Another few days passed.


Natsume boxed in the yard, the plan of the day was in the morning, and the exercise every morning was already the norm for him, and he insisted on it for more than seven years, day after day, regardless of the wind and rain, without stopping.

At first, he was tired and thought about giving up, but in order to make himself stronger, his self-discipline never relaxed, and his gains were also great.

If you work hard, you will reap the rewards.

But that’s all!

Natsume drained a bowl of poisoned chicken soup.

Xiao Ye walked to the door and called softly, “Brother Natsume, it’s time to eat.” ”

“Okay, coming right away.”

Natsume said with a smile.

Since she moved into the house at night, she has contracted the work of breakfast, she said that she always has to do what she can, of course Natsume did not refuse, in fact, Xiaoye’s cooking skills are not bad.

What’s more, someone makes breakfast, or a beautiful chef, which fills the temple of the five internal organs and is pleasing to the eye, why not?

Natsume walked into the dining room, and today’s breakfast was still hearty.

After breakfast.

Natsume receives a call from his little apprentice, Renka Takatori. 19 “Master, is there nothing to do today?” After a while, I came to your house with Sister Misaki to buy vegetables, and recently I have been learning with that recipe for a long time, but the taste is not right, and Sister Misaki does not understand…”

Gao Tori Lianhua said in a low voice.

She actually wanted to say that Sister Misaki’s cooking skills were now more delicious than her, but sensing the black qi surging behind her body, Gao Tori Lianhua didn’t say anything more from her heart, and Sister Misaki also wanted face.

“Okay, come here.”

Natsume nodded in reply.

The two of them knew the location of Natsume’s house, but they rarely came over, because Natsume was usually not at home, and if they had time to guide Takatori Renka’s cooking, they would go to Yuzuki’s house.

The two of them became best friends, and because they were in the same branch of Zect, their actions were basically the same, so Takatori Renka lived directly in Yuzuki’s apartment.

Good sister, a quilt!

Natsume hung up.

Monya Xiaoye blinked, “Brother Natsume, is anyone coming to the house as a guest?” ”

Natsume bowed.

Seeing that Xiao Ye seemed to be a little nervous, he touched her head with a smile and said, “Don’t worry, they are all girls who get along very well.” ”

It’s because it’s a girl that I’m worried.

Xiaoye enjoyed Natsume’s head touching.

Talking to himself…

Brother Natsume, this is also too popular!

Natsume sat on the couch and closed his eyes.

Recall that the knight cards obtained from the daily projection in recent days are: Leo Cavalry, Fifteen, Baron, Mach, Croze…

Natsume has a trough and vomits out of nowhere.

A total of three two-horse cards.


Isn’t something wrong?

Eat the deflated plantain, eat the deflated gang, eat the deflated dragon!

Natsume direct good guy!

The inexplicable power of eating surged in.

The Leo cavalry will not say.

Explosive +1

Also, Kamen Rider XV…

Natsume thought of something interesting.

The next time you really meet Wang Xiaoming, you can try to use this form to see, this is Xiaoming’s new decade to meet a rare knight, although the holster war eating setting is the norm, untrustworthy, but still operable.

Different people transform and express themselves differently!

Natsume is confident in himself.

The apartment where Yuzuki Misaki lives.

Taka Tori Lianhua sat on the sofa, swayed her white calves, blinked and said with a smile: “Sister Misaki, you see I said that Master Natsume will agree, and you have to dress well.” ”

Yuzuki rolled her eyes at her, indicating that he didn’t want to speak.

This girl, since her life was changed by Natsume, is no longer in hell like before, and has become lively and cheerful, completely like a changed person, but this change is good.

Living for yourself is the real life!


She looked at her outfit, her hair tied into a ponytail, Annie’s gray off-the-shoulder sweater, blue original printed skirt, black ankle boots, and white pearl earrings on her ears.

It looks generous, full of mature intellectual taste.

Yuyue Misaki suddenly remembered the thirty-six plans of love she had seen earlier, pursed her lips, returned to the bedroom, and quietly took out a black silk from the drawer of the standing wardrobe…

After putting it on.

The two of them went out arm in arm, and today Captain Tian Suo has been discharged from the hospital, but probably because the alien worm spawning factory was destroyed a few days ago, the alien worm has disappeared in the past two days.

Occasionally two appear, both of which are defeated by the transformation of Lamor Kagami.

That’s why they had time to go to Natsume.

Otherwise. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If there are alien insects in the supervision area of the Zect division, they are bound to participate in the action!

Soon came to the fresh market.

Yuzuki Misaki is not good at cooking, but as a foodie, there is still a lot of research on eating, plus Takatori Renka carries the old butler’s recipe given by Natsume, and what he wants to eat, he already has a general direction in his heart.

After buying the food they needed, they walked towards Natsume’s house again.

Natsume’s house is located next to the villa area not far from this fresh market.

Ding-dong Ding-dong.

Press the doorbell.

Menya Xiaoye jumped up in slippers to open the door.

Open the door.

Yuzuki Misaki and Renka, Takatori, stood at the door carrying the dishes.

Big eyes and small eyes!

Woman… Woman?

And lovely.

Taka Tori Renhua quietly looked at Sister Xia Misao’s reaction, and then glanced at the door number, it is indeed Master Natsume’s home, is it true that Master Natsume is hiding in the golden house?

What a funny Yako…

Yuzuki was stunned.

The first reaction in my heart was: The old lady was stolen?

Menya didn’t think so much.

Natsume’s brother is popular, and they are all beautiful girls, she has a little taste in her heart, but in a blink of an eye, she was thrown into the corner, after the death of her father 827 mother, she and her brother grew up in a major repair card, and they have never been in love, and it is completely impossible to expect her to fight in the palace.

He smiled sweetly and said, “You are friends of Natsume’s brother, please come in.” ”

Menya Xiaoye took the dish from their hands.

There are two pairs of brand new slippers at the entrance, which are for Yugetsu and them.

“You guys are here, I don’t have so many rules at home, just sit casually, you don’t need to be too restrained.”

Natsume said with a smile.

Misaki Yuzuki sat next to Natsume and asked with a smile, “She… Is it your sister? ”

Natsume nodded, “Sort of, for the time being, she will live at home.” ”

“It’s not biological, at most… Godsister! ”

Menya Xiaoye defended.

The corners of Natsume’s lips twitched.

Gan, if in Chinese, the pronunciation is different, the understanding is different, Natsume lamented the breadth and depth of culture.

“Well, it’s so cute, introduce yourself, my name is Yugetsu Misaki.”

Yuyue Misaki didn’t get too entangled in this issue, changed the topic, and said with a smile.

“Menya Xiaoye, Sister Misaki is also very mature and intellectual.”

Monya Xiaoye sat next to Yugetsu Misaki and said with a smile.

“Renka Takatori, is Master Natsume’s apprentice~”

Takatori raised her hand playfully.

Then he didn’t speak.

Quiet sitting next to it.

Eat melon jpg!

PS: Thank you for your monthly pass support!.

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