Working Prophet

Chapter 289 Start the adjustment!

The first person to appear was a soldier whose Christian name was Abton. He was also one of the survivors of the Wetting family, and he was also the oldest one. He was now in his early 200s.

However, his body and bones are still very strong, otherwise he would not have been able to withstand five years in prison and the subsequent wanderings.

After he came on stage, he first bowed to Li Yu, then bowed to Ilea, then picked up the microphone on the stand and started his sermon.

Li Yu had some impression of Abton. Before joining Shuangxiu Cult, the Weiting family had always believed in Poseidon Claudius, and Claudius's sect on the Bratis continent was called Poseidon Temple.

The Weiting family has always been the largest sponsor behind Poseidon Temple and donates a large amount of property to Poseidon Temple every year. In return, the sea maidens of the Poseidon Temple will also pray for the ships and warriors of the Weting family to go to sea, and grant them the ability to fear no wind and waves.

Abton is the person in charge of this matter from the Weiting family. Although he is not a priest, because he often interacts with Poseidon Temple, he has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running away. The process is very familiar.

After he became a monk, he imitated those Ama and gave sermons, but the effect could only be said to be average. Mainly because Saturday had no affinity with Claudius, and the stuff from the Poseidon Temple was a bit acclimated to Shuangxiu.

For example, Abton insists on preaching barefoot. This trick used by haenyeo is certainly very eye-catching, especially when standing in front of a group of vigorous sailors. However, Abton is over 200 years old, and his feet are not attractive. , and it’s cold in the west. He always walks around with bare legs like this, which makes people worry that he will get frostbite sometime.

Perhaps encouraged by Li Yu's previous unrestricted approach, Oton did some new tricks this time besides going barefoot.

He brought a bucket of water up, carved the totem of Shuangxiujiao on the bucket, and muttered something.

After that, he asked for an egg from the believers below and threw it into the bucket. The next moment, a miracle happened. The egg did not sink into the bucket, but just floated on the water!

This magical scene made everyone exclaim in exclamation. Even Miss Rabbit couldn't help but stretch her neck, wondering if there was some mechanism hidden in Kangkang's bucket.

As if he knew what the others were thinking, Otton smiled slightly and pushed the barrel to the ground. There was nothing in it except water.

Abton then raised the barrel and showed it to everyone inside and out, but no one could find anything unusual about it. In the end, Abton even broke the egg that was about to come, and the egg white inside Both with the egg yolk, there is also no fake.

Miss Rabbit is the first to raise the wooden sign, 10 points. Must be 10 points!

Adele hesitated for a moment and also gave a high score of 8 points. Hera raised the sign for the third time and also scored 8 points. As for Li Yu, it was obvious at a glance that this was a buoyancy experiment.

Otton probably added salt to the water to increase the density so that the eggs would not sink.

In his universe, this is basically a well-known thing, but in Bratis, there is no nine-year compulsory education, and ordinary people are not luxurious enough to use salt for research, so it is not surprising that they would be frightened. .

Li Yu guessed that this was probably a trick of Poseidon God. They lived by the sea and could easily detect this phenomenon, but now they were kidnapped and stole the teacher.

Li Yu himself did not object to this approach, because it was written in the teachings of Shuangxiu Sect that Saturday had spread some of his divine power into the world, and all the world had to do was find ways to utilize these divine powers.

It was his ability to find Abton. The only drawback was that the content of his sermon and the miracle he showed at the end were not well combined. This is why Li Yu only gave it 7 points.

But the cheers from the audience were still very powerful after that, reaching 90 decibels, which converted into a public score of 25 points. The final score of Otton was 58 points, which is already a very good result.

Abton obviously knew this on his face, and there was a hint of joy on his face. He bowed to thank him, put the microphone back on the stand, and walked down to put on his boots.

After him came the young soldier nicknamed Thrush.

He still brought his lyre with him, and he had previously chosen to preach through singing. The news reached Quintus's ears, which made him half angry to death.

Quintus could not accept such a frivolous way of preaching, and he heard that the Thrush was singing off-key, causing everyone around him to burst into laughter.

But this time, as soon as he stood on the stage, the believers below who had heard his last sermon couldn't help laughing.

The thrush couldn't help but become a little nervous when he heard the laughter, and he hurriedly plucked the lyre twice.

As the melodious sound of the piano played, his spirit relaxed again.

Thrush believes that this time he will not be as embarrassed as last time, because he is no longer what he used to be.

In the past ten days, he has been practicing hard, studying the high-traffic short videos that Li Yu brought from another universe, constantly absorbing nutrients from them, and consciously benefiting a lot.

What's more important is that he realized at a young age that the shortcut to creation is plagiarism.

No, his new song is here.

As the familiar prelude sounded, the others were still waiting for the thrush to speak, but on the other side, Li Yu's legs began to shake uncontrollably.

There is no way, conditioned reflex, the power of Douyin Divine Comedy is like this.

You can say that it is nutritious, or that it is not music at all, but the problem is that it is so magical, and as long as you listen to that melody once, it will be engraved into your bones.

It's like being hit by a powerful curse that can't be shaken off.

What Thrush is singing now is the best of this kind of saliva songs, the king among kings, "Wild Wolf Disco" from my old uncle.

It's really hard for him to be able to play such a dynamic melody on the lyre.

With the thrush's song "Come to the left and draw a parasol with me, come to your right to draw a beach!" the song sounded on the stage, and Northeast rap made its debut in Greenfield for the first time!

When later generations of musicians recall this day, they will definitely say that it was at this time that the thrush opened another new era in the music history of the Bratis continent.

But being a founder and a trailblazer always comes with a price.

Leaving aside the widely abused Li Yu, others don't actually think that Thrush's singing is very nice at this time. Instead, they have a strange feeling. The passion is quite passionate, but the melody seems too Single, nothing has changed.

At the end of the song, Thrush sang with sweat and enthusiasm, but the audience was silent.

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