Beyond the realm of ultra-high speed!

The two golden figures kept flickering, attacking each other, but there was no doubt that Natsume had the upper hand.

It is a pity that no one has seen the scenery beyond the ultra-high-speed category.


It can also be clearly found that because Natsume did not hide his drive after transforming, his waist, obviously, is still the Dark Emperor Riding Drive.

That’s clearly not the style of Zect making knights.

The style of the overhaul card, more varied.

Natsume threw another punch.

It’s very harmful!

This punch.

As if even the space was about to tremble, there were buzzing fluctuations all around, as if as long as his strength was stronger, he could directly shatter the space.

Let spiderweb-like cracks spread around.

Of course, such a force for Natsume is not an all-out shot, just a casual punch.

Light and fluttery, insignificant.

Beyond Jindou wants to dodge.

And immediately, immediately!

He’s also fast.

Because, do not run away … will die! In fact, his profession in this world is somewhat like a bounty hunter and some like a professional killer.

Someone hired 330 maids and then did something.

The legend of the Golden Knight is actually passed down in this way in a sense, and there are also some reasons for false rumors.

But there is no doubt about it.

What he has lived.

It is basically a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife, and if you can’t kill the other party, then it will be him who is about to die.

But he spared his life!

It has always been so.

Previously, his battles were basically based on the strength of transcending forms to crush the enemy.

And now, he can no longer crush.

It’s a bit tricky!

Inferior start.

He was a bit difficult to deal with, mainly because he had no experience all the time.

On this kind of problem of meeting the enemy, he can basically be said to be on a blank slate.

So, wise and invincible.

Running is a must!

As the saying goes, stay in the green mountains, not afraid of no firewood, this is the truth.

This moment!

He seemed to burst out faster than before.

Keep running backwards!

This is an explosive seed near the point of life and death, and if it does not erupt, it will die, thus forcing out the potential.


In front of Natsume, such a small action did not have any effect, Natsume just glanced at him.

Subsequently, he also moved.

Don’t move like a mountain, move like a thunder array!

Fast as the wind, Xu Rulin.

Probably so.

One step out, although it is also fighting in the field of surpassing super speed, the load on the body is still quite large.

However, with the enhancement of his physique, Natsume now looks like a monster.

Very accessible!

Even a consumption like Hyperclockup is nothing, and it can last a long time.

Long-lasting, Fang is a real man.

Two gold buckets.

At this time, one escapes and the other chases in the rear, but it is obvious that Natsume, who is chasing in the rear, is much faster.

It almost achieves the effect of being a latecomer!

Easily caught up with Beyond Jindou.

A punch hit him in the back.

The terrifying force is raging.

Only for a moment.

Overtaking the golden bucket flew out upside down, exited beyond the super high speed, and hit the broken wall debris somewhere.

He smashed down several walls in a row before he stopped.

【HyperClockOver! 】

Seeing that his prey was forcibly exited moving at high speed, Natsume did not bully him.

The same withdrew from that field. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Step by step, slowly walking towards him.

Silence all around.

There is a sound of stepping footsteps, perhaps in normal times, I will be attracted to the sight, and subconsciously look towards the source of the sound (ccdi).

But now, there is no one else around, because the battle is constantly moving directions.

At this time, it can be said that it is no longer there!

Even if the Heavenly Dao of the copy space wanted to catch up, it was somewhat powerless.

Natsume looked calm.

Under the mask, Natsume didn’t really feel much about the fact that the mission was about to be completed and this month’s Evolution Path Quest Raiders was coming to an end.

There is nothing special to emphasize.

Kill the villain…

This is a familiar thing for Natsume today, and it couldn’t be easier.

If I really want to say it, it is probably that Natsume is a little interested in the reaction that is now beyond the mask of Kanto.


How suddenly he himself feels a bit of a villain, it’s really strange.

Natsume muttered to himself.

Talk to oneself.

“Then, the finale!”

Natsume said coldly.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Natsume took out the killer card belonging to the surpassing gold dou from the card box.

Feed to the drive, read in seconds!

The electric sound sounds.

A set of operating procedures is no longer strange to Natsume now.

What is familiar can no longer be familiar.

【Hyper… RiderKick! 】

Beyond the Knight Kick!

Must kill and condense.

This moment.

Natsume’s entire body is wrapped around the terrifying arc of faster-than-light particles that converge and transform into fluctuations.

Push your feet hard, jump, and soar into the air!

This is the Beyond Knight Kick.

The power contained in it is not comparable to ordinary killing, in the end, the comprehensive attributes and data beyond the golden dou, although it is indeed a little crotch-pulling, but it is indeed much stronger than the ordinary form.

If you have to say it, I guess it’s somewhere in between.

“Nope! No way! How could it be so fast? Beyond Jindou’s compound eyes flickered, and its shapeshifter also showed an expression of disbelief.

How could this guy who suddenly appeared be so strong?

But the fact is that it is irrefutable.

Under the unwillingness of Beyond Jindou.

Natsume successfully kills him.

Claim your reward.

Subsequent return.

These rewards, at the moment of receipt, have been fully integrated into Natsume’s body, and Natsume can clearly perceive that he…

It’s getting stronger again!

This is not an illusion!

And the moment his consciousness returned, Natsume heard a booming sound, as if something had exploded around the house.

I’m wondering.

Then he heard Xiao Ye’s voice, “Brother Natsume! Brother Natsume! A meteorite fell outside! ”



Natsume’s brows furrowed slightly…

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