I have received and tried Shanda Jinshu for a few days. The overall appearance is smooth, the operation is simple, the screen is soft and not dazzling, the font is refreshing, and it is portable.

Internet is simple, you can go online at any time, as Shanda promotes, as follows:

Bambook supports a variety of networking methods, including Wi-Fi, 3G Internet access and USB connection PC agent Internet access. Users can freely choose according to their needs and their environment.

3G Internet supports TD-SCDMA (mobile dedicated), CDMA2000EVDO (telecom dedicated) and WCDMA (Unicom dedicated) and other protocols. By replacing different 3G network cards, no matter where you are, you can connect to the network without restrictions Get your favorite books.

Bambook is currently the only e-reader that can be connected to the PC via USB. After installing the ladder software, Bambook can connect to the Internet through the PC.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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