Natsume raised an eyebrow.

A flustered figure appeared in Natsume’s field of vision, wearing a black professional OL suit, outlining his full body, and Natsume looked at it, and was also an acquaintance.

zect organization, Yugetsu Misaki of Shuichi Tiansho.

She limped and seemed to be on her feet.

Holding the zect assembly pistol in his hand, he ran quickly with his head down in pain.

Behind her, several larvae, followed!


Yugetsu Misaki didn’t notice Natsume’s appearance and directly bumped into his arms.


She subconsciously screamed.

It’s about to shoot.

Natsume was speechless.

Directly grabbed the hand where she shot.

“Hey, let’s see it clearly.”

Natsume said helplessly.

This voice….

Yuzuki was stunned, raised his head, and saw a handsome face.

It wasn’t the first time she had met.

Seika Junior High School, Harajuku, and Tetsuya Sawaki forced her to join the ‘Dark Emperor Rider Capture Plan’…

Whether it’s handsome looks or strong strength.

There is no doubt that Natsume made an extremely impression on her.

The insect caught up.

Roar, roar…

One of the black larvae emerges from Yuzuki’s face and begins to molt.

Looking at Yugetsu, who was a little confused, Natsume pulled her behind him.

Feed the card into the drive.


【Kamen.Ride.Kabuto! 】

Natsume turned into the form of Koto.

Yuzuki Misaki’s eyes widened, Σ(⊙▽⊙a….

Jia Dou?

Although he knew that the Dark Emperor Rider was able to transform into the appearance of other Kamen Riders through cards, it was the first time that Yugetsu Misaki had seen it when he turned into a Jidou!

It’s amazing….

Several alien insects, whether larvae or adults, all rushed towards Natsume, revealing their sharp limbs, wanting to kill Natsume on the spot.

Natsume didn’t care.

Holding a bitter sword, do not retreat but advance.

Wielding a sword blade.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sharp blade slashed at the insect, accompanied by a huge force pouring, the body of the larvae could not withstand that force, and an explosion occurred, only the adult worm resisted with its own strong body.

This is an adult worm that seems to be heavily armored.

Covered in black.

Ironclad beetle!

This is what this adult looks like.

The carapace is hard.

The adult worm crashed directly towards Natsume, and the brute rushed. Like a runaway truck, Natsume didn’t make a hard connection, cleverly dodged, and sparked with a slash with a bitter sword.

After Natsume avoided it, the adult had difficulty controlling the direction of his travel, and directly crashed into the wall of the tunnel.


It was directly embedded in it, smashing out a deep pit, the surrounding walls cracked, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

This blow, if hit, the armor of the knight form will definitely be difficult to resist!

‘Quack! ’

Adult bugs bark.

With a force, trying to ‘cut’ himself off the wall, a pair of small eyes suddenly opened, blooming a terrifying scarlet light, and strange energy fluctuations surged on his arms.

The energy surging on the black carapace is….


In an instant, without mentioning the almost invisible scarlet eyes of the adult worm, his body completely turned black and white, and his arms and body seemed to divide yin and yang!

The adult picks up speed in an instant.

Blink appeared in front of Natsume and slammed a punch.

Natsume crossed his arms in fend.

A terrifying force is coming!

Natsume felt his body light and flew out backwards.

Flipped back in mid-air, adjusted his body, and slid for several meters after landing, before he stopped steadily.

“So fast! The power is also very strong, not super high-speed, but it increases the speed of the moment … Is it really a mutant? Natsume shook his hand, “So, let’s experiment.” ”

A low murmur.

Natsume sent a special kill card into the Dark Emperor Rider Drive.

【Rider… Kick! 】

Electric flashing.

Natsume ran a few steps, then jumped up in the air, and his right leg, which gathered the energy of atomic destruction, kicked the adult worm, and the adult turned around and resisted with the carapace behind him, and steadily took the blow.

Adults reflexively elbow strike.

Natsume entered a super high speed, and Genyuki dodged it, and then continued to slash with a bitter sword.

Inside the somewhat dimly lit tunnels, Mars splashes.

Natsume quits hyperspeed.

Distance yourself from it.

This adult worm still has not entered the ‘Clock.Up’ state.

Natsume’s slash also looks like it’s just scraping.

“The powerful power after the white fluctuation is attached, I am afraid that the defense is stronger than Rina Mamiya, and the terrifying speed that bursts out in an instant… As a mutant, these powers, could it be obtained at the cost of super speed? ”

Natsume vaguely guessed.

If so.

This black mutant insect is probably more powerful than the one I encountered in Ginza, purely in terms of ‘meat shield’.

As everyone knows.

After the insect molts, it basically obtains the ability of super speed, and it is also instinctive to use that ability after molting.

But the mutant in front of him has not been used at super high speed once.


Natsume removes the other two cards from the card case.

【Kamen.Ride.Kuuga! 】

【Kamen Driving ・ Empty Self】

【From.Ride.Kuuga.Rising.Titan! 】

[Form Control Sublimation Titan].

From a bucket to an empty self.

Then the empty self continues to change postures.

Sublimate the Titans!

This is in the form of a titan enhanced with the ‘power of gold’, and the armor has turned purple and entwined with golden patterns.

Natsume takes out the Sublimation Titan Sword.

With heavy steps, step by step, towards the adults.

Adults are useful for short, high-speed movement.

A punch smashed towards Natsume.

However, this time Natsume did not dodge, and the indomitable sublimation titan did not need to defend and dodge.

‘Knock knock…’

A dull voice sounded.

Natsume remained motionless.

The adult froze in place in amazement.

“The finale.”

Natsume will kill.


The moment the electric sound sounds.

The Sublimation Titan Sword penetrated the adult worm’s body.


The adult worms explode and go to dust.


PS: Thanks ‘18021..’ Great monthly pass support!

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