World champions can do whatever they want

The world champion can be the 505th chapter of what you want.

One quarter of the loser group.

Chinese civil war.

Silver white first army, VS, blade.

PS: climbed back. .

PS1: After another holiday, I am a dog.

PS2: 6 o'clock, just arrived home, accumulating dizzy, temporary one more.

Section 626 621, watching the lively (1).

It is always too big to watch your stay.

For this game, there is a bit cruel, the loser leaves.

The audience in the venue gave enough cheers and applause.

The discussion on the Internet is still continuing.

Look at it.

On the back of the scene, sitting on the side of the audience, sitting with a dense Ma Ma, is in response to the light shadow rhythm of the holographic image on the stage, and spontaneously played the sound.

The game has not started.

It is indeed four smokes.

Old Liu Xi 's exclaimed.

"This, you are optimistic."

Yu Ran touched the Pakistan, looked at it, still shouting "Chen Wenyu Come on" China's heart sister, but grinned.

"This is not predicted."

Don't predict it.

Do you want to predict?

It is still even, and there is no way to guess the results of this game?

Many things are often fascinated.

One, some concerns, in the bureau.

It is so easy to enter back to the judgment of a person.

Leaves, small week, in the silver white.

Yu Ran naturally hopes that they can win?

However, have you won?

The strength of the blade is really far more than the silver-white pioneering army.

I didn't answer.

Liu Ziwei laughed, clicking on the document, drawing a fork in this bureau.

Soon, the referee announced that the first game started.

The small leaves stood up from the seating of the Silver White President, walked out of the channel, waving toward the venue.

This game, she is the first player in the individual.

The crazy applause is a foreign fans to her. The leaves are also scared by this sudden applause, and they are not hoped by their eyes.


Her popularity has experienced the brewing of the CIC invitation. It is now grunged in Birmingham.

At this time, the leaves have gradually become a certain degree of professional players.

The appearance of the people, the attraction is very attractive.

And that never had, walk to the front of the stage, and even say that it is a glory of the female player.

Surface strongest female player!

This is a ridicule on the network, but this time the leaves are indeed a rated evaluation.

The Ye Girl who has never had no skin is somewhat ashamed at this time.

She lowered his head and flew out of his players.

At the same time, I looked up and looked at the big screen of the array list.

Wu Wei.

Domestic three major C.

When you look at the list of the last side, even the leaves can't help but slightly.

She looked back, Wu Wei's figure, this time I just got out of the player.

Nova and old will.

Back waves and waves.

Foreign players are not very clear about the entanglement between the two.

After the miracle era, the three major c almost said that the half of the domestic devil is supported.

Although the water friends on the domestic forum are not very different for the evaluation of the three major C.

Even if this is, in that era, the three major C is indeed, it is one of the tops of the country that can be taken out of the country.

On the one hand, some angry is not worthless.

On the one hand, I feel that there is no suitable successor in China.

All in all, abnormal contradictions.

And what?

This new and old, the new and old, who hopes, is in the loser group in the exotic country.

It will be eliminated.


It is indeed so cruel.

However, the two sides on the stage, but there seems to have not felt this cruel.

The leaves squinted and looked at Wu Wei, which was slightly fascinating.

I haven't encountered it, I have never had a map of Wu Hao, I have never seen Wu Hao's map, after all, than Wu Wei, or End this world's first warrior, more worth studying.

But this doesn't mean that Wu Wei is not strong.

Before the start of the game, He Yao said that he had a lot of precautions.

But what is it?

"Can it still be more difficult to play?" The little girl was squatting, self-speaking.

The competition started quickly.

The holographic projection technology will play the light shadow on the side of the stage.

Domestic civil war.

Nova and old will.

Wu Hao after the scene, and also gave a mess and a mess.

The pressure is really large.

If you lose to this game, how will he be subject to the blacks on the Internet?

I want to think about it.

However, wait for the game, load the role, go back, in the middle of the small map, when the leaf's summer leaves appear in their own perspective, Wu Wei still can't help but feel it.

The little girl on the CIC has a front, but too much light is still obscured by Yu Ran.

However, on the stage of this competition.

There is no Yuran.

Her rays are also more increasingly pleasant.

Pearls without clam shells may be slightly fragile, but far more than hidden in the shell.

Her performance.

It is really a stunning word.

Domestic still has a strong newcomer, but why, their team did not excavate.

He feels.

But still quickly determined.

"I won't be in your hand!"

He said to himself.


This competition is also considered a whole series of events, the first Chinese civil war.

Previously, foreign teams were handed over, because the same English language, there will be some exchanges and ridicule before the game.

This time, the text exchange, "ventur" is the source of most network stems.

But domestic and foreign players are difficult to rub this spark.

No way.

Language is unlocked.

This time, it is rare to meet the same language.

The leaves finally couldn't help.

"Is it happily, what?"

Then followed it again.

"You can't breathe."

Although the chat forum in this child will automatically switch the language according to the game version, the sound effect issued is always the sentence of the sentence.

Time's gunpowder.

Wu Wei smiled.

Once upon a time, domestic players have also fantasy.

If it is in a top-level event final, you can see the domestic team in the finals.

That will be a happy thing.

However, this will only be a fantasy.

The domestic team, the particles on the WOD series are not received, and it is already a long time.

Then this rear wave.

This is currently in the world, and the first female player in the field of pyramids.

Ye Wei, as well as her Xia Rani.

Can you set off some waves?

Wu Wei did not pay attention to her provocation.

Instead, it is not turning your own dragon, which is subtle to adjust the position.

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