World champions can do whatever they want

The world champion can be the 166th chapter of what you want.

Boys and boys have listened to the rhythm very slow, they have their own things. When they suddenly think about it, they suddenly think of, sometimes like a cold spot, there is I feel them again ...

Talk about anything.


Quiet for a while.

There seems to be suddenly what I think about.

I only heard Liu Ziwei took a microphone, but the sound of silence was a laughter of a smile.

"... beautiful little morality, ..."

"You are blown!" Lao Si quickly returned.

Thene hahahahahahaha is a madness.

Yuran thought of this B ban, then discovered that two of them were administrators.

And Liu Ziwei is a guy who creates a discussion group, going to the authority, even more.

Yu Ran said, directly got a voice.

Porridge porridge asked something to wait for a group.

I saw the thief to go to the building in the discussion group and said.

"Yu Ran wants women."

Then this mentally hidden porridge was blown out.


Yu Long smiled shook his head, turned, and turned it on.

Time is not early, some o'clock.

Learned, I was still lying on the bed. Ai Chen, and coughed.

"What's wrong?" Ai Chen blinked.

"I have to take a shower." He said that he felled his nose. I always felt that I said this, I was inexplicably tasted.

"Oh." Ai Chen nodded and turned over to continue playing with its own tablet.

not moving at all.

Yu Ran waited for a while, finally can't wait, and took the door board.

"Hey, feed, too much."

Ai Chen sideways, laughing.

"what's happenin?"

"I want to take a shower!" Yu Yao stressed.

"Then you go to wash." Ai Chen replied.

Even how it is another steel straight man, this is a taboo, there should always be.

Ai Chen blinked, it seems that this is just what it is.

"Oh, I always feel that you are porridge porridge."

What is porridge porridge? Good sister.

Emperor bent over, kicked up slippers, when walked to the door, Yu Ran greeted one.

"In fact, I also want to see your women's clothes."

"... rolling."

Yu Ran has been inexplicably laughing by this wave of women's rhythm.

Ai Chen turned to the room, turned back and smiled blinking him.

Until she returned to the room, Yu Ran said helplessly shake his head, find out the dressing, took out the bath towel, walked into the toilet.

This evening is like this.



The biological clock will also be invalid.

This feeling, I slept until I was nearly eleven o'clock next day. When I was washed, I saw it in front of the mirror, probably the convenience of Emperor.

"Wake up, breakfast to help you."

After packing up, under the building, the first floor living room, a few sisters of the red lotus, have been ready to go, the machine configuration has been installed, it seems to be professional.

Yu Ran just went downstairs, he heard Lu Xia Yao shouted.

"You don't walk, there is the camera of the camera."

Yu Ran, a lot of hand, the hand is open.

"There is also ..." Lu Xia Yao shouted again.

How many cameras are there.

It's easy to get around the living room, and the coffee table is really a soy milk strip, but I have long been cold, Yu Ran took the roots, and she didn't have the position of the camera.

Ningyan shouted.


Yu Ran looked up.

"What's wrong, women's clothes!"

"Who told you this." The big sister of Honglian's house glared, but he handed a flat plate: "The anchor league, the finals of the final circle changed."

"Oh?" Yu Ran picked his eyebrows.

The interface brushed on the tablet is a change in the competition of the golden anchor.

Sometimes I always feel that the official plan of the devil is rolled with the wheels. Three days have no things to play my face.

In fact, the change is not big.

The map is still the map of S., is a map, only two teams, live, is the winner.

In this way, it is necessary to enlarge the technical specific gravity in the game.

I really have the super clubs that have been eliminated.

He turned over the battlefield, and the result was a smile that was very unhappy when he turned to the Red Lotus.

Red lotus vs symbol.

how to say.

Hell mode this is?

Several sisters received this group of news than he first received this group. At this time, it was ambiguous.

Yu Ran looked at it, but smiled.

"It's not all already thought, how can I lose it?"

"I want to think so, but I am still very depressed." Zhou Xuehan replied to the most sincere.

Indeed, it is hard to go to this step, no one is not thinking about it.

Yu Ran thought, but it was touched the phone.

A few sisters did not see who he called him, but heard a few times, he heard Yu Ran smiled.

"Xiao Chen."


Ai Chen, who is close to, but heard the sound in the microphone.

It is Chen Wenyu.

Then follow the words, but it is a little little sweet.

"We are ready to be on, how, don't consider put some water?"


There are a stroke of there.

"You see me, take a ticket girl!" Yu Ran said.


"Put some water! If you do you make your personal?"


What is this person saying this? Too shameless, is there a wood?

Chen Wenyu is smiling.

"Sorry, we will win."

"Hey." Yu Ran shook his head and he hoped.

"The negotiation is unsuccessful."

Honglian sisters are not as pairs.

It is a little curious in Lu Xia Yao.

"This means, you have to play?"

Yu Nei nodded and looked at the camera in the living room.

"I went back to the room."

On the one side, I was still in the face, and it was like emphasized.

"I am not a woman!"

I saw him stepped on the stairs and returned to the room.

Section 242 241, ready.

The competition is officially carried out at 3 pm.

About a little more, several sisters in the studio have entered the game.

The game server is set in advance, and the player can fade in the room, freely distributing the properties of the role.

The words are coming back.

Sisters and boys, many times, the concept of players is really different.

For most girls, sometimes the game is not only victory.

They actually prefer to enjoy the process in the game, the little bit of the game encountered, winning, not all.

This is why many girls have never been far from the competitive game.

The four people that become the role are chatting in the preparation of the rest.

I don't know what I mentioned, Lu Xia Yao sighs a little bit of complaints.

"Yu Ran is not there, and it is still some of them."

There are three sisters left in the left.

Indeed, although in the map of the Jedi survive, the weight is critical, but can come to today, several sisters are clear than anyone.

It is Yuran, and they resist them.

And now, is the strongest symbol in China?

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