World champions can do whatever they want

The world champion can be the 550th chapter of what you want.

The number of audiences can be accommodated from more than 37,000 people to 50,000 people, all venues, configuration, measures, and new projection equipment.

The only goal of Schuttz, the ultrasonic speed team is not the same.

The official Organizing Committee of the Devil is, is committed to creating a legend.

Historical proof.

They succeeded.

Wod became a legend.


Also became the most dazzling demon god of Washington.

Around the keyboard, it is a beautiful business circle, which is hanging on the venue building. It is much more spectacular than any space in the world.

At this moment.

It has become a big screen in the square of Washington flag building, and is broadcasting the pre-selection competition in the world.

A variety of wonderful pieces.

Many audiences come to come, hiding under the sunshade umbrella and look up.

These competitions may also be seen at home, but after all, in front of such venues, it is more atmosphere.

This is absolutely impossible for decades ago.

At that time, e-sports is still in the case of barbarism, although there are many funds injected, but in the eyes of the outside world, it is an emerging thing.

The inexuesis of the outside world is naturally insufficient, and it is difficult to occupy a variety of prejudice in public opinion. It is difficult to occupy mainstream.

However, it is already a matter of 10 years ago.

Now, time comes to WOD9.

Come and go to the passers-by, hot business circle.

Even the hotels where they have been in their miracles, they have twice as much as the upcoming WOD, the rate has doubled.

For those who have no more favorable morning.

This price increase.

It is definitely it.

WOD is a big event.

Enough to change a lot of big events.

"... I have been almost six years."

Walking on the edge of the venue, Ai Chen heard the Yuran, slightly, some unfortunate signs.

That year, WOD4, miracle missed the International Invitational Tournament, and then dissolved.

So far, it has been almost six years.

Six years can change a lot of things.

However, they still appear here.

"Lao Xie and Lao Pan have not come, a bit unfortunate." Lao Liu nodded, and some feelings.

"Nothing, the leaves are not coming." Yu Ran smiled and took a little girl's shoulder.

"Don't!" Small leaves spoke: "I am me, they are them, don't pull us together!"

"Yes." Yu Ran smiled.

Indeed, the leaves are leaves, and the other two comrades are another two comrades themselves.

However, it is undeniable.

This gimmick is on.

Finally, it is brought, the two have not arrived, the old miracle comrades' mark.

Some regrets.

But life is not this.

Porrivor porridge is careful after Yu Fa, slightly, slightly, a little complex, sweeping the entire keyhouse, after a moment, but it is old.

"I always dreamed of WOD4 for two days."

"Ah?" Yu Ran blinked, stepped back half.

"Just, dream." Porridge porridge smiled. "Think of that year, we didn't kill the pre-selection, I didn't enter WOD, then quarrel, disbanded ..."

I want to be a very uncomfortable dream.

Yu Nei nodded.

"Now I think of it, I feel uncomfortable, I feel uncomfortable." Porridge porridge said: "If we don't dissolve at that time, how much is it."

Laojin touched the bag, pulled the cigarette, silently ignited.

After a while, he said softly.

"Don't worry, as long as you take a champion, you should not do this again."

How many stinking porridge porridge is usually heard, but a smile.

"Oh, yes."

This is not.

This time, is it here, is the only purpose?

Seattle's sleepless night (1) of Seattle 664.

It is still two weeks from the competition.

The inner field of the key alley is not open.

Of course, a man does not enter the inner field, but it is outside the venue and looks at it.

It is in remembering.

Even if I didn't go to the game day.

The passers-by outside the venue also bustle, there is a pure road that has been in a hurry, and there is no chance to watch the audience of the game in the inner field, so it can only be visited in the time of the game days, see this Thousands of gamers, belong to the world's highest competitive stage.

This time champion.

It is not only just a glory of a game.

Everything represented by the champion is more like a symbol, an era, a legend.

Previous champions were engraved in front of the venues, a huge statue, the huge champion shield is engraved with the title, the game ID.

Of the official malfunction of the Devil is not only reflected in the game.

Many tourists stop in front of the statue, stay, and take the stream.

Only three years of Chinese characters.

Now I don't want to see some old and mottled.

"Do we want to take a photo." Amochen proposed.

"No, let's take it." Yu Rong put his hand.

"I'm hidden in the darkness of the gods in the dark, and everything in the world is still immersed in the past glory! That will never eat prisoner to ban your own cage ..."

The porridge whispered small paw covered half of the face, and smiled.

Hao Jing has knocked his brain.

"calm down."


I can't help but laugh on the side of Ai Chen.

It is such a clever when there is a life.

For the Chinese team.

During the year.

From WOD8 to WOD9.

The domestic team once again came again, and returned to Seattle.

For miracles.

This reincarnation is a bit longer.

Thought micro turn.

The big screen in front of the home preparation.

It is broadcast, it is a last year's WOD8 Finals.

The EG against the SW of SW.

The EG of the Triple Copy Dynasty.

Coronation of the new king of the SW team.

Time to make a hero.

Then the king of this year, the legend of this year, this year's era.

Who will it be?

Standing here, standing for a long time.

I haven't spoken very much for a time.

About the moment of moment.

I heard Yu Ran's laziness waved.

"Let's go, go back, no good look."

Everyone nodded, silently stepped, keep up.

There is no treatment that will be recognized and a star player who is chasing the block.

A man returned to the hotel again.

Enter the elevator, go upstairs, and return to your own room.

Yu Ran slammed the cigarette and opened the computer.

The moment is not enough.

The girls between the partitions, but they all open the door and walk into the five men of the boys.

When the computer is out of the door, the hotel's waiter has already notified the hotel, together with all the computers, just with a series of small training rooms.

The holiday is still going on.

This month is over.

It is good to say that it is a holiday, then there is no arrangement.

Instead of a professional team, the current miracle looks more like a historical table, there is no so-called training, no professional against and preparing for, there is no video reading, and there is no so-called tactical conference.

Nothing at all.

Crawn team.

However, it seems that everyone is used to this plantation team's general leisurely.

Each game.

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