Rina Mamiya is a cadre-level xenomorph.

Proper mutant evolution!


In front of Natsume’s eyes, it is still like that, it is not too difficult to suppress it, moreover, Rina Mamiya belongs to the kind of wisdom enhancement, and her hard power is not particularly terrifying.

No more.

Even if it is a cadre-level adult, what is there to fear?

Since the insect entered its active phase.

There are already many cadre-level alien insects who died in his hands, as cadre-level weirdos, they are the elite of the alien race, but Natsume said that what he hit is the elite!

His swordsmanship is also outstanding.

With the blessing of the talent of heaven’s reward, Natsume still practiced this skill to the full level, and he definitely couldn’t split the mountains and seas with a sword, after all, when practicing sword skills, there was no extraordinary power gathering.

Just holding a weapon in his hand and delivering a flat slash.

Under Natsume’s exquisite swordsmanship performance, the triple sword body projection fell on the carapace of the two alien insects one after another, and with the power of one person, pressed the two powerful alien insects to fight.

Step by step!

The same picture as when they fight Thunderfly, but the roles are reversed.

Xiao Yan helped the weak Kazama Daisuke to a safer place, watching the battle between the Dark Emperor Rider and the alien worm, Xiao Yan said that Natsume’s brother was really powerful.

Cheering for Natsume.

Daisuke Kazama was a little embarrassed.

How to say it…

After he transformed, he was the same opponent as Natsume, but he could only be suppressed by the insect, and he could not even find the slightest opportunity to turn over, but Natsume easily pressed the insect to fight.

Such a comparison.

Who dishes who is embarrassed!

I have to say that Natsume’s strength is indeed very strong, and about this, Daisuke Kazama admits that he is not a person who cannot recognize his position, which is completely different from Kageyama Instant, who is crazy and jealous of others in his heart.

Natsume took out another knight harness card.

【KamenRideChaser! 】

【Kamen Driving Hunt】

Hunting, also known as the stalker.

Kamen Rider from the same world as Chi Rider and Mach is a reward for Natsume’s duel with the Emperor Rider on the Akihabara side and accidentally completing a certain mission.

Natsume just used it.

After reading the data from the Dark Emperor Rider Drive, it was covered with hunting armor, silver throughout, a pair of scarlet compound eyes, and a tire-shaped armor on its back, and after completing the transformation, Natsume took out the special card of the Galloping World.

He can also use other cards in different forms.


Chaotic electric sounds sounded.

In a split second.

The mysterious fluctuations, centered on Natsume, spread out in all directions, and the movements of all objects slowed down, and Rina Mamiya and the adult shrimp were unable to move at all in an ordinary posture.

Rina Mamiya was shocked in her heart.

Last time in Ginza, she finished watching Natsume’s transformation into an amazing all-powerful empty self and the battle between the purple-skinned mutant adult, and finally the black figure that disappeared inexplicably in front of her eyes, just thinking about it, she also felt trembling, and her heart beat faster!

And this time, it was also the first time she faced Natsume!

The battle operation is the first time!

Natsume did not transform into the form that was slightly shadowed in her heart, and Rina Mamiya was still a little happy in her heart, but with the fighting during the battle, she found that she was unable to parry.

The Dark Emperor rides with the Thunderfly…

It’s not the same magnitude at all!


The Dark Emperor Rider changed its form, and the appearance of heavy acceleration made Rina Mamiya who was caught in chaos once again raise her guard, and the adult shrimp reacted similar to her, and in the heavy acceleration.

Their consciousness is extremely clear, but it is impossible to fully react.

Accumulating power.

In order to counteract such an uncomfortable gesture, Rina Mamiya and the adult shrimp invariably chose to enter the super high speed in an attempt to break free, and apparently they succeeded.

ClockUp is the natural ability of the xenozoan race after molting, the zect knight system will carry and use super speed, but also because the protozoa have been researched and produced since a long time ago, along with the stable ClockUp system in the knight system, it is indispensable to dissect the adult corpse, and it is clear that not only one is dissected.

That number, of course, the protozoa did not fully announce it, and the specific how, the benevolent and the wise saw the wise.

Except for a very small number of mutants who awaken similar powers after molting, causing the super-high-speed ability to disappear, nine out of nine adult insects will use this ability, and even in many cases, they can be invincible. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Very fast at ultra-high speeds.

Ordinary people’s naked eyes will definitely not be able to accurately capture the movement, but after Gong Lina and the adult shrimp entered the ultra-high-speed action at this time, they did not have the previous effect.

It seems that the heavy acceleration ability used by Natsume cancels each other out.

It’s not a time stop like Nogi, it’s not super high-speed…

Rina Mamiya frowned.

Coupled with a series of news previously learned, Rina Mamiya found that the power used by the Dark Emperor Rider, that is, Natsume, was too weird, and in Rina Mamiya Lina heart, there was also a MMP that I didn’t know whether to say it or not.

Under normal conditions, she cooperates with her subordinate Mimic Kazama Daisuke, and is no match for Natsume, and originally wants to take Ichijo back by surprise at super speed.

Unexpectedly, these two abilities cancel each other out.

The end result…


Her skills, open a loneliness, useless at all, change to a field to counteract power, they are opponents?

Not necessarily.

Natsume picked up the signal axe.

Fight with xenomorphs.

Heavy acceleration disappears.

The two alien insects also stopped at super speed.

Natsume took the opportunity to send in the killer card.

[Must kill! ] 】

【Please wait! 】 】

On the signal axe traffic light sign, the red light lights up, and in a short waiting sound, it turns green.

【It’s ready to go! 】 (Wang’s)

“He said, it’s okay.”

Natsume raised his axe and slashed.

The purple arc flashes.

The phantom like a sidewalk was cut out by Natsume, and the adult shrimp was hit first, turning into flying ash, and Natsume’s eyes gradually looked at Rina Miya between the adult crabs.

“This guy… Are you kidding? ”

Rina Mamiya gritted her teeth.

Natsume’s slash had come at her.


Explosions followed.

Natsume lifts his transformation.

“Hey, did you escape?”

In his mind, there was only a hint of defeating the adult shrimp worm, and Mamiya Reina’s points did not appear for a long time, it should be that after withstanding the slash, he took advantage of the explosion and used a super high speed to leave!

Natsume shrugged.

Didn’t catch up.

Turned around and walked towards Daisuke Kazama.

….. Roar.

ps: thanks 18362: . Great monthly pass support!.

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