World champions can do whatever they want

The world champion can be the 449th chapter of what you want.

20 yards, wrap!

Nanshanzhe's heart is only jumping!


Success! !

"OK!" Zhou Xue creates the peak of the penetration on the tab.

She is also very nervous.

In such a high-intensity confrontation, any mistake, any mistake, is ruined a whole team.

The wins are always between one thought! !

Fortunately! She did it! !

Her judgment is not wrong! !

This angle, the other party can't see! !

"Hang it!" Chen Zhi made a sound.

Zhou Jia's sister is born to the vision of the vision, it is really true, just like a full picture.

To know this map, she just saw it before loading.

"They are coming to me." I am angry, Chen Zhi is still reminded.

"OK, ok, according to the original plan, you can enter the ambush circle as a bait."

Zhou Jia's sister immediately judged.



When I took a moment of Chen Zhi, I went out!

The double knife heavy racks, and the harsh scouring sounds.

Demon hunter fight skills!

Evil collide! Phantom strike!

The vibrant green fire, the black shadow of the burst.

It is attracted by him.

By the first game of the dragon.

At this time, Chen Zhi, hand, it is a hot!

He rushed out quickly, his hands holding a knife, and the momentum is like a rain.

This time.

There is no dragon, it can block him again.


"Be careful."

This is certainly not too unexpected in the whole God's guard Team Front.

"Pete, you go."

The opponents who have been confronted in the individual competition, in the team, once again.

Pete has already worried.

Now in the moment of getting up.

But it is a skill full!


He shouted.

This time I said.

Sometimes it is not to communicate at all, but it is just your own momentum.

Pete lost some wroth in the individual ... Of course, not to lose, but the whole process is pressed against the opponent, more less, some are not very habit.


Lost the scene, always want to win.

This is the other country!


Mr. Lu is coming to the cusp.

But after you touched it, it quickly separated.

"Don't chase!" LONE reminder: "May be a trap."

At the same time, it will quickly and move in the team.

"Haniwo, look at some, your goal is the other's hunition, try not to let her let go of the output!"

The other party's hunition.

Small leaves.

Leaves this guy.

In the performance in 3v3, it is really a dazzling.

Haniw is looking for a head.


At this time, at this moment.

Yu Ran blinks, smiling and shakes his head.

"Still Zhoujia sister is amazing."

Old Liu was attached.


If you don't understand, he decided not to open.

It's still good, it is intentionally, saying that people have money.

"If you spoke Zhou Jia's sister's horizon, it is zone than to do it ... then Zhou's sister's Zone is undoubtedly the most powerful."


There is money blinking.

Fortunately, I didn't plan to sell anything.

"Because of her ability, help teammates, even say that it is used in teammates."

There is money.

It seems to be such a look.


On the stage of the stage.

At the time of the TEAM FRONT, it is in front of the front.

In the blind spot behind the field of view.



Although the command of Team Front is reminded that the teammates don't relax, but in the face of the path that I have walked, it will always subconsciously ignore the threat from behind.

This is a habitual ignore.

This is a deception from the perspective.

Because I just got, I can't see people, so that place, it is impossible to have ambush.

But the bias is there.

"You are cheated!" He is here.

Nanshanzhe rushed out.

The whole body burns evil flame.

The big move has been completed, and there is no slide.

Sacrifice itself.

Summon, abyss devil!

Warlock 70, talent!

PS: The title number is wrong. Head is a bit dizzy.

Section 576 571, the abyss devil (one more).

Top talent tricks.

Take itself as a sacrifice, summon the demon of the abyss.

The abyss lord of the wing.

In the official background setting of the game, the abyss devil comes from the endless void edge, the body is huge, destroyed, and the behavior is cruel. It is the most powerful ground military force of the Combustion Legion.

For an example, it is like the strongest tank in the modern war, with tough scuten, the protection is quite powerful, and the body is full of strong angry flames, as well as corroding atmosphere.

The skills such as Dragon Tail, Big Icelon, and Warriors, although there are few visible on the competition.

But at least in online games, occasionally see similar skills are used by players in a copy.

But the abyss devil call.

This skill is really rare.

It is called the ban, it is not too much.


Because summon this kind of abyss lord demon, you need to make the warrisheet itself as a sacrifice.

What is the sacrifice?

The game king has not played, you want to summon the eight stars monsters, you must use two four-star monsters to sacrifice.

The party that is sacrificed is dead!

The same is true of the warlock players who summon the demon of the abyss.

Summon skills last for three minutes, which is 180 seconds, after 180 seconds, the big devil will disappear.

Players will die.

This is the boat! Backsho!

Silver white first arms, it is worthy of the system!

This is just a start, I sent a human head?

When the big devil appears.

Everyone in the field is inevitably! !

"Yes !! Come, come !!"

Just hide nature, the moment after released.

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