Night strikes.

Darkness shrouded the whole world, the abandoned pier by the sea, the sea breeze blowing, no people, even the surrounding look was tattered, through the dim light, it could be seen that there were two people standing on the shore.

A man and a woman.

He is the leader ~ leader of the insect side.

Nogi Reiji and Mamiya Rina.

A symbol of strength and wisdom!

“Nogi, a fellow citizen of the factory, was completely destroyed and died at the hands of the hateful Dark Emperor rider.” Rina Mamiya gritted her teeth and said, she was very upset.

Thinking about it, her general vision of the establishment of the Xenomorph leadership was almost completed every time, but it was just a little close, and the final result was – this is the current situation.

The plans are all prepared.

But in the end, it will be suppressed by the Dark Emperor Horse!

Abominable Dark Emperor Ride!


Rina Mamiy’s heart was filled with endless resentment.

When Nogi heard what Rina Mamiya said, he didn’t seem to want to say much, but just bowed his head slightly, indicating that he already knew, and his eyes were level with the sea in the distance.


A group of bats flew out in droves from the warehouse of the abandoned dock, and one of them seemed to have fallen behind, and flew towards where Nogi was standing, but Nogi did not care.

Snapped his fingers.



With Nogi Reiji as the center, the surrounding time all stopped, and Nogi Reiji was the only one who could move, holding the bat in his hand, and he lifted the time stop.


Only instantly.

He strangled the bat in his hand and threw it aside.

“How is this power?”

He chuckled.

“Very strong!”

Rina Mamiya whispered, the power of time stop, plus Nogi’s own attack power is not low, so as long as he controls time stop, he is almost invincible.

Once, she also had a strong defense and took a blow, but fortunately Nogi left her hand that time, otherwise she would really be there.

Hearing Nogi say this, Mamiya Rina knew what this insect leader who was not doing his job was thinking, she cared about the factory very much, and the thousands of insect eggs were enough to make her pay attention.

Even the larvae of the mutant that have been conceived can be seen from inside the egg.

More than one!

This is fully prepared for her in the setting of the twelve zodiac cadres, maybe the existing alien insects cannot really grow, then let the newly bred alien insects come.

Unfortunately, the plan was shattered again, and Nogi, as the leader, had gone with her to see the hatchery in Bunkyo District, but unfortunately he still didn’t care.

He is extremely confident in his strength!

And precisely because of this.

For many things in the clan, Nogi did not care, according to his words, he mastered the strength very strongly, and it was not yet time to appear.

That’s it.

Even if she said anything, she couldn’t bring those broken worm eggs back to life, so Rina Mamiya didn’t bother on this topic anymore and continued to discuss the next trend with Nogi Reiji.

There are more and more active Kamen Riders in the city, and although most of them are not under the jurisdiction of Zect, where the old rival Protozoa is located, those knights hardly spare any effort to fight the Xenomorphs.

This makes their actions more and more difficult, and it is quite difficult!

Nogi took off his glasses and looked at his hands.

Listening to Rina Mamiya’s words, her brows furrowed slightly.

“Next time, I’ll strike.”

His tone was calm and cold.

“That’s great.”

Rina Mamiya nodded.

It has been so long since the Ginza incident, Nogi Reiji still talks about coming forward to fight the knight for the first time, which makes Mamiya Rina very happy, conquering this planet is easier.

After a pause, he continued: “But… When will we summon the rest of the meteorite? ”

Seven years ago.

The insect chases the figure of the protozoa, descends on the planet, and falls in Shibuya, one of the purposes of which is to block the development of the knight system, and the other is to explore the way, being a forerunner.

As long-hatched alien worms, they carry communicators that can communicate with cosmic races, and as long as they send information to the universe in some special way, they can send the coordinates.

Summon the rest of the meteorite.

“Not in a hurry for the time being, I heard that an adult worm has appeared below that can amplify the signal?”

Nogi asked.


“Hmm… Protect it first. ”


Rina Mamiya nodded.

Region X

Chamber. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The violent roar never stopped, but the man whose whole body was bound to the iron chain and covered by special armor could not break free, he could only roar angrily.

The mutilated memory in the head, used as the pain of the experimental subject…

It all made him suffer!

Masato Mishima, who was dressed in a suit, opened the closed gate, looked at the bound person through another iron gate, and said with a sneer, “What’s the point of you living like this?” ”

Roar! Roar!

“Lost your mind and forgot to think?”

“But it’s okay.”

“If you want to win, that thing is essential, you are a good experimental subject…”

Go beyond the finished experiment of the insect instrument, start!

This person is imitating the Heavenly Dao.

Protozoal experiments: experimental subjects of human protozoaization.

Experimental subject of the Kamen Rider system.

Experimental subjects beyond the insect instrument…

“Heard it again, that weird sound…”

Hinata was wrapped in the bed and whispered to himself.

Not so long ago.

Xiao Xu could hear the roar of pain if it came from the ruins of Shibuya, why did he hear it? In her heart, doubts lingered, and Xiao Xu took the green spar that her parents left her in her hand.

In my mind, the scene when the Shibuya meteorite fell.

“Father, mother.”


She curled up her small body, as if this way, she felt more secure.

Time passed, and it was already early in the morning.

At this time.

Natsume is still galloping through the system space, and as the daily projection refreshes, he can’t wait to start a new challenge, looking forward to who the projection will be today.

He quickly extracted, and the result was…

Kamen Rider Night Ride!

On the surface, it is the second horse of the dragon riding world, but it is a hidden Allah ride!

“However, if you look at it this way, the second horse drawn recently is a bit much…”

Natsume sighed softly.

Enter the duel arena of the mirror world.

The snow-blue bat rider, standing not far from Natsume.

Natsume smiled at the corner of his lips.

“To deal with the bat rider, you have to use bats.”

Card reading.

Drive push-fit!

【KamenRideKiva! 】

[Kamen Driving Moon Ride! ] 】

After the transformation.

The night rider wielded his sword and slashed, relying on the advantage of being one inch long and one inch stronger, and launched a fierce attack towards Natsume! Natsume deftly dodged, moved, defended, and fought and retreated, drawing another card.


Form control!

Moon Ride, Garuru Form…

After the pattern transformation.

Natsume skillfully wiped the Garuru Saber, and quickly charged towards the night horse, with a strong sense of oppression, and his way of fighting looked disorderly and full of wild power!

ps: Owe chapter five: Knife..

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