The next day, early in the morning.

Natsume got up early, practiced in the courtyard, ate the love breakfast made at night, and after simply cleaning up, Natsume was ready to go out.

“Where is Brother Natsume going today?”

Monya asked as he looked at Natsume.

“Accompany a friend to worship your parents, and you made an appointment beforehand.”

Natsume said with a smile.

“Hmm… This way. ”

Xiao Ye nodded.

“What’s wrong, is there something wrong?”

Natsume touched her head.

Scratch your head and kill!

Menya Xiaoye was a little shy, lowered his head embarrassedly, and said: “Originally, if Brother Natsume is okay, we can go to the amusement park…”


Natsume said with a smile.


Menya Xiaoye was stunned.

“Isn’t “three six three” OK? ”

“Dang! Of course not! Xiao Ye is looking forward to it. ”

She stood on tiptoe, lightly tapped Natsume’s side face, and immediately ran away shyly.

“This girl.”

Natsume chuckled and shook his head.

Xiao Ye is still so easy to shy.

However, he also knew.

It’s just in front of him!

The real Monya Xiaoye is not silly and sweet, in the overhaul card, she is a very powerful researcher, many machines with special powers, all from her hands, and has the power of the earth stone.

It’s also… The Great Priest of the Overhaul Card Organization is Bihume!

“Xiao Ye, I’m out.”

Natsume shouted into the house.


Menya’s soft voice came, and from the kitchen, a small head popped out, his face was red, like a red apple, and he was cute.

Natsume left home and drove the Black Mechanical Decade straight towards the BsitroSalle restaurant.

One ride on the dust!

On the way, there was no accident, soon Natsume came to the outside of the restaurant, Takemiya Bow had already taken Xiao Xu to stand outside the door, seeing Natsume coming, Takemiya Bow suddenly said in surprise, “Xiao Xu, look quickly, Natsume brother is here!” ”


Hinata nodded.

Sitting behind Natsume, his hands carefully pinched the corners of Natsume’s clothes.

“Then let’s go first.”

“Go, go, protect Xiaoxu.”

Takemiya bow waved his hand.

“I will.”

Natsume spoke in a serious tone, and then rode away.

Kagami just stopped the car.

“Aunt Takemiya, where are Natsume and Xiaoxu going?”

Kagami asked suspiciously.

“Don’t ask if you shouldn’t!” Takemiya glared at him, then walked into the restaurant and took out a packed meal, “This is takeaway, over there in Ginza, Kagami, trouble you to run.” ”

Kagami took the takeout and was stunned.

The corners of his lips twitched.


Honestly take the takeout, what can he do? Of course, I went to deliver food, and today is the limited edition of Delivery Knight.

The baby is bitter, but the baby does not say!

An office in the Zect division.

Masato Mishima, who had been busy for a long time, sat on a leather chair in disheveled clothes, looking a little embarrassed.


A figure quietly appeared beside Masato Mishima.

She is Rina Mamiya!

One of the cadres of the xenomorph. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“It seems that you have quietly done a good job, beyond the insect instrument.” Rina Mamiya sneered, and then said as if mockingly: “But you are really pathetic.” ”

“I heard that your area X was attacked by knights yesterday night? The transcendent insect instrument was snatched away before it was hot, how do humans have a saying? Lost the lady and broke the army, that’s it, right? ”

“You guy, when did you come over?”

Masato Mishima pushed down his glasses unpleasantly.

Then he stood up.


“It seems that you are also very well-informed.”

“Well, who knows?”

“You came here specially to make mockery, right?”

“How about cooperation?”

“Oh? Interesting, let’s listen. ”

“Yesterday night, the attack on the area X Knight should not be a fighter, right?”

The corners of Rina Mamiyiya’s lips curved.

She seemed to have something to say.

As one of the cadres of the insect, their insect side, not as good as imagined, can compete with the protozoa for countless years, although the number of protozoa is scarce, molting is difficult, but the strength between them can barely be regarded as equal. 0

Alien insects are not reckless by brute force alone.

There are always wise people.

Rina Mamiya is one of the wise men.

Even though…

Many of the schemes she did, for unknown reasons, ended in failure!

Hearing Rina Mamiya’s proposal, Masato Mishima, who suffered Waterloo because Mrs. Haito sneaked in last night, shook his head, and then said, “It’s not, but… It seems to be related to the Dark Emperor Ride. ”

Also use card transformations.

The transformation sound effects are also very similar.

If it doesn’t matter between them, Masato Mishima said that he twisted his head off and kicked it as a ball!

That’s it!

“In this case, you can release the news and attract Jia Dou first, and what you need to do is to start with those two women first.”

Rina Mamiya smiled strangely.

The two women she spoke of.

It is the lower part of the sun, and the Heavenly Dao tree flower.

Transformed into the younger sister of Koto.


The latter is still a little girl, it should be a girl!

There is a lot of news in the hands of Rina Mamiya to control.

The fittest of Jia Dou, the General Division of Heavenly Dao, is also among them.

The way of heaven, the one who is in charge of everything.

Seems flawless!

There are no weaknesses.

The strength is also good.

But she and Jia Dou had encountered a pier by the river before, and 1.0 clearly distinguished the weakness of the General Division of Heaven’s Dao, that person can be said to be the ultimate sister control, as long as it involves the sister’s affairs, the forcing will be crazy.

Even, will lose your mind …

This was observed by Rina Mamiya, so she targeted Hinata and Tendo Tree Flower, but what she didn’t know was that she had chosen the most bumpy path in the world.

“Well, nice cooperation.”

Masato Mishima spoke in a flamboyant tone.

“Happy cooperation!”

Rina Mamiya finally spoke, and then left the Zect branch base.

“Hinatabe Xuan… Go check it out. ”

“And that guy seems to be a worm!”

ps: Big guys, ask for a wave of automatic subscriptions!.

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