Tiandao hung up the phone.

Stand up.

“Brother, what are you going to do?” Shuhua asked suspiciously, the voice on the phone was a little familiar, if nothing else… She had heard it, and knew the person who spoke it.

It seems to be, Natsume-go?

There are some doubts in my heart.

“A friend brought something.”

Tiandao said.


Shuhua didn’t ask more, nodded, and instructed, “Brother, pay attention to safety.” ”

She knew that there were many monsters out there.

“Don’t worry, I’m very strong.”

Tiandao waved his hand.

Open the door and walk out.

Soon came to the street outside the villa area, this direction, also near Tokyo Tower, Natsume stood on the side of the road, holding the Sojo mobile phone to play games, and when the heavenly path came, he just happened to clear the customs.

“Here it is.”

He put the phone away and said with a smile.

“What are you going to give me?”

Tiandao Fox said suspiciously.

Then again.

Would Natsume come over so kindly to give him a gift? Natsume, this guy, if he doesn’t hook up with his sister, is already thankful, where else to ask for so much.

Tiandao said that he had already seen through everything.

663 Natsume took out the transcendent insect instrument.

“Are you sure?”

He said with a smile.

When he saw the transcendent insect instrument, Tendo couldn’t help but shrink his pupils, of course he knew that he had collected many insect instruments belonging to zect before in order to exchange with Masato Mishima.

Get your hands on the Beyond Insect Meter.

Unfortunately, at the end of the plan, the Haidong tree that suddenly appeared gave him a broken angle beyond the insect instrument, which means that the transcendent insect instrument has been destroyed.

If you can’t get it, it’s gone.

He was a little helpless.

But it did not fall away, surpassing the insect instrument is indeed a good help, but Tiandao said that his evolution is faster than light, and no matter how hard he practices, he can continue to grow.

However, he did not expect that Natsume would send the Transcendent Insect Instrument.

“The transcendent insect instrument of this world has been destroyed, where did you come from?” Tiandao asked suspiciously, a little surprised in his heart, but on the surface, he was still calm.

“You guess?”

Natsume said with a smile.

If it’s an ordinary person…

At this time, CBEH will definitely reply and guess a fart, but Tiandao is not an ordinary person, he raised his eyebrows slightly, searched for memories in his mind, and quickly detected the clue.


The red figure that appeared in front of him several times was particularly similar to Jia Dou, and if the Transcendent Insect Instrument really possessed some kind of time power, then it was very likely to be…

“From the future!”

Tiandao said.

This moment.

His tone was firm, but he did not have the slightest hesitation, because he was sure that his guess was correct, and the Heavenly Dao Master was such a confident person.

“That’s right, it’s a pity that there is no reward.”

Natsume shrugged.

Throw the transcendent insect instrument out, and at this moment, the transcendent insect instrument seems to be activated, flapping its wings and flying beside the heavenly dao, and the little guy believes that it is the heavenly dao.

Past and not.

“This is indeed what you have entrusted to you in the future.”

Natsume said in a calm tone.

“This way…”

Tiandao said.

As soon as he took the transcendent insect instrument from the future, he seemed to break through the shackles of the dimension, and he saw in his mind many memories that did not belong to the experience of this world.

Reverse the seven-year future and save the world in the Godspeed Love timeline.

In order to change the future where he failed to obtain the transcendent insect instrument as soon as possible, resulting in some tragedies, the future self voluntarily abandoned the timeline he was in, and delivered the open future shrouded in fog to himself.

He smiled.

Entrusting the future…

Care! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If at some point in the future, he also encountered this kind of thing, presumably he would do the same, right? Especially about Xiao Xu.

Do the way of heaven and save your sister!

These eight words have already been imprinted in my mind.

He didn’t want to change.

Nothing will change!

“Thank you.”

Heavenly Dao was silent, and then said to Natsume, as for why the future self would give the transcendent insect instrument to Natsume instead of himself, Heavenly Dao did not think too much, observing for a long time, maybe the future self, there are any special considerations?

“But… Today is the right time, do you want to come to a fight? ”

Tiandao continued with a smile.

After obtaining the Transcendent Insect Instrument, he felt that he could detect his level of strength, and find others, even the steel bucket known as the God of War, could not keep up with the speed of the transcendent form.

Only Natsume can.

As the Dark Emperor rides…

He’s special!

The Dark Emperor Rider can control the power of many knights, even the ultimate form, and there is no doubt about Natsume’s strength, Heavenly Dao is not the slightest, this is someone who can keep up with his evolution.

Few in the world!

“It’s all right.”

Natsume laughed.

Since Tiandao is such a gracious invitation, he has no reason to refuse, Tiandao’s strength is very strong, with the passage of time, he will become stronger and stronger, fighting with him, more fierce than the AI with full firepower in the system projection!

“But you have to treat me to dinner.”


Tiandao nodded.

And then…

Show off the belt!

His belt, which is generally tied directly to his waist, transcends the insect instrument flying beside him, and at his call, the insect instrument also crosses the layers of space barriers at this moment.

Rush to come.

As long as the Heavenly Dao summons, then the Jia Dou Insect Instrument will come, choose the right one, and it will, from one to the end…

Natsume took out the Dark Emperor Rider Drive.

“Transform!” x2

Tokyo Tower.

Under the dark night.

The Dark Emperor Rider and the armor fight in the form of the mask suddenly appeared, stepped out in one step, and collided with both fists!

In an instant, the fist was violent.

The two back off.

Jia Dou attacked in the direction of the Dark Emperor Horse in the form of a bitter gun-axe.

The Dark Emperor Rider wielded his card-box sword to easily resist.

Swords and blades meet.

The sound of jingling sounded one after another.

【AvalancheBreak! 】

Avalanche slash!


【AttackRideSlash! 】

Thank you for the Dark Night Snow Ride, you dye the big monthly pass support!.

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