
The voice of the heavenly path was a few degrees higher, and the right hand was suddenly raised, and the index finger was pointed straight to the sky, and under the ink-black night sky, only the light of the street lamp converged on the fingertip of the index finger.

From a distance, it looks like a small sun is shining there.

This moment.

Tiandao is still calm and confident.

“Grandma once said, I am the way of heaven, the person in charge of everything, I am the world itself, as long as the world is there, I am still there, the so-called god is the self!”

He said in a calm tone.


For this ghost and god theory, Heavenly Dao does not trust, even if there are really gods, he is more willing to believe in himself, with his continuous evolution, he can transcend everything in the world.

Heavenly Dao belongs to the kind of person who is self-respecting.

There was another similar one in the Heisei era. “Two Six Seven”

Kamen Rider Drive (Old Driver)!


Kamen Rider, who is still willing to believe in science!

Natsume didn’t explain much.

Call yourself God or something.

It’s too middle two.

Natsume is not like the little devil, who talks all day that he wants to be king.

His growth, as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no limit, that is, the power of darkness, the golden fruit, and the power of demons, which in the eyes of the knight world, the most terrifying powers, a single one, is not within the scope of Natsume’s pursuit, what he seeks, may be to attribute these unique powers to his own enhanced sublimation!

Then, step onto that true transcendent elevation.

The future is simply synonymous with infinite horror!

“So, it’s time for you to show your true skills, right?”

Tendo looked at Natsume and said.

It can be said.

Natsume’s strength, Heavenly Dao also has a deeper understanding, like him, Natsume’s guy, the strength is also growing rapidly, is growing continuously, and does not stand still.

This is recognition!

He summoned the transcendent insect instrument and held it in his hand, and at that moment, he suddenly had a sense that he had mastered everything, and the power of transcendence was so terrifying.


Natsume replied, and said no more.

Sometimes, everything goes without saying.

Even if you don’t speak, you can understand each other’s meaning.

Heavenly Dao mounts the transcendental insect instrument on the side of the belt.


Beyond armor lifting!

Similar to the super molt of the alien worm, the appearance of the armor dou began to change on the basis of the knight form, and this time the change belongs to a deeper level.

At this time, Jia Dou completely entered his third form.


Exactly the same as the red figure he had glanced at before, it was obvious that what appeared at the beginning was the Future Heavenly Dao that used to go back in time beyond the super high speed to observe the world.

After the transformation, he clenched his fists.

Extra powerful!

Tiandao’s heart is full of confidence.

He has always been confident.

Natsume shrugged.

Seeing that the Heavenly Dao has completed the transformation, he no longer hesitates, opens the card box, and successively takes out the cards that need to be controlled from it, since the opponent is beyond the armor fight, then use…

Experience card in the form of a war ghost?

You don’t have to!

It’s not a critical moment, it’s better to use the card directly to transform.

【KamenRideKabuto! 】

【FromRideKabuto! Hyper! 】

The card reading of the armor bucket.

Followed by the card that enters the transcendent form, without the need for the insect instrument and the transcendent insect instrument, Natsume can also complete the transformation with the knight card that condenses the power.

Moreover, after the transformation, there will be no weakening in terms of ability and strength, which is such a bug!

Now Emperor Xiao Ming, who has just finished cruising the nine parallel worlds, can’t do this.

However, Natsume is completely different, although he is a dark emperor rider.


Life is always open, he is a complete hanger, so as a hanger, it is normal to be able to do some special things that others can’t, isn’t it? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In an instant, after completing the transformation.

The Dark Emperor Ride disappears.


It’s beyond the armor!


It is obvious that there have been two transcendent armor fights, and if you don’t even pay attention to the previous position, it is almost impossible to distinguish, it is completely as if they were carved out of the same mold.

Moreover, in order to make it more difficult for people to distinguish, Natsume specially applied a hidden means to his Dark Emperor Rider’s belt, perfectly simulating Zect’s transformation belt, and on the belt, there was a armor insect instrument and a transcendent insect instrument!

Beat yourself up again?

Tiandao raised his eyebrows…

He didn’t expect that Natsume did not use the original golden bucket card, but used the transcendent armor fight, and for Natsume’s control of the Dark Emperor Rider, he transformed into the exact same posture as himself, and the calm heart of Heavenly Dao was full of waves at this moment.

But thinking about it, in fact, Natsume’s knight control card with armor is not a big deal, not to mention those knights from other worlds who do not know their appearance and name, in this world belongs to the knight system developed by Zect, Natsume uses far more than one card.

The original black armor bucket, royal bee, steel bucket, all of them!

“An old man from another world said that he would use magic and defeat magic! Therefore, when dealing with the Transcendent Armor, you must use the Transcendent Fight, right? ”

Natsume smiled softly and then said.

“I’ll win!”

Tendo approached in an instant, and a punch blasted towards Natsume.

“That’s not necessarily.”

Natsume dodged sideways, then grabbed Tendo’s wrist, pulled it strongly, and when he got close, he attacked on his knees again, and in just an instant, the two fought dozens of times.

It’s terrifying!

Multiple skill collision 5.4

Bloom with brilliance!

Even if you use the same armor, the same abilities, and the hearty, fist-to-flesh fight, there are no other special strengths, and in the battle, you continue to learn and feedback yourself to become stronger.

It seems to be a close position.

But in the end, it was still Natsume!

When everything is equal.

Physique, long-lasting, determines everything…

Cheerful after World War I.

Unwound the transformation.

A little exchange.

Natsume took his leave and went home through the dark space.

“Natsume, you are really strong.”

Tendo looked at the whirlpool that disappeared where Natsume left, and said to himself…

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