World champions can do whatever they want

The world champion can be the 185th chapter of what you want.

"It is, orange attribute book, all attributes plus five."

Ai Chen suddenly.

Orange attribute book, this thing, it is indeed a lot of use for other careers, but for Yu Ruyi's sputum, that thing is crucial.

Ai Chen really thought about it, and finally shook his head.

"I don't know, most of this map has been cleared, and the completion is 100%, and I haven't heard someone to say, which task will be like this."

The answer is NO.

Yu Ran was silent for a while, but it seems that there is not much disappointment. After a while, it is said.

"No, I feel that according to the Germans of the Devil's official designer, they will not be used in this way halfway ... they definitely have a good arrangement, a completed line, provide it to the waste, this invisible career ... So this The map will definitely have. "

This is what he analyzed with Lao Liu.

When the vulnerabilities on the official setting of the Devil World, they have never been wrong.

"There is no task in the task line in the mission line." He thought, asked again.

Answered him is a bright shield.

"Yes." The shield of the light is nod: "After the task chain of the tidal platform, it will send one, purple, attribute single five."

"Not that task." Yu Ran shook his head.

That task is to bind the role, one role has to be done once, and the dropped attribute book is bound to meet the current specialist attribute attribute book.

That is, that attribute book cannot be traded.

"There is still another task." Yu Ran thought: "" The property book is lost, and it is the level. "

In this way, hundreds of tops in the entire map are not numbered.

Ai Chen wants to think, some are less sure.

"It seems to have one."


"In the following map, I took the task out." Ai Chenfei said: "That task will give the final rating according to the situation you have finished, and the qualification quality of the reward after completion, will also As the score is fluctuating ... but that taste, I heard that someone did a hundred points, but only took this purple. "

She said that she said that she has a little sound.

"... I always feel very similar to the style of the devil designer ..."

"That is that." Yu Nei nodded. "When I remind me."


While talking, a clear task while scattered.

The rank of the shield of the light is actually overflow. At this time, it is helpless, although the property is compressed in the 60th level of the upper limit, but the gorgeous obvious is just from the market, but the equipment, but Also let a group of people clam the monsters and become extra relaxed.

... is that the styles are really unbearable when porridge porridge.

"What is the best light baby in the world ..." Yu Ran no power

"Ah? People in my live broadcast are called." Porridge porridge blinked, express innocent. "Guard the best light baby in the world!"

"Do you have a lot of live recently?" It's a little curious.

"Not broadcast, a broadcast is a variety of rhythm, and it will not be able to play." He muttered. "But although I don't live a live broadcast, the light baby is still in the live broadcast of the rocket, so I will bring him together this time ..."

The shield of the light is behind a thumbs up, grinned a brilliant smile.

"Can you not call the baby." Yuran glared.

"Okay, baby."

Bao your sister!

But Ai Chen quickly played with porridge porridge.

In a short while, the baby's porridge baby shouted.

how to say.

Super evil, there is wood.

The first layer of shoal tasks are still simple, coupled with light babies ... The monster is cut, and the overall integrated leveling speed, but there is no gap when it is in one of himself.

It took about half of the experience to brush, and Yu Ran's mobile phone rang.

He took off the headphones and lifted, he listened to the sound, but he was a child.

"Mom called you to get off work, I went to the third alley in Dongsheng Road to take a good rice noodle."

Yu Ran won the phone with his shoulders and copened, while manipulating the integrity of the game role.

The level of the dream of the dream is indeed necessary to supplement a lot of smoke and light and summer, the damage output is slightly followed, but the whole is still weak.

I heard the ringtone of the ringtones could not be compromised by the autonomous side.



Then I didn't ask.

The earplugs didn't worry again, just sitting side by side, when I chatted with one sentence, more, still in the game, do tasks, practice level.

It's just a few minutes, and Ai Chen suddenly opened.

"According to the shield of the bright shield." Ai Chen thought: "So the night is coming ... is the sixth person in your team, it is absolutely impossible to be because of money, betray you."

Yu Nei nodded.

Although I didn't wear it.

But in fact, at that time, everyone thought about it, it is indeed such an idea.

In the game.

Porridge porridge is still in Po, he has heard from the mouth of Lao Xie, about Hua Haoran to find a park in garbage.

Stupid porridge baby.

PS: Holding the slot! More than 10,000 days! ! I am so hanging!

Section 265 264,!

Fund, it is a matter of interest, this is something, for the career circle, the Electronic Athletic Alliance, has an impact on wood.

The truth is said.

In that era of capital initially injected, a team, the establishment of the club, funds, players, role itself, etc., require a certain level of original funds.

But when the club goes to a certain degree, the concept of money is suddenly a losing role.

For example, if Dad, Dad, is a domestic giant, but the club he has increasing, but it is just in the Grade A league, and it has not been successful.

The role of the top club, equipment, role GS, in fact, there is no difference between each other. Top-level professional players, there is no too large offset in terms of salary.

In other words, to the level of the super club, good players, you don't necessarily buy it, first of all, it is the intention of the player. Even if you forgraw more than a few times, you can buy a chemical reaction with your team, it is also a problem.

Good roles, the same. You can buy a account role, but I have been coming, there is a player to operate is a matter, acting, not suitable is another matter.

There is a sentence in the circle, and the account called yourself has a soul.

Soul knows not to know?

Tower West!

This kind of saying is just a joke, but the previous circle did have a role account and player mix and match, and the result is a precedent.

So most of the time characters will still be bound with players, and practicing the number to better play the level of role itself.

This is not a metaphysics, nor is it superstitious. The operator operates the role of yourself, tacit and proficiency, and it is better than usual.

In the conscious operating system, this is still paying attention to.

Just like the game king! They are not playing, playing, in fact, is a embarrassment between the card group.

In summary, it is a sentence.

In the career circle, the funds are useful, but it is not universal.



in the game.

The task of the first layer is also clear.

In the sea floor in the mission, there is a little less than in the usual area map, walking lightly, half floating in the water.

In the first half of the shoal, you can also see some sunshine, but as the task gets deeper, the light is getting smoother.

Now some people are located, the name is called abandoned coral.

Through the coral line of the generals of the jungle, there is no sunshine.

"The front is the brush strait."

Ai Chen point opened a small map and pointed to it.

This map strengthens people's deep sea phobia, because there is no light, some special terrain triggered, such as caves, marine a class, will look particularly deep.

With the way, the official of the Devil is also biased to set the organisms here.

It is also no wonder that someone leaves a message on BBS. The last version just taught an ancient god, but the version was scared by a Putut-pass shark.

If the helmet is affected by a whole interest, this immersive feeling is more thrilled.

I was originally in the porridge porridge around the team. I didn't know that it was still behind this.

Yu Ran looked at him.

"You haven't done this task?"

Porridge porridge shook his head and said.

"Baby is afraid!"

Yu Ran turned over the eyes.

The criticism has the same porridge porridge, but it is better. Now there is only a bright shield that is waving in front of the team, and the speed is naturally slow.

Ai Chen scratched a small map, thinking about the location, and then got some points on the small map.

"This should be a camp, go there to trim."

Everyone nodded.

In the world map, there are very few towns, mostly in the camps, provided to the player repair equipment, purchase replenishment, and transfer back to the main city.

Most of the camps are some expeditions in station, more like a group of official adventures designed by the Devil ... Because the task plot needs, most NPCs are likely to be able to eat boxes.

Many NPCs who came with you all the way and walked down and suddenly died, but it was very depressed. But the official design of the demon god is as if it is not tired of this.

But because of this, many of the mission in the world will make you feel that this is not an official deliberately design, and something exists in order to brush experience or gold coins. There are many classic tasks inside too interesting so that you don't want it to end, some or too tears, let you don't bear it.

...... Anyway, no matter what to say, angry design is blood.

According to the task link given by Emperor, you will do the level of this area.

Through the brush strait and enter the Guangyuan Canyon.

Next, players are commonly known as middle sea.

NPC is still a tossive explanation.

"This strait, I have never seen someone can come back from the inside, and the stadium is in the middle of the storm, the vortex, it is not careful, it will be involved in the abyss of the abyss, there is no peace!"

This is the plot line that must be listening while walking.

However, it is also a lot of jealousy, saying that there is never seen that someone can survive from the bottom, but after crossing the brush strait, there will be another batch of NPC gathering camps.

Most of the plots are what they have suffered from the sea dislisse, and now they can't go.

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