The night is cold.

After twelve o’clock in the morning, even the neon-lit city that never sleeps gradually calmed down and became cold and quiet, and Natsume challenged the Shiwang projection, easily solved it, and then got another knight card.

It can be said.

Now, if Natsume gets the latest K touch screen 21, he can directly transform into the God Lord 21, but Natsume feels that it can be completely changed, after all, the emperor rides the original new God Lord…

It’s a little spicy indeed!

I don’t know what the others think, but Natsume is a little afraid to compliment.

After completing the challenge, Natsume repeats the challenge.

This time, it will be the king of time!

The card that has just arrived can be used in the system space, and the king of Chonghuang, as a summoner, must get the correct way to use it, otherwise, it will not be able to exert its original power.

Challenges to projection one after another.

In Natsume’s ears, there were also prompts one after another.

[Defeat Kamen Rider Shiwang Projection, reward none]

[Defeat Kamen Rider Sojo Projection, reward Kiryu War Rabbit’s talent]

[Defeat Kamen Rider Ekseid Projection, reward none]

[Defeat Kamen Rider W Projection, Reward Bat Camera]

[Defeat Kamen Rider Sword Projection, bonus physique +2]

Time slowly passed, and Natsume completed all these projections, although the number was indeed a lot compared to before, but Natsume said that by now, he was already familiar with the road.

When it comes to consuming time, there is no need to worry.

The rewards for this settlement are not bad.

The bat camera is the camera that Shotaro usually uses in searches, which is a prop with both agility and tactics, and Shotaro is a detective, which brings him a lot of convenience in searching.

The bat camera obtained by Natsume comes with bat memory, and after connecting the bat memory, the bat camera can become a mechanical bat, dexterous and changeable, as if it is an insect instrument transformed by Heavenly Dao, with a certain intelligence.

Capture important clues without any dead ends, attack enemies and smash objects with ultrasound, or disrupt enemies with flash.

Lens of a bat camera with aiming or sight function.

Very convenient!

That’s not bad.

Natsume, as a dark emperor ride, itself does not have the characteristics of Wang Xiaoming being rejected by the world, and the photos he took are also very normal, and his obsession with taking pictures is not particularly deep, and he likes it.

However, the one given to Monya Koya is not very convenient for Natsume, who often has to fight, and the bat camera is different.

Natsume nodded secretly.

Physique +2, the increase in himself is not very large, so Natsume just looked at it, and did not pay attention anymore, when his physique was still at the limit of the human body, the increase in these two physiques was very terrifying, but now, Natsume’s comprehensive physique, has exceeded a hundred, and the feeling brought by this increase, naturally, is not as big as it was at the beginning.

This is normal.

Natsume also expressed understanding.


Then he turned his gaze to the last one who reaped the reward this time, named Kiryu War Rabbit’s talent.

Who is War Hare? Kamen Rider Sou, Natsume is no stranger.

But what he doesn’t know exactly is, what exactly is the talent?

It can be called a lot of talent.

For example, special talents.

Obviously, the war rabbit is like this, for example, when he is excited, a pinch of hair will turn up, which is also an unlikely thing for ordinary people, and it can also be counted as one of the talents.

If that’s the case… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Natsume said very good!

Fortunately, he carefully checked it, not so, what he obtained was the talent of the war rabbit in physics, including the knight system of the creation of the horse, many sublimation props used by the war rabbit were all made by himself.

Such a talent can be seen.

Because of his all-round talent and the blessing of the talent of heavenly reward, Natsume’s attainment in physics is not bad, and even becoming a professor at the world’s number one university will not have the slightest problem.

However, the fusion of War Hare’s talent with Natsume gave him a whole new direction.

Simply put, it broadens the horizons!

“It’s a good harvest.”

Natsume said to himself.

Then exit the system space.

Close your eyes.

Go to sleep.

And at the same time.

In the dark of night.

There are also many unknown things, lurking alien insects in humans, perhaps quietly, appearing to feed, and Zect’s ant troops, even in the dark, there are people dispatched to suppress alien insects.

This world.

There are Kamen Riders and ant soldiers, who have been fighting hard to kill all the alien insects, but the number of alien insects is too much compared to it, as long as they are not all exposed, the appearance of fanfare, there is a feeling of inexhaustible killing!

Wildfires burn endlessly, and the spring breeze blows again.

Roughly speaking, this is the feeling.

And at this time.

Nogi took advantage of the night to come to the vicinity of Shindai’s house, as the only remaining leader of the xenomorphs, after being reborn, he also lost the ability to stop time the most trusted, which doubled the pressure on Nogi Mercy.

If the insect wants to go further, the necessary strength is indispensable.

As a leader, you must also have great power.

Even if he lost the time stop, Nogi was still confident in the strength that his second form could show, but he lost the terrifying power that was enough to shock everything.

And (Channo’s) And, Rina Mamiya, who was also the leader at the time, and Yuto Maeda, the leader of Kiti’s experience card, both died, the factory in Bunkyo-ku, and many mutants who died… Worthy.

Now if you want to find the mutant, it is somewhat not good, and besides, the molting of the mutant is not as simple as imagined, so Nogi Reiji put his purpose on the body of the Shindai sword.

Mamiya once said that this is an extremely good mutant adult!

Even being temporarily suppressed by human will cannot change this fact.

So, just turn him against your side.

It seems that it is not impossible to form a lineup of dual leaders!

After being reborn, Nogi’s personality also changed quietly, and he used to be the leader, but he was not so attentive to the xenomorph race itself.

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