
Hearing his brother’s inquiry, and pondering carefully, he found that he really didn’t know himself, Menya Xiaoye couldn’t help frowning, saying in his heart that Natsume’s brother had guessed well before, looking at this, something must have happened that she didn’t know.

Think about it.

At the beginning, she really fell into resentment because of what Shadow Moon said, her brother betrayed the organization and left alone without taking herself, and she resented her brother for not taking her with her!

The heart is dead as ashes.

I didn’t think much about it.

But now that she met Natsume, she gradually became cheerful, and she was a little sick and blackened, and Xiaoya Xiaoye returned to her girlish appearance, full of youthful atmosphere.

When she encounters problems, she will subconsciously analyze.

The disappearance of my brother is full of mysteries.

It’s all the words of Nobuhiko Tsukikage.

And Shadow Moon was in the overhaul card, and some behaviors are also questionable!

Therefore, after confirming that her brother really lost amnesia, the only resentment left in her heart was also eliminated, but she had already decided to anger her brother, but this was not false.

Let’s slowly search for what happened in the beginning.

Monya Xiaoye showed a sly smile.

“I don’t know!”

Said categorically.

Menyaji: ???

I always feel that something is not quite right, but where?

I can’t think of a reason.

He has always been a casual person, after amnesia, it seems that the wind blows somewhere, walking in different worlds, since he can’t figure it out, then he doesn’t want to.

Leave it to time to confirm.

“By the way, Mr. Monya, do you like to take pictures too?”

“Huh? How do you know…”

“Menyaji, the chief photographer of the Light Photo Museum, the text on the work card, is it read like this?”

“Yes, yes.”

The corners of Menyaji’s lips twitched.

After fighting with the alien insects, he forgot that when he went out before, he got a work card in his pocket by the way, and when he came to this park to set up a stall to take pictures, he took the work card with him by the way.

Speaking of taking pictures, Menyaji couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

He is extremely talented and all-rounder.

Photo-friendly… His technique is very good, but the photos he takes are not satisfactory, he wants to take his own world, but the world is not willing to let him take it, every photo will be deliberately distorted, the street, the light and shadow, the crowd, are avoiding him.

“Ah, if you take pictures, I like it, I just want to take pictures of my world.”

Menyashi said again.

“This way…”

Monya nodded.

A few more conversations.

She left.

Regarding her identity, she did not choose to expose it for the time being.

Menya Xiaoye’s departure, Shi did not care.

“What a weird guy.”

He said to himself.

For Menya Xiaoye also carries a camera with him, Shi is not too surprised, at most he just thinks that he sees his comrades, and what really makes him care is from Menya Xiaoye, if there is a sense of familiarity.

From the underworld.

But I don’t know the specifics.

Take a deep breath.

Menyashi also turned around, got on his beloved little motorcycle, and galloped in the direction of the light photo studio, he did not encounter alien insects, did not stop elsewhere, and soon returned to the photo studio.

It happened to be dinner time.

Old man Eijiro made a sumptuous dinner.

After a nightly meal.

Monyaji sat bored on the sofa, turning a card with the tip of his index finger, his movements were dashing and smooth, and he looked particularly eye-catching.

“I don’t know what Haidong is doing.”

He thought to himself.

The other side.

Natsume had a dinner at the BsitroSalle restaurant, walked around on the road, and solved two alien insects before returning home, where Monya sat on the sofa for a night and sat in a trance, with the old-fashioned camera placed beside him.

The movement of Natsume opening the door also made Menya Xiaoye come back to his senses.

“Brother Natsume, you’re back!”

She exclaimed in surprise. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Well, have you eaten?”

Natsume nodded.

“Eaten, where’s Brother Natsume?”

“I ate it too.”

Natsume went to the kitchen to wash his hands, came back and sat next to Monya Koya, and asked aloud, “Is there something on your mind?” ”

Menya Xiaoye nodded.

Looking at Natsume, he said, “I’m this afternoon… I met my brother. ”

Natsume was stunned.

Coincidentally! I also met your brother this morning.

Moreover, he also beat one.

Monya Xiaoye continued, “However, brother, he seems to have lost his memory, he didn’t recognize me, and I didn’t tell him his identity, brother Natsume, you said… What should I do? ”

She pursed her lips.

Obviously tangled!

Natsume reached out and touched her little head, and said softly, “That’s a matter between your brothers and sisters, and I can’t say too much, but what I can tell you is to ask your own heart, how exactly you think, just have a clear conscience, no matter what decision you make, I will support you!” ”

“Brother Natsume…”

“Thank you!”

Menya Xiaoye looked up and smiled.

Like a blooming flower.

She approached Natsume’s face, nodded like a dragonfly, and then her little white face stained red clouds at a speed visible to the naked eye, trotted upstairs and returned to her bedroom.

How daring…

Lying on the bed, Menya Xiaoye looked at the plush doll in front of her, her heart was filled with shyness, but she was a little entangled, Brother Natsume wouldn’t think she was a bad girl, right?

Woo 377 woo woo ~

She rolled over the quilt tangled.

Downstairs in the living room, Natsume was still sitting on the sofa.

“This girl.”

Natsume smiled helplessly.


This is also more in line with Xiao Ye’s age, youth is just right, and the mood is just beginning…

Looking at her reaction just now, who would have thought that she would be a noble and noble priest with the Earth Stone in her hand?

shook his head.

Sat for a while.

Natsume got up and prepared to go to the bathroom to take a bath first, and then at that time, he could challenge the projection in the system space, and he said that his big knife was already hungry and thirsty at this time!

Physique +1

Physique +1

Natsume’s luck today seems to be not very good, Yako has only obtained two physical improvements, and after integrating into himself, his body has a faint feeling of becoming stronger, but it is far less than before.

When he continues to get stronger, the physical base becomes larger and larger, maybe even if it suddenly increases by a hundred, it will be a slight improvement for Natsume, right?

“Well, talk is better than nothing.”

Talking to himself.


Natsume got up from the bathtub, now the time is right, soak a little longer, it is estimated that the skin can withstand folds …

PS: Thank you for the great monthly pass support! .

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