Working Prophet

Chapter 354 Enemies meet on a narrow road

Taking advantage of his competitors' misfortune, Li Yu certainly wasn't idle either.

With all kinds of unpredictable new missionary methods blooming in the green fields, after a winter and half of spring, the missionary progress in this land was finally almost full.

Now more than 90% of the population in the Arias family's territory are Saturday believers.

Moreover, during this period of time, the Green Field Open Wheat Missionary Activity was held again, and Li Yu discovered more than a dozen good missionary seeds. In addition, this activity could also promote the exchange of experiences among the brothers, which served multiple purposes.

Li Yu has decided to do this as a monthly job.

As nearby villagers converted one after another, most of the warriors temporarily put aside their jobs and began to maintain the operation of the upgrade system.

But always asking them to do this kind of thing would be overkill.

For more than a month, Li Yu has expedited the training of a group of primary school students through the school who know Arabic numerals and can perform simple addition and subtraction, which can fill in some of the vacancies.

This will free up a group of people to continue preaching.

This time, Li Yu set his missionary target outside the green field, but several surrounding lords were obviously quite wary of Li Yu and his Shuangxiu Cult.

The first time Li Yu sent people out, he suffered a setback. Not long after the monks started speaking, they were asked to leave the village by the local defenders.

Since the Arias family and Shuangxiujiao had a recent reputation, the militiamen did not embarrass the people of Shuangxiujiao too much, but they still had their unwelcome written on their faces.

Li Yu was not too surprised.

First, I contacted the lords through Ilea's relationship. Two of them clearly expressed their rejection, and one refused more tactfully. He sent his eldest son to receive the envoy, and his words were quite polite.

But when it came to the missionary matter, the young man in charge of the reception became embarrassed and said that his father had gone hunting and he didn't know when he would be back. He needed to wait until he came back to discuss it.

On the contrary, Black Rock City, which was a little further away, said they could talk.

The head of the Emanuel family, Theodosius, was attacked by the black dragon earlier, lost his wife and young son, and was seriously injured himself.

Now several months have passed, and Theodosius has never shown his face. He only conveys news to the outside world through a loyal housekeeper. Various rumors about him are now everywhere.

Some suspected he was dead, while others said he was paralyzed and unable to get out of bed.

In short, the Emmanuel family is at a very delicate point right now, and several candidates with the right to inherit have been fighting openly and secretly.

Ilea happened to have nothing to do these days, so she went to Black Rock City with Li Yu.

As soon as the carriage of the Arias family arrived outside the city gate, they saw people coming to greet them.

After seeing the appearance of the visitor clearly, Miss Rabbit was also happy. Hey, isn't this a stinky weasel? She had lost a lot of weight after not seeing him for a few months and looked a little haggard.

Angela also saw the rabbit flag of the Arias family from a distance, curled her lips, but reluctantly took two steps forward and said, "Welcome to Black Rock City, Prophet Merlin, Sir Ilea .”

Miss Rabbit opened the car window and said cheerfully, "The Emanuel family is too polite to send you out to welcome me."

Obviously the other side didn't say any harsh words, but Angela felt a little harsh in her ears when she heard it for some reason.

Maybe it's because the dead rabbit was too old to be beaten.

But Angela now shoulders an important mission, and she didn't get angry with Ilea any more.

There is no way, the situation is stronger than the person, wait until the opportunity comes in the future to avenge the previous two times, Angela comforted herself in her heart, and said with a straight face, "My father has prepared a lunch for the two distinguished guests, please also Follow me into the mansion."

Seeing that Miss Huang Weat was so well-behaved, the female lord stopped molesting her and followed her to the City Lord's Mansion.

The Emanuel family is the richest man in the Western Region today, owning two towns, one large and one small, among which Black Rock City is the smaller one.

The head of the family, Theodosius, spent most of his time in another town, but his wife liked Black Rock City and gave birth to a young son for him here.

Then tragedy befell the family. Theodosius has been recuperating here since the attack and has never returned to another town.

This is why many people suspect that he was seriously ill, even dead.

Miss Rabbit didn't care so much, and continued to enjoy the scenery along the road in the carriage.

Although this city is called Blackstone, it is an old name from a long time ago. Merchants from all over the world prefer to call it the City of Gold.

It's not because this place produces gold, it's just because the trade here is very developed.

Yiwu, which is roughly equivalent to Li Yu's plane, is full of many trade opportunities.

When the Emmanuel family first took over this place, this town was still very desolate. However, in just one or two hundred years, the place was filled with unprecedented vitality.

Even the female lord has to admit that these weasels are very good at doing business.

They seem to have some special ability that can turn stone into gold.

Speaking of turning stone into gold, Ilea suddenly slapped her head and took out a bag of peppercorns from under the carriage. Li Yu had agreed with her before to bring two pounds of pepper every twenty days.

She sells it and the income is shared equally between them.

Although the female lord was much richer now, she did not miss this business. She ordered Thomas who was accompanying him to take two bags of pepper to the market and sell them.

Angela felt quite contemptuous when she heard about this scene. A country bumpkin is a country bumpkin. Even if he is rich, he is just a rich country bumpkin. When he came to his city as a guest, he still did not forget to bring some local products for sale.

Wait, Angela thought of something, and her face darkened again.

It doesn't matter that this damn rabbit sells pepper to Black Rock City every day. The key is that he never pays taxes.

This time, he was blatantly selling it in front of her. Angela didn't believe she would pay taxes this time.

Miss Huang Weasel almost wanted to send a few tax officials to the market to arrest the knight of the Arias family, so that everyone could get the stolen goods together.

But in the end, I resisted this tempting thought.

Forget it, the Emmanuel family is not short of this little money. There are more important things at the moment, and Angela can only pretend not to see them.

The group soon arrived at the largest mansion of the Emmanuel family in the city.

After entering the door, the first thing that came into view was a golden statue as tall as a person, which almost blinded Miss Rabbit's eyes. After she looked up again, she saw all kinds of strange plants in the garden that she had never heard of before.

The female lord did not hesitate to praise her, saying with emotion, "What a beautiful yard."

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