This day.

The card that Natsume obtained from the daily projection is Kamen Rider OOO, also known as the Three Eggs, a knight born in the new decade of Heisei, with many forms, and after Natsume obtained the projection, the form control card alone has a thick collapse.

Fortunately, the card box of the Dark Emperor Rider connects infinite space, so no matter how many cards he puts in it, it will not seem crowded.

Natsume’s challenge method is very simple, just like when he fought the emperor horse before, after entering the system’s duel field, he directly used Odin’s card, and the time came with one hand.

Defeat Oz in the Eagle Tiger Locust Base Mode.

Not even given the opportunity to switch patterns.

Directly hit the second!

Because the purpose is to get cards, so Natsume basically came how quickly, Oz has many forms, and there is a more troublesome form, Super Eagle Tiger Locust Group!

In the future, the group also has the ability to stop immunization.

Natsume felt that he could surprise Nogi when the time came!

After Natsume’s fitness in the morning, he just went out through the dark space, easily solved the two alien insects, and returned, and after lunch, the ringing of his mobile phone rang.

Natsume looks at Denjin, it is Cape 19 Yutsuki.

“Yugetsu, what’s wrong?”

He asked aloud.

As soon as he heard this name, Monya, who was sitting next to him and looking at the recent photos, couldn’t help but prick up his ears and listen, Yutsuki… This name should be a girl, right?

Who is it?

Menya Xiaoye hummed in his heart, Natsume’s brother actually called so close, how could he be repaired!

Natsume didn’t notice the change in Koya’s expression.

Yugetsu Misaki on the other side of the phone said: “Just now, I went to visit Kagami with Captain Tasho, but no one was found in the ward, Kagami should… Went to the factory. ”

“Okay, I see.”

Natsume nodded.

Leaving the factory yesterday, he knew that Kagami would not die, he thought that Makoto was a human, not an alien, and he was a character who did not hit the southern wall and did not look back.

So, he had to go and see it anyway.

For this he took part in the steel bucket experiment.

Although it is said that it failed …

Seriously injured in the hospital!

Yesterday evening, when Yuzuki Misaki informed Kagami that she was seriously injured in the hospital, he and Tendo went to the hospital to see it, and when they left, he spoke to Yuzuki Misaki, and if he noticed that Kagami left the hospital, he spoke to him.

No, Yuzuki Misaki called.

Hang up.

Natsume saw Monya’s big eyes.

Just as he was about to speak, Monya Xiaoye said: “Brother Natsume, go quickly, Xiaoye is waiting for you at home.” ”

Natsume rolled his eyes as he listened.

He actually wanted to tell her that Wang Xiaoming seemed to have come to this world, but now it seems that this matter can be slowed down until he finds it first.

“Then I’ll go.”

Say it.

He smiled and opened the dark space and walked directly in.

In the blink of an eye, the purple-black space closed.

Monya blinked.

“Brother Natsume is really mysterious, such a spatial use is not a dimensional wall, I have never seen it…”

She whispered.

Time and space shuttle!

Speaking of this, she thought of the dimensional wall, in fact, the dimensional wall can not only travel through parallel worlds, but also can travel through the same world, and it was the dimensional wall that Natsume had rescued her from the cage earlier.

But not now.

It also has the drive of the Dark Emperor Rider, and these auras all add a lot of mystery to Natsume, and Natsume becomes more and more mysterious, and Menya Xiaoye becomes more and more addicted.

In a short time, she will fall.

Or rather… Already fallen! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Outside the factory that serves as a base for xenozoans.

Kageyama Instant with the phantom team is guarding around, lurking, but at this time Kageyama Instant’s expression is not good-looking, the whole person trembles slightly, his nails have pinched into the flesh, he can’t help but think of yesterday’s night.

Because Kagami’s troublemaking in the afternoon made the alien insects sense, so he decided to start directly in the evening and enter the factory to eliminate all the alien insects first, in this way, his credit is great!

Presumably at that time.

He will be greatly appreciated for completing a task so well! Those who once looked down on him will also be impressed by him, and in that case, they will also be secretly happy.

But the truth gave him a hammer.

Just when he decided to act.

Instructions are given by superiors.

The action is canceled!

That moment.

Kageyama’s heart was completely filled with affection for the dog, and then he immediately approached Masato Mishima to ask about the specific situation, he thought that there must be something in this matter that he did not know the specific situation.

But Masato Mishima did not answer him directly and positively.

It is to say: your strength is not enough, the factory matter, not you can solve.

No matter how he asked, Masato Mishima answered like this.

Kageyama said instantly!

Is his strength weak?

No, probably…

Just as he was thinking about it.

Buzz one by one

The roar of the locomotive, Kageyama instantly subconsciously raised his eyes, and saw that Kagami, who was injured and still had a bandage on her head, rushed towards the factory gate at full speed on a motorcycle, and then rushed into the factory.

Instant Kageyama: ???

Kagami again?

He cursed secretly.

Shout 750 from the headset: “Action! ”

The Phantom Squad immediately acted, now even if there is no order from their superiors, they have to move, no matter what, they can’t watch Kagami, who is already seriously injured, die, right?

Phantom enters after fighting in batches.

A figure carried a lockbox and walked to the factory door.

Also at this time.

Natsume stepped out of the dark space, and Kagami was in a hurry, and the bandages that were wrapped around were not properly made, so that the blood that seeped out stained the white bandages.

But Kagami didn’t care about that.

For him.

As long as he can save Ah Cheng, in fact, after failing as a steel bucket adaptor, his body is already full of holes.

Now he is holding on with a breath in his heart.

That kind of tenacious belief can make him persevere until now!

And the reason why that worm chose Kagami.

In addition to delaying Zect’s action plan…

Seems to be for fun?

The insect that mimics a child also likes to play pranks, such as playing with other people’s feelings, Kagami is not the first, but for now, it is likely to be the last!

PS: Thanks for April’s Whisper Great Monthly Pass support! Well, I owe three chapters~.

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