World champions can do whatever they want

The world champion can be the 234th chapter of what you want.

"... I want to use it."

Huang Haoran.

"But ... Since you have to use our name, you can't lose our miracle face." Lao Xie smiled.

One instant five flavors.

Huang Haoran nodded.

Answer the words, only one word.


He is called the shield of the light.

Miracle, miracle, bright shield.

Well, it's right, it's a lot.

PS: Turning a blind post in the previous chapter, guess a lot of people.

Section 324 322, started.

all in all.

Because there are too many trivial things, the result is that Huang Haoran is coming back, they are still in the training room, and some take out.

When I came to the first night, I hurried in a hurry.

There is money, it is different.

Soon, the next day, the registration procedure has been completed.

The time is getting closer and closer to the game, and there are some feelings of mountain rain.

Instead, in the past few days, Yu Ran and Liu Ziwei have not given three new soldiers, add too many new training tasks.

The most important task these days is a rest.

If you have been tight, you can't relax. In this case, it is actually too much help for the next game.

Many times, the e-sports game seems to be still sitting, but in fact, there is a great body consumption, spiritual, a large number of brain measurements, and partial, such as a large number of operations. A game, it is also a common thing, it is also a common thing. It is also a common thing. Many professional players have hike, such as porridge porridge, his hand injury, it is nothing to do, it is itself He has always played the style of play, causing too much pressure to the hand, and then earlier, China's electronic competitive conditions have limited conditions. The professional player also has a long-term fatigue game, causing a disease, and finally Disease, not a strange thing.

It is Liu Ziwei's operational exercise to restore it in this time.

He itself is a player who is playing a game by brain. If it is forcibly used to recover the state, it will easily disrupt his most basic operational thoughts.

So his restoration training can only pass the feed in the arena, a little bit, slowly hit.

Once the miracle.

Porridge porridge, Liu Ziwei, but also.

Several people say that the world's legendary world legend is created, but it is also a five-year thing. If you count the WOD4 they are absent, go to W0D9, it has been spent in five years, at least More than three large versions of large versions.

The year's competitive peak, technology, consciousness, experience, state.

For five years, I don't know how much stay.

In the past few days ago, I have passed the past few days before the start of the qualifier.


The only improvement is the weapon of the smoke, the end of the dream.

With the help of rich materials, the end of the dream is upgraded to 65.

Use level, level 65.

Equipment quality, orange.

Enables all skills to increase by 15.5%.

Endurance increase, 404 points.

Legendary properties, teeth of the teeth, + 6.

Legendary properties, dark surface level, + 6.

Legendary properties, Ganier's bloom level, +6.

Legendary attribute, burst wound level, + 3.

Legendary properties, glow of dusk +3.

Legendary property, woodland household +3.

As the level improves, the last thing that only only a single attribute is only raised to long, the legendary property is, in fact, the extension of the number of talent points, although there is still no way to specialize in the attributes. Compared with the talents, at least from this point, slowly chase only a gap between less than 20%.

At the end of the dream, it is still a level.

In addition to this.

Other roles in the team, all of the equipment in Hua Haoran inventory is armed.

Homemade dark gold-grade equipment, there is not much to flow in the market, and now, most of them have been gave income in the bag.

The smoke is directly to the glazed wooden wards of the body to the body, and the final GS is 8297, which is less than the attribute that is previously arrived.

No way, the level of the dream of the dream is still some, here is the biggest head of the score.

Secondly, Xia Yaoye GS reached 8335, Einstein 8283, and the old Liu is a small leaves to pick up the chain nail equipment, so his work brave is slightly different, but only 8097. Zhou Xuehan's Breaking Snow has reached the second high and three dark gold equipment of the team, one, or the weapon, GS8367, as for the highest, is the bright shield of Huang Haoran, 8405.

Full team, equipment armed.

Although the number of the average values ​​is equipped with equipment data over 8,600 more than the super club.

These are slightly different from these teams.

However, in the challenge, such hardware is already a proper giants.

No way ... This yellow has money is too rich.

There are things outside the venue, sometimes you are really difficult to use some rules and regulations, to restrict them.

All in all, honest.

One day before the game, the miracle team applied for registration was finally discovered by the people on the network.

As of this day.

The team participating in this challenge has more than 6,000, which can be said to break the entry record of the Devil World Challenge Elevation.

Even the public pre-selected sea election of the WOD event series, the China Division is only more than 3,000 teams.

And there are two simple words such as a miracle, hidden in the name of the high-imitation of the cottage, is really not very conspicuous.


No cottage? Not high imitation?

In fact, after ACE is founded, the name of the professional team is not allowed to appear the same name, including the name, team standard, and team registration.

That is to say, miracles can only use one.

When the miracle was dissolved, many netizens believe that this name should be canceled.

So when this name is excavated by silly netizens.

It was a noisy on the Internet.

Miracle recovery?

Digging for such a long grave, finally dig it?

However, in a moment, I found it.

The role account of the participating team, some of which are people.

Smoke Yantaxia, Einstein, Breaking snow, bright shield, Xia Yaoyou, work brave?

Not ... the original miracle?

A group of silly netizens were completely awkward.

However, netizens who still have eye discovery.

This is not the tenth regions, and all the year round, the oldest anti-Korean Warriors in the new district.

Dragon tail girl!

This discovery once again allowed the network to boil.

Regarding these people, about miracles, there are various rumors, a variety of rumors.

Among them, the most dazzling should be porridge porridge, this B is in a rumor, after a few months broadcast, the popularity is still the top existence of the fighting blade.

Porridge porridge, female anchor, Asian invitation to defeat porridge porridge of the first person END.


That game, isn't it end to put water?

The imagination of netizens is endless, and there is nothing to have a model.

What's more is it now.

For a time, such as apprentices, miracles, a variety of statements, layout.

Why is the smoke in the summer? Why can porridge beat End in Asian Masters? Everything seems to be connected in series.

Because they are not only a genius girl.

They are even a miracle.

Because of the miracle, for the Chinese Devil, it is representative, a hope.

Just in this hustle and bustle.

March 18th, Friday.

CIC China Division Qualifies, officially started.

Online game.

Countless detachments will be killing today.

The new miracle, in the first round of competition, took the first game with six points of victory.

First war, told.

Section 325 323, Yu teacher is in class.

The online game is nothing more than this, online room, separately independent server, with a maximum of a referee supervision.

At other times, there is no different time with the general arena.

Three new soldiers put down the mouse, still somewhat awkward.

How to say it.

Happiness is too sudden, and several children who have come into regular competitions are still someweight.

"Look at Laozi to explode their dog!"

Porridge porridge this B, and also jump.

Liu Ziwei glared at him.

Yu Ran has already left the seat, this time is drilling in the leisure bar, I don't know what to play.

"Is it over?" Huang Haoran still has some difficulties.

"It's over."

Hao Yi held a drink and came over and obliquely.

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