Working Prophet

Chapter 282 Father and Daughter

Jin Tong did not put Clara into a sack like he had kidnapped Li Yu.

He helped the little maid climb onto the horse's back, and then he also got on the horse, grabbing the reins. The big brown horse sneezed, and stepped forward at the urging of its owner.

Soon the oncoming cold wind startled Clara.

When she went out, she thought it was just a short trip, and she didn't expect to ride a horse, so she didn't wear a particularly windproof cloak.

Seeing this, Jin Tong took out a blanket from behind her buttocks and threw it to the little maid.

"Thank you." Clara said. She wrapped herself up with the sheepskin blanket, leaving only her head outside. She felt her body getting warm all of a sudden, and then she looked around curiously.

"Are we... heading towards Teacup Castle?"

"That's right."

"But Merlin and the Black Dog Guard are also there right now, as well as the warriors of the Arias family."

"That's why no one thought we'd get out of there."

Jin Tong paused, then continued, "Last time, we evacuated from the south through the Popo family's territory, but Merlin will definitely focus on monitoring that direction this time."

"Then you can still go north."

"..." Jin Tong was silent.

Clara didn't quite understand why Jin Tong reacted like this at first, but it soon dawned on her, "You are afraid of the Prophet Merlin."

Jin Tong did not deny it, "I am already a hundred years old. For the past hundred years, I have been an unbeliever. I did not believe in those weird things at all. Until that night, I met him and saw with my own eyes his transformation from there. I ran across a stream and my feet were on the water without sinking at all.

"I... couldn't understand what I saw for the first time, and it didn't matter. Later, I obviously caught him, but he still disappeared from under my eyes. It was a real disappearance, without any signs. The kind that just disappeared suddenly, as if it had turned into air."

"Yeah, yeah, I understand, the prophet is not from our world. He can move around freely in the Kingdom of God and the mortal world." The little maid said, "I often see him disappear."

"After I went back, I got to know some things about him. Before, I always thought that it was just rumors spread by some fools in the countryside, but now I can't tell which are rumors and which are the truth."

Jin Tong said, "I have faced countless enemies in my life, but there is no opponent that I can't see through, so I must be very cautious when facing him, and I can't make any mistakes."

"You can actually choose not to compete with him." Clara suggested.


"It feels much happier to be a companion with Merlin than to be his enemy. Miss Ilea should feel this the most."

"Really? It's a pity that he and I can only be enemies, not friends." Jin Tong said.

"Don't be so absolute." Clara said, "I know a person, he is very similar to you, he is not a good person, but he is not very bad, and he joined the weekend religion in the end."

"You seem to have misunderstood something. The reason why I gave you the blanket just now was not because my conscience is still weak, but because the person who gave me the order asked me to take you back intact."

Jin Tong said coldly, "You are no different from a piece of goods in my eyes. And I can assure you that there is absolutely no one worse than me in this world. The blood on the hands of the person you know probably It’s not as much as my change.”

Clara closed her mouth when she heard this.

At first, Jin Tong thought that the little maid was finally scared, but after a while, Clara asked again, "Where are your companions? You attacked Prophet Merlin that night, many of them Bar."

"They have other things to do... The more people involved in this operation, the easier it is to be exposed. It is easier for me to succeed alone."

"What's going on?" Clara became curious again.

"This has nothing to do with you."

"Oh." The little maid asked another question, "Then where will we stay tonight? Are we going to sleep in the wilderness..."

Jin Tong was a little annoyed by the question, "Didn't you hear what I said just now, I am a bad guy who kills without batting an eyelid, not only men, I also kill women, old people, and even infants who are still in their infancy. I won’t let you go, aren’t you afraid?”

"But you also said that you were following orders, and the person who ordered you asked you to take me back intact." The little maid blinked.


Jin Tong just wants to give himself two mouths now, why did he have to say those two more words just now.

Clara then asked about her captors.

Jin Tong only said that it was an important person, and he would know when he saw that person.

Before they knew it, the two had already approached Teacup Castle. Jin Tong squinted his eyes, and could even see the drone floating above the castle, which was another magical creation he had never seen before.

Jin Tong was instinctively wary and repulsed by those iron birds that could fly, so he didn't stop any longer, and immediately rode his horse and walked into the woods beside him.

Since the people in the nearby villages basically ran to watch Ilea's initiation ceremony, and the guards of the Arias family were also stationed around the Teacup Castle, there were no people in the woods at the moment, and it was very quiet.

Coupled with Jin Tong's detours and detours, he chose to walk in remote places, and the journey went smoothly unexpectedly. Seeing that he was about to walk out of the forest, Jin Tong's hanging heart was slightly relieved.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the trees nearby.

Then an old farmer emerged from there, holding a hare and a simple trap in his hand.

Their eyes met, both sides were shocked.

Jin Tong didn't expect to meet anyone else here, and that person would also see him and Clara.

As for the old farmer, it was because he hunted privately without telling the lord, and he caught rabbits, an animal that was protected on the Arias family's territory.

He didn't expect to be hit by someone, so he was a little at a loss for a moment.

A flash of murderous intent flashed in Jin Tong's eyes. He had already considered killing someone and silenced him, and he had already put one hand on the hilt of the sword, but the next moment Clara's voice sounded.

"Father, one more thing is worse than one less thing. Aren't you going to take me to Black Rock City to buy a puppy? Let's go quickly."

Hearing this, Jin Tong was silent for a long time, and finally removed the hand holding the sword, nodded, and stopped looking at the old farmer, and rode past the man's eyes.

The old farmer also breathed a sigh of relief, looked around again, put the hare in his arms, and hurriedly left the woods in the other direction.

Hmm, coding is a bit slow today, I guess there is only one update.

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