This place, for the Jia Dou world, belongs to the place where luck gathers, and many times, the occurrence of certain events in this world is inextricably related to this place.

It’s like Ichiraku ramen in the world of Hokage.

The dynasty of the king of the time is nine nights and five halls.

Nasita Cafe in Trang.

These places undoubtedly have a very special meaning, and the BsitroSalle restaurant is similar to those places, but I don’t know if the timing of Natsume’s visit is not quite right.

Except for him.

Heavenly Dao, they are not there.

“Natsume, is it still the same?” Xiao Xu asked in a low voice, and when she looked at Natsume, her pretty face was also flushed.

“Ah, the mackerel miso made by Xiao Xu is so delicious, I can’t get tired of eating it.”

Natsume said with a smile.

He also said this well!

There is only one thing in the world that can beat any seasoning and ingredient, and that is the love of the person who cooks, and the cuisine filled with love is the most delicious food in the world.

Natsume firmly believes in this.

“Which… Where is it. ”

Xiao Xu whispered.

Then immediately turned around and walked into the kitchen, her face was steaming, as if she had been burned by 20 fires, and she quickly slapped her somewhat hot face quietly with her hands.

I want to bring the temperature down quickly.

It’s been so long.

Listening to Natsume say those words, she would still become very shy, just like Steamhime.

Takemiya bow noticed Xiao Xu’s expression, and CP powder head showed an aunt smile.

Pull out the bench and sit next to Natsume.

“Xiao Xu is so cute, isn’t it? By the way, Natsume, don’t forget tomorrow’s events. Takemiya bowed to Natsume, she told Natsume yesterday, and Natsume had already agreed.

But she mentioned it again today, she was afraid that Natsume would forget.

“Remember, don’t worry.”

Natsume nodded, indicating that he knew.

“In this world, only the agreement cannot be disappointed!”

“Yes, I listened to that.”

Takemiya bow nodded a thumbs up.

Natsume smiled.

Conventions really matter!

Like a villain of Levi, he said to himself that the convention is used to break, and if the agreement superman hears, give him the entire ten holy blades and slash him to death with a sword.


Natsume left.

Wandering the streets of the city, looking for the traces of alien insects, today because of some surprises and accidents, Natsume has gained a lot of points, even in the few days when the alien insects were lurking before, a whole week, it may not be able to collect so many points.

But who would have too many points for such a thing?

The most lacking thing for Natsume now is points!

He wants to save all these points and buy the items he has already decided.

Most of the other items can be obtained in the projection challenge within the Knight Fighting Evolution System, and even various special bloodlines, which Natsume already has experience.

It’s like opening a blind box.

You never know exactly what’s inside, thank you for your patronage or… Emperor Ou sent into the soul?

Natsume was lucky, and until this moment, he had already received many good rewards through projection.

One shot into the soul will not be.

But Natsume’s luck is indeed good!

It’s always been that way.

Not far.

Natsume sat down on a swing in a certain park, and the swing swayed quietly, but the range of movement was not large, and places like this in the park are generally very popular with children.

If the park is bustling now, it will probably be occupied by elementary school students, and if Natsume wants to come and play, he must have a good relationship with the children.

And not now!

Because now it’s just Natsume himself.

Suddenly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A few ten-year-old children appeared, Natsume sensed the hidden aura of the alien worm, and discovered this situation early, and the location of the alien worm appeared at this time… Among these little children!

Natsume’s brows couldn’t help but furrow.

I already have some guesses about this situation!

I’ve encountered it before.

And, more than once!

Natsume is looking forward to the appearance of the alien worm, but does not want the alien worm to appear in this form, children are the treasure of mankind, no matter what world it is, the most hateful thing in the world is to hurt children and make children cry!

Well, except for the very annoying kind of bear child.

However, even bear children should be disciplined by humans themselves, not by the insect itself.

But there are still many xenomorphs who have done such things!

The insect that fooled Kagami in the factory in Bunkyo District was like this, and the imitation became the appearance of a child, and after the insect mimicked, the first reaction was. Kill the original owner.

Later, it is used as food.

Maybe only yourself.

Maybe you will gather your peers to share.

Divide it and eat it.


A child looked up, his eyes were vacant and he showed a strange and terrifying smile towards Natsume, and then turned into a calm appearance, and the speed of light changed his face drastically, as if the person who showed that expression just now was not him.

Natsume was convinced that the child was an alien worm.

He stared at the child.

Everything is usual.

And right at this moment!

The child returned to his own appearance, an adult worm that had molted 173 into the form of a spider, which was somewhat swollen after molting, and this alien worm’s favorite was his own prank.

He inherited the memory of that child.

Playing is what he loves!

Plus some of his past memories, after all fused, it became very special, he likes to make friends and play with friends of the same age, but his ultimate goal is obviously not to play.

But in order to fool his friends of the same age, he looked for a suitable time to change into the original appearance, kill these children, and use them as his own food storage.

For this insect, it satisfies both the needs of life and the needs of spirit!

Looking at this skillful appearance, it is obvious that he is already a habitual offender.

Natsume looked at him coldly.

That’s the look of looking at dead things!

This time he is going to do it.

It’s about killing this worm!

The insect sensed something.

Immediately become as it is.

The rest of the children were frightened and cried and subconsciously avoided.

Natsume’s eyes were cold when he saw this.

Light drinking:



[Kamen harnesses Amazon alpha! ] 】

This time the card he used was…



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