blade, the sword scorpion immediately rushed towards Nogi Reiji, who turned into an adult horseshoe crab, and the blade flashed with cold.

He’s super brave!

The sword scorpion blade has a sharpness that is enough to cut through steel.

The offensive is terrifying.


No matter how terrifying the attack is, if it can’t be hit, it won’t make any sense, and after Nogi Reiji transformed into the body of the alien insect form, even the perception and reaction power couldn’t help but become a little terrifying.

The horseshoe crab adult moved his position back, as if he was showing off his skills, Xuanzhi Xuan dodged the sword scorpion’s slash, although he did lose the ability to stop time after being blasted by the Dark Emperor Rider, but his strength, combat skills and experience were still there.

These are enough to make him strong.

One shot down.

The sword scorpion was stunned.

Immediately, he did not believe in evil and continuously slashed, but there is no doubt that they did not get close to the body of the horseshoe crab adult, but the horseshoe crab adult appeared next to the Shendai sword in a flash, sharp limbs, stabbed, slashed through the armor on the side of the sword scorpion, and sputtered sparks.

The sword scorpion took several steps back.

There was a pause.

Then the unbelievers went up again.

Continuous slashes!

The adult horseshoe crab moves in the same way as him, the sword scorpion swings the sword, and the adult horseshoe crab dodges, looking as if it is dancing.

【ClockUp! 】

Almost simultaneously.

Both of them entered the realm of ultra-high-speed together, no longer appearing in the sight of ordinary people, and the continuous conversion of attack and defense, the Shendai Sword suddenly found a problem.

Nogi’s strength seems to surpass him.

Stronger than Sword Scorpion’s knight system!

He did not cause any substantial damage to Nogi, but Nogi’s attacks often fell on the sword scorpion just right, causing damage.

Adult horseshoe crabs do not carry any special properties.

For example, the toxicity of the poisonous scorpion insect can limit the ability to move, paralyze the opponent, and even kill the opponent in severe cases, Nogi Reiji does not, except for the basic buff of the second form, what he has is probably pure strength.

This form, if Mamiya Rina is still there, will still be suppressed, as far as the group of alien insects is concerned, if not the strongest, its strength is definitely in the top few.


After a fight.

The time for the Kamen Rider system to be in a super high speed has come, and there is no choice but to be forcibly withdrawn from that field and appear in the sight of ordinary people, but unfortunately this park is still lively on weekdays, but in the late night after this early morning, no one will come.

Nogi Reiji and Sword Scorpion almost exited the hyperspeed together.

The face of the alien insect, a pair of indifferent eyes, looked straight at the sword scorpion.

His expression did not fluctuate.

If it weren’t for the guy who knew him well, he might not know at all, but the current Nogi Reiji, in terms of personality, actually has a fundamental difference.

He’s pretending to be a master.

Especially in front of the Shindai Sword. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The real strong people have always been very indifferent, and there are very few supreme people with a character like Erha, I don’t know how, but Nogi Reiji thinks so.

Therefore, he disguised himself as this for the time being.

Under the mask, Shindai Jian couldn’t help but frown.

This guy… It’s kind of weird.

It was not the same as the alien worm he had encountered before.


No more temptations!

The heart is fierce.

In an instant, the Shindai Sword lifted the SaswordNeedle of the Sword Scorpion Insect Instrument, followed without any hesitation, and pressed it towards the sword scorpion blade again.

Ask for flowers

Arc winding.

Accompanied by electronic sound effects…

The Shindai sword launched a special move belonging to the Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion, the Knight Slash.

The blood toxins in the sword scorpion insect instrument are mixed with faster-than-light particles and transformed into photons, and the light blade is formed on the sword of the sword of the sword scorpion blade, blooming with a particularly terrifying power.

Sword Scorpion, as one of the second generation of knights of Zect, is different from the all-round armor, this knight is similar to the Queenbee and Thunderfly, and belongs to the very partial Kamen Rider.

In an ordinary state, there is a lack of long-range attack means, and even the fighting skills of bare hands can only be said to be average, but holding the sword in hand, the feeling is different, and even the attack will appear extremely fierce.

The knight’s slash, similar to the poisonous scorpion insect of the Shendai sword body, comes with a toxin bonus, after hitting the enemy, even if the other party does not explode directly and barely survives, the toxin will continue to corrode.

Exists as a negative buff, which is indeed good!

The knight’s slash turned into a shock wave, towards the direction of the horseshoe crab adult, straight away, Nogi Reiji did not dodge, in short, the visual effect was there.

The reason why he does not avoid it is not because of how amazing his defense is, but because the second form after resurrection has a very special place, that is, it can absorb the enemy’s energy attack.

Absorb all the energy.

As long as that force does not exceed his own tolerance, and in this way, he can easily do some kind of special scene, such as now…

It’s exactly like a star shift.

In the way of the other, give back to the other!

After the energy was absorbed by the armor at Nogi’s heart, he used his hand as a sword, and his arm was like the blade of Fangcai’s sword and scorpion, wrapped around the terrifying electric light gathered by faster-than-light particles.

Swing it out quickly!

Knight Slash?

Take it, you!

Caught off guard, he landed directly on the sword scorpion’s body.

Shindai Sword: ???

Thanks to Ugsotos for the great monthly pass support small.

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