【KamenRide! DarkDecade! 】

【Kamen Controls the Dark Emperor Ride】

Natsume completed his transformation in an instant.

It’s like being proud of the world.

“Black… Dark Emperor Ride? ”

Hikari Natsumi and Onodera Yusuke, their eyes widened at this time, without him, because Natsume was the black emperor horse that appeared on the mural with Jiaodou!

They had speculated before, such as whether they were blackened.

Now it seems that not at all!

In this world, there is a dark emperor riding existence itself.

Natsume is like a wolf into a flock.

Rush to kill.

As soon as the sword was slashed, an alien insect exploded, heading for the end of fate.

“Then again, why are you just watching~”

Hikari Natsumi looked at Yusuke Onodera and said.

How to say it.

She was a little speechless!

Yusuke is clearly Kamen Rider Sora Me, as if he had forgotten his identity as a shapeshifter just now, and if you think about the parallel world of your previous trip, Onodera has also experienced this situation many times.

Onodera touched the back of his head awkwardly.

“Yes… In a hurry, forgot. ”

Say it.

His eyes froze.

With his hands placed at his waist, he summoned the Yamadam Spirit Stone Belt and ran to transform.

Then a punch smashed into the carapace of an alien insect.

Natsume raised an eyebrow.


The empty self who forgot my account password transformed again.


These alien insects, in Natsume’s eyes, have long become points, which belong to him, and Onodera has now transformed, as if he wants to grab food.

Although he doesn’t actually have that much thought.

Natsume swings a sword and kills a larva again.

At this time, the rest of the larvae are molting.

Natsume casually took out a card.

Feed drive read.


Masquerade harness… Mach.

The second ride of the world!

The shapeshifter is Tsuyoshi Shijima.

Also known as eating deflated!

It’s a man who can’t be saved even by speeding up!

The moment the sound effect sounds.

Natsume completed his transformation and the Dark Emperor rode dark armor, turning white, as if wearing a helmet, and on his right shoulder, there was a tire-like object.

After converting the pattern.

Natsume then feeds the skill card into the drive.

【Full mach】

As if the fire was in full swing.

Mach is a Kamen Rider named after the speed quantifier, and when accelerating, he can even catch up with Faiz in acceleration mode, fight with dragons, and deal with alien insects at super speeds, of course.



In the blink of an eye, Mach disappeared in place, turning into an afterimage, and the tires of the front-wheel shooter were spinning wildly on the insect carapace, blooming with terrifying power.

The insect exploded one after another.

Natsume lifted the acceleration.

Mach’s armor dispersed and changed back to the appearance of the Dark Emperor Rider, and then the armor retreated again, revealing that angular handsome face, tall and tall, with high appearance, which can attract people’s attention.

And at this time.

Onodera’s transformed all-round form, Hollow, maintains a fist swinging stance.

However, there are no more weirdos at this time.

The air seems a little quiet?

Yusuke lifted his transformation and scratched his head.

Hikari Xiahai stepped forward.

“My name is Mitsukai, he is Yusuke Onodera, are you…?”

She asked, looking at Natsume.


Natsume smiled and looked at Hikari Natsumi, this is the legendary stocking maniac, slender legs, wearing big red leg socks, with shorts, the upper body is a black long-sleeved lining, and a green short-sleeved outer one.

“Natsume… Nice to meet you. ”

“How happy?”

Natsume followed Mitsukai’s words. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Guang Xia Hai was stunned.

How do I answer this?

Onodera listened, and immediately laughed, Natsume-kun spoke, it was really interesting.

Hikari Natsumi glanced at Natsume resentfully.

Natsume smiled.

“You should know Shisang, right?”

“Does Natsume-kun know a gentleman?”

Mitsukai asked.

This thing…

Shiko didn’t tell them.

“Ah, I met with a taxi two days ago, it was very pleasant, I originally wanted to go to the photo studio with a taxi to see it, but unfortunately I couldn’t get out of it because of a little trivia.” Natsume said with a smile.

“Then it’s not too late now, wait for the taxi to come back and surprise him!”

Onodera said.


When Hikari Natsumi heard this, he nodded, looked at Natsume and said:

“What does Natsume-kun think?”

The final decision is still with Natsume, and if Natsume doesn’t go, they will say anything for nothing.

Hear the invitation of Mitsusumi and Onodera.

Natsume thought for a moment.

There was no refusal.

I had planned to visit it before, but now the time is right, and Natsume has nothing else to do next, and it is also a good choice to go to the Light Photo Museum.

The three of them walked towards the photo studio.

En route.

Hikari Natsumi and Yusuke Onodera looked at each other, what were they going to do when they went out just now? As if forgot something…

Back at the photo studio, those who were holding photos and clamoring for an explanation had already left one after another, and they remembered that they had just gone out to find a taxi.

As a result, he encountered Xenozoan and Natsume halfway, and then he turned back.

Now that those who are looking for trouble are gone, there is no point in them going to find a taxi, who will go out every day, day after day, and so on, and he will not find his way.

“Brother Natsume, what do you want to talk to?”

Old man Koeijiro asked.

He wore a kind smile.

Like a calm and kind old gentleman.

“A glass of plain water is fine, thank you.”

Natsume said.


The old man walked into the kitchen, in fact, he is better at making coffee, but everyone likes different things, this is normal, you can’t force others (Wang’s), right?

This is extremely unreasonable!

“The old man is so nice.”

Natsume sighed.


Who would have thought that looking at the harmless old man of humans and animals would be an old friend of the Emperor Ichi Ensaki Ryubei, the helmsman of the Emperor Ichi Ensaki family, and would also become a cadre-level weirdo of the overhaul card, Dr. Death and Super Dr. Death, etc…

“Well, Grandpa he’s always been like that.”

Guang Xiahai said with a smile.

“Miss Light must be as gentle as the old man.”

“Huh? Are you sure? ”

Guang Xiahai said in surprise.


“Natsume-kun is also super handsome.”

Onodera: “…….”

Speechless JPG!

What about this commercial blowing on hold?

Also, this pink breath… What’s going on?

PS: Thanks for the big monthly pass support of Dark Night Snow Ride! Late for today….

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