After defeating the projections manifested in the system space, it is the norm to earn 1,000 points and the corresponding knight cards, and the fact that you can drop ‘items’ by bursting the projection has been known since the system was rebooted.

But after so many battles.

Not a single drop was made.

He thought that it was his luck, and gradually Natsume got used to his luck.

And now it’s suddenly working again?

“And… Dark space? ”

Natsume muttered slightly.

Regarding the Kamen Rider King Sword, Natsume is still relatively familiar, this knight is dark and evil from the name and power, and at first glance he thought he was a villain.

After transforming, he is guarding the light in his own way.

The Holy Sword Dark Sword has a special ability to predict the future, seal all the Holy Swords, and cut space!

‘Cut through space until dark’!

The user of Dark Sword Moon Dark, Kamen Rider King Sword, can use slashes to cut space, and enter the dark space for spatial movement, and even seal the target into the dark space.

Dark space can indeed be counted as one of the abilities of the king sword.

Natsume immediately checked the system’s detailed description of the dark space.

To be precise, the existence characteristics of the dark space are not bad from what he remembered, the only difference is that Natsume does not need to use the dark sword moon dark, but can be cast in the human state.

It was a dark world that belonged only to him!

Exit system space.

Natsume immediately opened the passage to the dark space and entered the ‘dark world’, everything was depressed and collapsed, similar to the venue when he fought with the king sword projection.

Entering the dark space, Natsume simply experimented.

Soon he learned the basic abilities of dark space.

He can enter the dark space from the same place and leave the dark space from another position.

Dark space can be seen as the ‘opposite’ of the real world.

Inside are different spatial coordinates.

In addition to not being able to blur, it is simply a copy of the divine power of the Hokage World Uchiha with soil!

This skill, whether it is used to infiltrate, run, or raid, is a proper divine skill!

Natsume couldn’t help but light up.

Dimensional walls can also move in space, as small as different places in the same world, as large as different parallel worlds, but Natsume’s Dark Emperor Rider Drive is derived from the system.

For the time being, he didn’t unlock the power of the dimensional wall.

The appearance of dark space is also excellent.

He hummed a ditty and went to the bathroom for a bath.

I went back to my room and lay down, and soon fell asleep.

The city at night is a paradise for alien insects, and many alien insects that mimic people seem to liberate their nature, ‘tear’ the skin of the mimicry and return to the appearance of the larvae themselves.

Whenever this happens.

The ant soldiers patrolling the zect will confront it.

This night, under the cover of night.

Kagami, who Shuichi Tasho specially approved to join the Phantom Squad to study, is the first time to follow the team, wearing an ant soldier suit, and soon arrives at the place infested by alien insects.

A mall that is lively during the day and empty at night.

Five alien insects roamed.

All larvae!

Yachi wanted to ride the mechanical Sektron, followed by an armored car carrying ant soldiers, and soon arrived here.

“The two groups A and B fire in cross, and the C team pays close attention to the molting of the alien insects and provides necessary fire support for the other teams.” Yacha wanted to roll over and get out of the car, calmly commanding.


‘Da-da. ’

Receiving the order, the well-trained Phantom Squad members began to fire one after another.

Immediately afterwards, he encountered the insect molt.

Yacha wants to transform into a royal bee to fight it, and soon solves all the xenomorphs.

As an elite force of the Zect headquarters, the Phantom Squad’s combat effectiveness is not weak, even without the assistance of the Kamen Rider system, their efficiency in fighting unmolted larvae is still very high.

Much better than the average ant soldier squad.

Worthy of the name of the elite!


“The courage to face the alien worm alone is commendable, but such self-expression will destroy the harmony of the team, and if the team does not win, it is not a real victory!”

“Feel it? This is our perfect harmony. ”

Yacha said with a smile.

He wanted to promote his concept of ‘perfect reconciliation’ to others, so Kagami’s request to be transferred to the Phantom Squad did not refuse, Shuichi Tasho approved with him, and Kagami’s transfer went smoothly.

Except that Kageyama was a little jealous….

Looks like everyone is happy!

Sure enough, the joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

“Oh Si!”

Kagami held her helmet and said in a serious tone, joining the Phantom Squad, cooperating with each other, indeed killing the alien worm, this should be good, but why do you always have a strange feeling in your heart?

It’s like saying that he doesn’t belong here.

Kagami felt strange.

But it has already joined, ‘If it comes, it is safe’, and it is good to kill the alien worm.


Early morning.

The sky has been clear for a long time, and the rain has been missing for a long time, adding a bit of hazy meaning to the city, but today is not a day off, the traffic on the street is not stopping, and pedestrians are also holding umbrellas.

A light rain did not disrupt the planning of people’s daily lives.

Those who should go to work go to work, and those who should go to school go to school.

Natsume packed up and traveled with an umbrella.

Today he is wearing a gray sports suit, very ordinary dress, but Natsume’s figure is full of good looks, it can be said that it is the perfect hanger, probably this is ‘naturally beautiful and difficult to give up’.

Not far.

A black car suddenly stopped on the side of the road, the driver’s window rolled down, and the driver of the car was the mysterious organization ZECT and the supreme commander of the Metropolitan Police Department, Miriku Kaga.

“Mr. Natsume, don’t mind talking to me?”

A smile appeared on Kaga Miriku’s face.

The people of zect….

Natsume raised his eyebrows slightly, he probably knew that his identity was exposed because of the incident that the alien worm and the protozoa appeared together a few days ago, but Kaga Miriku came to the door so quickly, which surprised him a little.

“Of course not.”

Natsume smiled softly, pulled the car door and sat in the back row.


Start the car, step on the accelerator, like an arrow off the string, and gallop out!


ps: Thank you ‘Tenshin Legend, Tenjin’ for the support of the monthly pass!

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