When Haidong Daiki heard Natsume’s words, he was also subconsciously stunned, and quietly looked around, well… Especially in the direction that Natsume was looking at, he was the only one.

Then, there is only one answer!

The person Natsume said was him.

Sitting up in a dying illness, the clown is actually myself?

The corners of Mrs. Haidong’s lips twitched.

But since he was discovered, he did not continue to hide and came out generously.

“You defeated the taxi, right?”

Haidong said straight to the point.

“If you’re talking about Menyaji, that’s me.”

Natsume looked at Kaito Daikiki.

Shine in front of your eyes!

Ma Yay!

What kind of fairy luck is this? I thought before that if I could meet Haidong, I would have a fight with him, I didn’t have any special ideas, just to get the card of the final ride.

And, of course, the attached thousand points.

Unexpectedly, before he went to look for it, Haidong automatically sent him to the door, and Natsume was in a good mood and showed a kind smile towards Haidong.

This smile…

Inexplicably a little weird!

Haidong frowned.

was about to speak, but saw this time, Natsume took out the Dark Emperor Rider Drive and placed it on his waist, and in his hand was a transformation card printed with the Dark Emperor Rider pattern, “Without further ado, light up the belt!” ”

Wait a minute.

It seems that the final ride does not have a belt when he transforms, but don’t care about these details.

【kame377nRideDarkDecade! 】

The sound effect of transformation sounds.

Natsume completes his transformation.

The Dark Emperor Rider suddenly appeared in place.

Haidong took a deep breath.

In other words, he originally wanted to come to find trouble, but Natsume made a wave of preemptive strikes, how did he be forced to become the weak party? With a grumbling in his heart, Haidong took out the final riding drive.

The process was a bit tortuous, but the results were not bad.


【KamenRide! Diend】

Send the transformation card of the final horse into the final riding gun to read, and then when the electric sound sounds, Haidong raises the gun and fires it into the air, pouring out energy, turning into a set of black and blue armor, attached to Haidong’s body.

At this moment, he transformed into Kamen Rider Final Ride!

He is also one of the spokespersons for melee shooters.

Thunder Fly calls the insider!

After the transformation.

The final horse rushed straight towards Natsume, shooting while running, Natsume was not afraid in the slightest, and with a wave of his hand, purple-black energy attached to his right arm, easily fending off the flying bullet.

In an instant.

The final rider had already approached, raised his fist, and attacked Natsume.

His fighting ability, soft. (BJFH) Melee shooter’s melee …

How do you describe this experience?

Skill is no problem.

The strength is also okay.

But it’s just that bad.

Natsume easily blocked the attack of the final horse, and then returned fire, the melee combat of the Dark Emperor Rider is not as crotch-pulling as the Final Horse, and the Dark Emperor Rider is a long-range, melee type that can be combated.

He’s good at both!

Finally, riding in front of him, he is really a younger brother.

Sideways dodged the final rider’s boxing, Natsume slammed the knee on the side of the final rider, strong strength, directly repelled him, the final rider wanted to dodge too late, and then swiped the card.

【AttackRideBlast! 】

Densely packed bullet shooting.

The final rider in the retreat reacted, the moment he landed, he rolled sideways, and Xuanzhi Xuan dodged the impact of the bullet, and then he raised the final riding gun and fired continuously, it seems that only when he can’t fight in close combat, he will remember the identity of his shooter.

Natsume dodged bullets while dodging left and right as he moved forward.

Calculate the distance.

Take a leap!

Transforming the card box gun into a card box sword, the sharp blade flashed with a sharp cold, and slashed towards the head of the final rider.


Can’t hide!

Haidong heart road.

Immediately crossed his arms, arms in the shape of an X, trying to resist the slash, a huge force hit, he retreated one after another, and then hit the fence of the coast hard, and finally felt dizzy.

However, this blow did not knock him down after all.

Quietly flicked his hand. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Crispy arms are numb.


Settled down.

Haidong took out a few cards and sent them to the final riding drive one after another to read, different from the emperor riding the power of the knight and transforming into that knight, the final horse is a summoner.

He was able to visualize the knight in the gesture of data.



Earth Emperor and Heavenly Emperor!

Both are Kamen Riders of the Faiz world.

“Oh? Righteous gang beating. ”

Natsume smiled.

“Then use this card.”

Open the card box and remove another card.

【KamenRide! RioTrooper! 】

Kamen harnesses the Leo cavalry!

He is also a mass-produced knight in the Faiz world.

One card reads.

A plurality of Leo cavalry appeared, and they surrounded the final horse, and the number was amazing! And the Leo cavalry controlled by AI is not weak, much more powerful than the Shuka miscellaneous soldiers.

Final Ride: ???

Did the Leo Cavalry let you use it like that?

Haidong also has this card.

However, it can only summon a maximum of four or five, and it can’t be like the Dark Emperor Rider, using a card to summon a group, Haidong said that he was numb.


【FinalAttackRide! DarkDeDeDeDecade! 】

On the drive of the Dark Emperor, a sonata of killing sounded all around.

The purple-black card phantom builds a bridge.

It connects Natsume and the final ride.

Haidong felt that something was wrong.

This engagement…

He has been pressed and beaten, and it seems that there is a process of counterattack, but it has been easily resolved by Natsume, and in the end, it is only him who is deflated, and the card light and shadow seem to have locked him.

Natsume jumped.

Through the cards, the dimensional knight kicks and falls.

Haidong took out another card.

【AttackRide! Invisible! 】

This is an incognito card.

The moment he disappeared, he let the Heavenly Emperor fly over, blocking in front of him, and when he fled incognito, the Heavenly Emperor and Earth Emperor, who had withstood the impact of power, exploded!

Natsume landed smoothly and lifted his transformation.

“Did you run?”


In Natsume’s ears, a prompt sound also appeared at this time.

[Defeat Kamen Rider Final Ride, reward 1,000 points, Heavenly Emperor card! ] 】

Haidong withdrew, and Natsume’s mission was completed.

After all, the mission requires defeat, not kill!

“System, what is the Heavenly Emperor card?”

Defeat Kamen Rider Final Ride Projection for a chance to drop Knight Cards.

The system answers.

Natsume nodded.

Before the emperor riding projection did not have this ability, probably because the final rider was a summoner? However, he also thought that defeating the knight summoned by the final horse could also burst the card, which would be much more convenient.

It’s a pity, it’s a pity…


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