World champions can do whatever they want

The world champion can be the 418th chapter of what you want.

The sputum is killed.

Thickness is thin, and then the first arrival.

Warrior tip operation skills!

War! !

This sword.

I suddenly smashed this blade in a moment!

The sword is struggling to fall from the air.

The abnormality is between the formation.

One person strokes, in millions of army, take the first level!

Fighting worker, flying sword!

Give the hills of the mountains, the sight of the hill, the next conscious looks look at the sky.

Take this sword!

End one left and right, stepped on the two feet.

WOD8, the world's first year in the past year.

What is this? !

The bell ghost is in the blood.



The scene of this scene, can't help but think of WOD8's quarter finals.

The champion dream of the symbol team, the sword of the sword!

And everything happened on the stage of the game is so similar.

King's return? !

How did the South Korea dare to say, but it is not to be free.

How to steal the EMO.

This stage is still attributed or he end.

If EMO is a big enemy of China's Devil in the next few years.

Then now, the end is expressed in action.

He is still the extremely powerful big devil, and it is, when you play!

On the data display, break through the four digits, more than 1000 APGM values, is still so dazzling.

Treatment is second.

"Great end!" This moment, even if you sit in the studio, the live broadcast of this game, I can't stand it. Even if the other party beat the players, it comes from China's blade, but I have to admit that this moment is SW for the king.

The next game naturally has no suspense.

The most dazzling scene of this game is still in the hit in the End heroic and unparalleled.

No support for treatment.

The member of the blade team, one followed, exhausted, and falling.


Old Liu shake his head, in the middle of the tone, more or less still slightly sorry.

"Yeah." Yu Nei nodded.

The winning losers on the competition, this is not absolute.

"You can lose a few games." He smiled, "Because this, this game is so charm, isn't it."

The applause of the applause.

The SW team walked down from the players.

Many SW team fans from the SW team came to the scene. At this time, smash it.

"Rotk !!"

"Rotk !!"

Porridge porridge looked at the screen, and the end of the end from the stage, muttered.

"This person is not as good as me! I won him!"

This is not wrong.

The second round of context.


4 to 6, fortunately.

Section 543 539, why not bend?

On the first day, three rounds of competition were finally concluded in the SW team twin star.

Compared to the CIC, this Birmingham Major's group is quite compact, just the first day of the game, it has been filled with nine games, exquisite, but the extent, but compared The CIC is inferior to a lot.

On the one hand, strong SW is too dazzling, so that there is more or less colorful than other games.

Another aspect is the game arrangement of the game, and it is really easy to fatigue all day.

The audience is tired.

Players? It's better to say.

When I returned, the professional players were as usual, and the four people were not so lucky. They crowded with the sardines in the Japanese subway, crowded, small and squeezed, squeezed Almost have a passage for a few hours.

Fortunately, no one recognizes them.

But the words were coming back.

The so-called professional player, many times when you take off the team, a group of young people who even have some dead houses, such young people are really not easy to recognize in the crowd, especially like Yuran, Like a miracle, they are not just homes, but also don't love guys in the mirror.

It is already six o'clock when I go back to the hotel. At the local time, the domestic words are probably two o'clock in the morning, and they have been late.

However, it is the discussion on the old network forums on the night.

About EMO discussion, guess, analysis, and frequently listed.

This ID has reached a peak at the domestic forum, and the top ten miles of the domestic forum can see his traces. The search heat is only playing basketball in a star, and a certain career player marriage will go to the wedding banquet. After the news, the news.

There is a touch of transparency.

Chinese Devil's future enemy.


It is true that EMO's performance in the game is currently not as far as the end of the peak.

But he is only 16 years old!

Talent is only 16 years old!

Think carefully, what are the 16 years of age?

Wearing a school uniform biting the bread in the classroom and the teacher together to think of the land and !

Even if he can only maintain the peak to 24 years old.

Then this person, there is still 8 years, you can Yao Wuyang.

This is too TM terrible.

Emo's sky is born, and it is not bad to completely play the first half of the blade.

It is precisely because of this, it seems that the "why not BaNend" has been sick before the start of the game.

After all, in the face of this strong SW team, even if it is lost, it seems that it is too much to be too rare.

Moreover, it is still a 4 to 6, only a little bit is lost.

Almost win!

Compared to the network.

The painting wind in the professional player is a little less than a matter.

"Yes, I will be Hao, expand it! Actually, even End dares to BAN."

Single Junjun first jumped out, yin and yang strangely ridicule.

The spokesperson of the blade of the blades walked around and issued a stroke.

The small bubble will certainly be polite.

"Rolling, it is better than you have played."

"You think about it, why not Ban End?" The small single continued to stimulate.

"..." Weekly continues to omit.

"Don't talk to this kind of person! The national service is the first yin Yang Jia!"

The righteousness of the small bubble.

Single bricks came back to a smile.

Xiao Zhou is more speechless.

What did he say? Not only sent to the omitted number.

But tell the truth, lose the game, but also depressed, especially when it is committed to this obvious mistake.

Emo is a secret card hidden by the SW team, but if you can go in the BP, you will fall to only an EMO's single core lineup, and they are bladed, and they can also fight.

Unfortunately, there will be no if it is in the game.

Depressed is depressed, but I don't know if it is an illusion, I am strangely strange, and my mood is really inexplicable.

Pingdu is a small hub, slow slow, but also.

"Hey, old Chen, the EMO newcomer, what do you think?"

Old Chen, naturally refers to Chen Wenyu.

This B usually looks like there is something wrong, but Chu Jiahao knows that this B is definitely in the peek screen.

"Ah? How to see?" Chen Wenyu was in thinking, after a moment, he said.

"Why don't you ban end?"

Small wicket: "..."

I can't talk! !

The mover is not short!

These two individuals will have a novel, if they changed in the Dragon Owen of the Mo.

This has already been exposed on the street! !



The other side is another side.

Back to the hotel's miracle, there is nothing to eat, and you can't wait to return to a slightly messy small meeting room, open the computer.

"Mirror Water Moon!"

Laomi reminds.

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