Working Prophet

Chapter 274 Spellcasting and Chanting

"You... you must have been bribed by the Shuangxiu teacher!" Black Hammer shouted, trying to overpower the voice of the Common Language teacher, "This is what they are best at! Paying people to listen to their nonsense .”

However, the next moment he saw Anton take off the woolen robe he was wearing, and then took off the blouse underneath, revealing a jagged body with several strips of cloth tied around his chest.

Then the Common Language teacher tore off the bloody cloth strips.

A hideous and terrifying wound more than ten centimeters long appeared in front of everyone!

Anton made a big move just now, touching the wound that had just been stitched up a short time ago. As a result, blood oozed from it, but he seemed to feel no pain at all.

The Common Language teacher's eyes were red, and he kept blowing out hot breath from his nostrils, "No, what really pushed me to Shuangxiujiao was this sword. Do you see this wound? This is a gift from the Silver Moon Church to me. !”

As he spoke, he pushed away a herbalist who wanted to come up and re-bandage him, and roared, "No, I want everyone to know now what the consequences of being a dog for Picia are!

"That bitch will use sweet words to drain you completely, and then kick you away when you are no longer useful! Yes, that's what they do, they have always done it! These hypocritical bugs!!!"

Anton's words were too vulgar, not only Hei Hammer and Jiller, but even Ilea who was beside him were dumbfounded.

He secretly called the maid who had been taking care of the common language teacher before, and asked her what happened.

According to the latter, Anton's temperament changed drastically after relying on the magic medicine of Shuangxiu Sect to get out of danger about four days ago.

He was no longer as gentle and elegant as before, lying on the bed, not speaking, just staring at the wooden beams of the roof with his round eyes.

The people who came to deliver the food were startled by his appearance.

The maid kept trying to communicate with Anton, but the latter had no reaction at all to her words, so much so that the maid even wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

Until not long ago, Anton heard the quarrel outside the window, and suddenly asked the maid what happened outside. After hearing this, he asked the maid to find him a stick, and struggled to get up from the bed.

Regardless of his injuries, he staggered out.

Then, the scene just now happened.

Miss Rabbit had finished listening, but she still couldn't understand why the Common Language teacher became like this.

If Li Yu were standing here, he would tell her that this phenomenon is usually called losing followers and returning followers.

Facts have proven that the most ruthless people are often the same people as the ones who loved the most before.

That sword attack that night obviously allowed Anton to break through his defense.

The Common Language teacher loved Silver Moon Church so much before, but now she hates it deeply.

At this moment, there was even one against a hundred. He stood there shirtless and vigorously exchanged insults with hundreds of Pisiya's devout believers from a distance, and he actually had the upper hand!

However, considering that he had just recovered from a serious illness, he was still very weak now, and it was freezing outside, and she was afraid that something would happen to him again, so Ilea asked the guards to take him back to the castle by force.

In the end, it took three soldiers to subdue Anton, and when he was dragged away, the Common Language teacher was still yelling as hard as he could. His voice echoed over the green field and lingered for a long time.

Seeing that the big troll was finally taken away, Black Hammer breathed a sigh of relief. He could finally wipe the sweat from his forehead and was about to continue talking.

However, the next moment, he heard a strange buzzing sound above his head.

Black Hammer looked up and saw an iron-skinned gray bird with three eyes flying over his head.

The eye in the middle of the gray bird is still moving, and it's indescribably weird.

Black Hammer stared at it for a second, only to feel that his hands and feet were cold, and his back felt chilly, as if his energy was being sucked away by it, so he quickly turned his head.

But soon he saw a second one, a third one... a total of four three-eyed birds in the sky.

After Li Yu was promoted, his reimbursement amount also increased a lot. In addition, with the completion of the windmill and mill, there was a place to generate electricity, so he was equipped with three more drones.

This time they were released together.

Not just Black Hammer, it was also the first time for many people to see the legendary three-eyed bird. Some were curious, some were afraid, and some knelt down to worship on the spot...

Although they don't know what the purpose of these iron birds is, both nobles and commoners are deeply attracted by this scene at this moment, feeling the mystery and power of Shuangxiujiao.

While everyone's attention was focused on the four drones, another person in the crowd took off the hood on his head and walked out quietly.

Because Ilea was familiar with Li Yu's gadgets, she was not as shocked as others, so she was the first to notice the visitor and was startled again.

"Little hamster, what are you doing here?"

"Do what I should have done a long time ago." Adele bit her lip and whispered.

At this time, Priest Gil also turned his attention from the drone to the visitor, and let out a light sigh, "Aren't you the priestess who was expelled from the church for deceiving believers?"

His words were heard by some Pisiya believers, and the boos and curses suddenly started again.

After the Silver Moon Church's unremitting publicity during this period, Adele's reputation has been completely tarnished and she has become like a rat on the street.

As long as she shows up, she will inevitably be abused by the believers, and some people will pick up stones from the ground, but seeing the shining weapons in the hands of the guards of the Arias family, their feverish heads are a little more sober. Not thrown out.

But Miss Rabbit is still worried about her close friend.

She could guess what Adele's little head was thinking at the moment, and the former priest obviously hoped to do something for the Shuangxiu Church and her.

It's just that the hostility that Adele faces is much greater than that of the Common Language teacher.

Jill has been fanning the flames, and the noise in the crowd is getting louder. Even if she speaks now, no one can hear what she is saying.

In fact, at this moment, the little Adele looked as if she was about to be overwhelmed by all kinds of swear words.

Miss Hamster seemed a little flustered under such a great pressure, but she still smiled at the female lord who was always worried about her.

Then he took out a small black bucket with a wide front and a narrow back from behind.

This is the sacred artifact she obtained from Li Yu a few days ago, in order to cope with the situation in front of her.

Adele turned on a button that said on\\off, and then clicked the + button on the far right more than a dozen times.

Putting his mouth together, imitating Li Yu's appearance, he uttered a few syllables with unknown meanings.

Completed the chant before casting the spell.

The next moment, the spell called "Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey" also activated the holy artifact in her hand, and the sound from the other end was a hundred times louder than her own, resounding through the entire green field at once.

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